2011-2012 Connections Process Application

School District: Lafayette Parish School System

School: Acadian Middle, L.J. Alleman Middle, Paul Breaux Middle, Broussard

Middle, Carencro Middle, Judice Middle, Lafayette Middle, Edgar Martin Middle, Milton Elem/Middle, David Thibodaux Career & Technical High School, Scott Middle, Youngsville Middle

Program “pull-outs” will be housed at the W. D. Smith Career Center.



Contact Person (name and title): Burnell LeJeune, Director

Career and Technical Education/ Schools of Choice

Fax: 337-521-7120 Phone: 337-521-7112

Address: PO Drawer 2158; Lafayette, LA 70502-2158


  • District Coordinator Burnell LeJeune, Director

Career and Technical Education/Schools of Choice

  • Lead Teacher: Diane Andrus, Lead Teacher for Alternative Programs
  • JAG Specialist/Mentor:Wesley Dehm, JAG Specialist
  • Mentor: Student Ratio: 1 to 15
  • Counselor: TBA
  • Certified Teachers (list names and subject areas):
  • Arnold, Joseph Modular Technology
  • Broussard, LindseyArt w/assistant
  • Davy, Dustin Basic Construction
  • Garofalo, Janna Remedial English
  • Luckey, Norma Jean Music; Jazz/Rock Ensemble
  • Merritt, PaulaPlato (Computer) Lab
  • Ormston, Barbara Journey to Careers
  • Roger, Judy Reading Specialist
  • Wiltz, TonyaRemedial Math
  • Banks, Vergie Art
  • Stevens, SandraRemedial ELA w/assistant
  • TBA Remedial Math w/assistant
  • TBA Reading Specialist w/assistant
  • Teacher: Student Ratio 1 to 15


In no more than 10 pages, describe your plans for the following elements of the Connections Process:

  1. Student Selection
  2. Academic and Behavioral Monitoring
  3. Mentoring
  4. Intense and Targeted Interventions
  5. Career Readiness
  6. Postsecondary Plans
  7. Orientation
  8. Ongoing Parent Meetings
  9. Assessments
  10. Other Elements (ex. Accelerated Student Achievement Pathways, Distance Learning, Dual Enrollment)



The TABE Locator Test will begiven to all middle school studentswho will be 15 by 9/30/2011 and two or more years behind academically. Students will be tested in May of the prior school year.

Middle Schools will receive the Connections application packets during the month of May. The packet will consist of a parent consent form a student referral form which willinclude documentation in regards to academics, discipline, health test history.

Applications will be due in August of thecurrentschool year and forwarded to the Lead Teacher at the W. D. Smith Career Center.

Interviews/orientationfor parents & students will be conducted at the beginning of the school year at which time the “Louisiana Connections Participation Form” will be completed.

The “student profile” form will be used to select students for the 8th Grade Connections Program. The document uses a rubric system that ranks students. Components on the “student profile” form include age, previous year’s attendance/discipline, teacher recommendation, parent/student interview, family crisis, and standardized test history.

The program will service 90 regular education students and 45 students identified with an IEP.

REQUESTING THE SERVICES OF 8th Grade Connections- 2011-2012


May– August 18, 2011 – Middle Schools “prepare” 8th Grade Connectionsapplications

An “8th Grade Connections” folder/file should be maintained at each middle school to collect all applications documents. Applications can be submitted before the August 18thdeadline.

Thursday, August 18, 2011 – Applications due at the W. D. Smith Career Center by 12:00

Attn: Diane Andrus, Lead Teacher Alternative Programs

Aug. 19 to Aug. 24, 2011–8th Grade Connections Committee schedules interviews students;

Orientation for parents & students will be held at this time also...

Thursday, August 25, 2011 – Interviews completed, selections made…middle school

counselors will be contacted w/ “8th Grade Connections”


Friday, August 26, 2011 – 8th Grade Connections classes begin


Report Cards will be prepared and issued every six weeks.

TABE Test results, course grades, scores from Plato LAB, and STAR Reading Assessments will be utilized.

A review of previous year’s academic, attendance & discipline reports will be utilized. Previous standardized test scores will be reviewed and analyzed by staff.

Staff will monitor current attendance & discipline reports.

Documentation will be recorded on the “Student Intake/Exit Form”.

Each student will have an “Individual Prescription for Instruction” (IPI)

Each student will be regularly monitored on his progress and instruction and interventions will be adjusted based on his progress. This monitoring will occur every two weeks. The student’s Connections Profile folder will be used as a reference.

