Agenda, Gov School Staff Follow-Up Meeting, 2010
Morrill 107
8:00-9:30 (ish)

  1. Approval of previous meeting minutes. (See email attachment.)
  2. Announcements
  3. New BB site #1:Gov School Business (for committee and staff all year long)
  4. New BB site #2: Gov School In-Session (for instructors and students while program is actually underway).
  5. Other
  6. General Assessment of this Year’s Program
  7. PlanningProcess

Much to address here—though we might focus on a few procedural specifics, and postpone general issues until we’ve hashed out #4 below.

  1. Execution
  • How would you describe your experience of the program as it proceeded?
  • Program bloopers & low points.
  • Program successes.
  1. Gov School Future

This is a biggy. Questions to resolve (in this and/or future meetings):

  1. How interested is the department as a whole in Gov School, and what should be the department’s degree of involvement?(Seeemail attachment: draft of department survey.)
  2. What is the purpose of such a program?
  3. How do we achieve that purpose? What financial, professional, and administrative means are required? What will be the department’s role per se in the program, since Gov School is, strictly speaking, not a department entity?Can we achieve the purpose(s) we eventually identify?
  4. Can the program be sustained? Should it be?
  1. In light of whatever discussion ensues from the above, what’s next? How often and when should the committee meet? Who will make up the committee this fall?
  2. Other agenda items?

Our New BB Sites (Preliminary Sketch)

Gov School Business BB

  • For committee, staff, and department
  • Possibly to be modeled on an upcoming Gov School-at-large BB site. Here’s a peek:
  1. Documents
  2. Procedural (centralized & editable program schedule; staff contact info; meeting calendars; meeting agenda & minutes; templates of all kinds—evaluations, surveys)
  3. Financial (budget, contracts)
  4. Pedagogical (teaching resources for general staff use, including samples of student work)
  5. Daily Log: continuity reports (how did a session go? advice for upcoming sessions?) and general welfare reports (students’ current mood? illness or social issues? academic progress?).
  6. Pub: a place to jot any and all ideas, suggestions, questions regarding the program. Brainstorm.Vent. Drink virtual beer.
  7. What else should this site contain?

Gov School In-Session BB

  • For instructors and students while program is actually underway.
  • A more developed version of what we currently have?