Scriptural Spiritual Warfare
Part III
Putting It Into Practice
Deliverance: This simple procedure, based strictly on authority backed by Abba, has become very complicated by overactive imaginations of Charismatic Christians. Accompanied by screaming at the Devil, carrying a bucket for people to vomit in, and all sorts of hocus pocus rituals, few look at the Word and practice what Messiah and His Apostles demonstrated. Some play games with the spirits, and the spirits end up jumping on them like they did on the sons of Sceva. Most of what charismatic Christianity teaches as “intercession” and “spiritual warfare” is no more than zeal without knowledge, at the least, and witchcraft at the most…but certainly NOT backed by Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel. This is why the “sons of Sceva” scenario happens so much. Sceva was a Torah-guarding priest, and most likely his sons were also. But, in their zeal without knowledge, not to be outdone by the Apostles, they stepped into an arena that was way out of their league. Again, I emphasize, do not step beyond your boundaries that are backed by Abba Yahuweh, and do not get into the “flesh” in your zeal, for only those under the Spirit’s strict control on all they say and do, who are trusted to be backed by Yahuweh, will be able to speak with authority and get rid of the enemy. Unless you are living as a servant, hearing from the Master and obeying on a daily basis, you are not qualified to enter into the battle of the ages.
In this final study on the subject of spiritual warfare, for now that is, I become intensely personal. The reason being only one—that we are entering a battle to the death, where the enemy won’t just be a “bump in the night” but manifesting openly as Nephilim (demon/human, Rephaim (giants), longwalkers, DNA mutates of all types (human/animal, human/reptile, human/bird, human/sea creatures, human/plant, human/robotics—transgenics/transhumanism/eugenics), without conscience, driven by a lust for blood. The increase in Lucifer’s demands for human sacrifice is obvious. The brutality of man with Satan’s mind will be beyond the comprehension of most in the ease-loving west. Unless you’ve come out of Satanism and been delivered by the power of Yahuweh, few will understand what is coming. I’ve written a lot on what happens when the mind shuts down—how to live out of the re-born spirit and function by its mind. I’ve lived this type of life. As I’ve said so many times, when I was dying of malaria and couldn’t think of my own name, I was very alert and even preached to a
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congregation three times, propped up with pillows, because I heard Him speak in my spirit and repeated what He said. I’ve known His voice since early childhood.
So, I know that when the mind shuts down, the spirit will carry me through. But, I’ve found that most people who consider themselves “spiritual” have no concept of living out of their re-born spirit, and obeying a personal Master, nor of the basics of discipleship, nor of the life of a servant—basics in the eastern Hebrew-minded Word.
In this article I give you a small view of how He trained me in spiritual warfare, and how He built my bold faith, so that I can teach others who desperately need to know this information. I had to learn quickly for my own survival and that of my children. But, out of it, Abba filled me with Himself, and His Spirit has taught me what I pass on to you. Those who have come out of the depths of Satan will understand thoroughly what I say.
We’re about to enter a battle akin to Numbers 13, only worse and worldwide (Refer to: “Facing the Anakim”). Only two, Joshua and Caleb, out of millions were willing to go into battle, because they believed what Abba Yahuweh had said, and believed He was able to fulfill. It takes bold faith in this battle! Faith must be based on only one thing—what Has He said! Abraham, our father in faith, based his faith on one thing—the Word of Yahuweh. Christianity and its Messianic additions have not taught the nature of the Person of Yahuweh, but a watered down version of compared to Greek and Roman gods whose personalities fit what each individual conjures up in their own mind. Few take the time to know the real Elohim. But, in this battle, only the Joshuas and Calebs will survive!
Joshua 1:9: “Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, nor be discouraged, for Yahuweh your Elohim is with you wherever you go”. Joshua 14:7-14 tells the reward of Calab’s obedience’---“because he wholly followed Yahuweh his Elohim”.
We all have major decisions to make. We can sacrifice our life to hold on to what Yahuweh is soon to destroy, or lay down our life for the Messiah and His soon-coming Kingdom, and eternal rewards. Every day we make this decision.