An assigned Connections team will meet with each student once every nine weeks to review academic progress and address deficiencies. “Parent/Teacher Conferences” (fall semester)which will be scheduled by the LPSS will be used as a meeting date. A meeting will also be plannedat the end of the year to review placement for the upcoming school year. Parents will be invited to each of these meetings.

The Lead Teacher will monitor each student’s Connections Profile folder.

The Lafayette Parish School System’s positive behavior plan will be implemented.

The Lafayette Parish School System’s discipline matrix will be followed. Infinite Campus (LPSS Student Information System) will be used to monitor a student’s discipline record.

A full time resource officer will be recommended for hire to provide mentoring services and behavioral intervention.

School counselor will provide classroom lessons, as well as individual and small group sessions to support academic and behavioral progress.


Mentoring Sessions will be 40 minutes per week for all students.

Mentors will provide ongoing student support throughout the school year based on each student’s needs (progress monitoring).

Mentors will monitor a student’s academic, attendance, & behavioral progress along with discussing any concerns with the student.

Mentors will include a student’s homeroom teacher, Journey to Careers teacher, JAG specialists, Lead Teacher and administrative staff.

School counselor will provide individual/small group sessions.


A Reading Specialist will focus on intervention strategies for reading.

Instruction in Math & ELA Remediation will be fully implemented.

A fully operational Plato Lab-Computer Assisted Program will be available.

A STAR Reading Program (Accelerated Reading) will be available.

All students will be scheduled into electives (art, music, modular technology, and “construction zone”)that will hopefully motivate them to attend school and incorporate skills that are essential to Math, English and Reading

Adventure Based Counseling (ABC)-to facilitate social/ emotional learning, personal growth, and behavioral change will be researched by the district.

Classroom, group and individual lessons will be prepared and delivered by a full time counselor.

A full time resource officer will be proposed for hire to provide mentoring services and behavioral intervention.


Journey to Careers will be a required elective for all students.

A JAGSpecialist will work with qualifying students on workplace skills.

Work Skill Training Components will be utilized where applicable.

LA Rehabilitation Services (LRS) will be utilized for students with a current IEP.

School counselor will provide Career Readiness activities through LA ePortal, classroom lessons, and on an individual basis.


Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) – 8th Grade Level

LA ePortal in association with Journeys to Careers

ACT Explore Testing

SPED Program – postsecondary goals are discussed at IEP meeting when a student is 15 years old


An orientation held at the beginning of the schoolyear in which parents/students/teachers & staff will meet to discuss program expectations, guidelines, and bus transportation. The orientation will include power point presentations, handouts regarding expectations/guidelines, displays of student’s projects from previous years, a question & answer session, and one on one session with parents/students to discuss classes/scheduling.

The orientation process will be repeated as needed to keep parents and students informed and following the programs guidelines.


A parent meeting will be held every nine weeks & at the end of the school year.

Parents will be invited to attend each meeting that is held when the Connections staff meets with a student to review academic progress and address deficiencies each nine weeks.

A district wide “Parent/Teacher Conference” (fall semester) will be scheduled by the Lafayette Parish School System.

Parent meetings will be held as needed and set up by administration/staff.

School counselor will provide parent workshops as needed.


Teacher made assessments

TABE Testing – Locator test, at the beginning of the school year, mid-semester and the end of the school year

8th Grade LEAP Test and LAA 2

Star Reading Assessment

Plato LabAssessments

LEAP Practice Test

EdusoftPractice Test (Designed by the district)

ACT ExploreTest

 Review 360 – SPED Program

Connections Profile Folder

10. OTHER ELEMENTS (Accelerated Student Achievement Pathways, Distance Learning, Dual Enrollment)

Accelerated Student Achievement Pathways is currently being developed by the district.

Distance Learning will be evaluated by curriculum staff.

E2020 has been implemented on a limited basis in the district.



Contact Person (name and title): Burnell LeJeune, Director

Career and Technical Education/ Schools of Choice

Fax: 337-521-7120 Phone: 337-521-7112

Address: PO Drawer 2158; Lafayette, LA 70502-2158


Lead Teacher: Charles Domingue

JAG Specialist/Mentor: Albert Marcel (pending state training and approval)

Mentor: Student Ratio: 1 to 15

Counselor: TBA

Certified Teachers:

○ ELA and Math TeachersTBA

○ IBC and State Approved Skills Teachers


a)GED/IBC Tier I - Connection students score a 7.0 or greater in reading on the TABE and committee review

b)Skills Certificate – Connection students score a 6.9 or less in reading on the TABE and committee review

c)High School Diploma –Pass LEAP. Placement in the high school is based on the committee review. Options will include the Career Diploma, Basic Core, or ASAP.

Please Note: 2011 – 2012 – Current Options students will transition into the Connections Exiting Pathways


+TABE will be administered mid-year and at the end of the year. Results will be used for the completion of the IPI.

+Academic report card will be developed and issued every six weeks.

+Every student will have a detailed skill assessment utilizing the PLATO software system.

+The Connections committee will evaluate academic performance every nine weeks. Parents and students will be invited to attend these meetings.

+Each student will be assigned a mentor.

+The district’s Positive Behavior Support Program will be utilized where applicable.


+Every student will be assigned a mentor. The mentor will be responsible for all duties identified by the State Department’s “Connections Process Handbook”.

+The mentor ratio will not exceed 15-1.

+The mentor will be required to spend 40 minutes per week with the student.

+Mentors assigned to the Pathways program will include a certified counselor, a JAG Specialist, a school resource officer, school administrators, and the certified instructors on staff.

+Community mentors will be used when possible to work with students on a 1-1 ratio.


+All students will receive targeted instruction in math, ELA, Reading, Science, Social Studies, and Writing. Every teacher’s classroom will be equipped with the PLATO software system. TABE and IEP’s will be used to guide the individualized instruction.

+Instruction will include individualized, whole and small group, peer tutoring and computer assisted.


+Career readiness will be offered through JAG, work-based learning activities, IBC/State Approved Skills Certificate electives, and/or dual enrollment.

+All students will receive soft skills training through mentoring.

+Job placement opportunities will be explored where applicable.

+Journey to Careers or additional soft skill training will be incorporated into the instruction for the state approved skills certificates and IBC’s.

+Business and industry speakers will be utilized whenever applicable.

+The full time counselor will provide career development lessons throughout the school year.

+Students with disabilities will be provided services through the Louisiana Rehabilitation Services.

+An IEP Transition Coordinator will be assigned to students with disabilities.


+ The full time counselor will conduct group and individual lessons on post-secondary planning. A post-secondary plan, including academic preparation and assessment, will be developed for each student in coordination with the parent and student.

+ All IBC and Skills Certificate instructors are being encouraged to credential for dual enrollment credit through the technical college system. This will allow students to earn post-secondary credit while in high school courses.


+A mandatory orientation will be required for the parents and students during the first week of school. During the orientation, the required elements of the Connections – Pathways will be fully explained. In addition, all required forms will be completed.


+Parents will be invited to attend the committee review every nine weeks.

+Parents will be contacted for individual meetings as needed.

+The parents will be invited to an open house at the beginning of the school year for review of IBC and/or Skills Certificate Programs.

+Counselor will provide parent workshops as needed.



+PLATO Software System

+Key Train/ Workkeys

+Report Cards

+GED Half-test where applicable

+Skills Certificate criteria mastery

+IBC tests where applicable


Accelerated Student Achievement Pathways is currently being developed by the district.

Distance Learning will be evaluated by curriculum staff.

E2020 has been implemented on a limited basis in the district.


Initial each item that follows and sign below.

_____ Students entering this process will be at least fifteen years old, or will reach fifteen

by September 30 (beginning in 2011-12 school year); AND

_____ The student is two or more grade levels behind academically.

_____ The parent/guardian and student have had the requirement elements of the

Connections Process, as listed below, explained to them.

School administrator must initial to verify the following required elements:

_____ A one day orientation will be provided the first week of school which the student

and the parent will be required to attend.

_____ Each student will be provided with a committee of educators which the student

and the parent will be invited to attend. The group will meet every nine weeks.

_____ The student will be regularly monitored on his progress, and instruction and

interventions will be adjusted based on his progress. This monitoring will occur every two weeks.

_____ The student will be TABE tested before entering the Connections Process, at mid-

year and thereafter according to the required schedule.

_____ The student will be given the 8th grade LEAP test or LAA 2 (if applicable).

_____ The student will be provided intervention strategies in reading and math while in

Connections to increase his proficiency and ability to work toward a diploma.

_____ The student will be provided a positive learning environment and will be provided

behavioral intervention strategies to improve any discipline or attendance issues he may be having. These strategies will be monitored every nine weeks.

_____ The student will be provided career readiness skills to help him choose a career


_____ The student will be provided with a mentor and they will meet together at a

minimum of 40 minutes per week.

_____ The student will be provided certified teachers based on the courses being taught.

_____ The student will be provided an Individual Graduation Plan.

Burnell LeJeune, Director

Career and Technical Education/

Schools of Choice





For LDOE Use Only


Elements / Satisfactory / Needs
Improvement / Unsatisfactory / Comments
Student Selection
Academic and Behavioral Monitoring
Intense and Targeted Interventions
Post-Secondary Plans