Make sure He knows you, and knows you well. Otherwise you’re out there on your own. If you’re used to living by your head’s reasoning, and logic, and in your pride of your abilities to produce, you do not know Him well enough to be backed by Him. He only speaks to the re-born spirit that contacts eternity--for it is there that He gives His commands to His faithful ones.
Because of the suffering and intense training I had to learn for self preservation, I have been able to stand against the enemy and help others be free. One night I was praying for believers in a church in Kampala, Uganda. They were lined up, heads bowed, and waiting for me to minister to them. The first one was the pastor’s wife. I asked her to raise her head. And when she did, the Spirit in me, and the Spirit in her leapt in our spirits and we hugged and rejoiced, for we were
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both filled with Abba’s Spirit. Oh how I love when that happens! The next lady began growling as I approached her. I asked her to look at me, and I saw the demons moving across her eyes. I asked her name. I then addressed her, after telling the growling spirit to shut up, and asked her if she wanted to be delivered. She could hardly speak, but said “yes”. Never try to deliver anyone unless they are in total agreement. Yahuweh respects our human will! You have no authority over the human will of another person! This lady was gloriously set free, as were others that night.
Like with a ravenous dog, if they smell fear they attack quickly. I learned early on to have zero fear of the demonic world, and of humans and animals that are controlled by the demons.
A demon is no more than a disembodied fallen angel, under Lucifer/Satan’s control. I learned the hard way that, like their leader, they are insane, but incredibly brilliant, and incredibly powerful if allowed to manifest. Those possessed, or in final stages of demonizing, usually manifest multiple personalities, and can fool the best of the naïve. They are sadists. Most are sexual perverts of the most wicked (twisted) kind—delighting in homosexuality, the abuse of women and children, as in sadomasochism. Sadomasochism is not only a sexual perversion, but a lifestyle. A person is rejected or hurt, and their internalized anger is fed by deep self-pity. They use their hurt as an excuse to “punish” the person they think has rejected or hurt them. The person responds against the “punishment”, and they joyfully feel rejected and unloved. Feeling hurt is a pleasure-pain to them. Thus the cycle goes round and round. The punishment is usually to tie a person up, gag them, whip them, and continue to torture them. There are nightclubs for sadomasochists, where people can whip each other until they bleed. I speak of the Catholic Church’s belief in “expiation” later on in this article and of the Flagellates who whip themselves until they bleed to atone for their sin. A religious spirit often accompanies sexual perversion. This is the base of why people get into such a sexual cycle, because they can’t get rid of their sin, so they have to abuse themselves and others. I am no psychiatrist but I’ve learned from what I suffered personally for many years. Repentance for sin is rejected. There is no remorse. Without repentance there can be no salvation, because without totally coming out of the kingdom of darkness, there can be no entrance into the Kingdom of light. There is no spirit of repentance on those who are controlled by demons, for the fallen angels (demons) cannot repent. There are many who appear to be so nice and spiritual, yet live in the “depths of Satan” with their soul--mind, intellect, emotions and will--controlled by Satan and his fallen ones.
Now that I understand the mind of the evil one so thoroughly, and of those he
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inhabits, I can say with all my heart: “I reject the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and all the offers of the kingdom of darkness, and choose only to eat of the tree of life from the Garden of Yahuweh!”
The demonic world hates anything of the nature of Yahuweh. Thus, they go after, with great glee, anyone who is born of the Spirit of Yahuweh and who walks in His nature. The final battle to eliminate all of Yahuweh’s people from the earth has begun. Colleges teaching trans-humanism—are working on eliminating
the human race as it is, in the image of Yahuweh, and producing a race of hybrids that they consider to be better.
The demonic world has no sense of repentance, for their judgment was passed at the beginning of the last age, and they know they cannot repent. (Refer to the Book of Enoch I) They are paranoid and schizophrenic. Yet, they are very religious. They are legalists. They delight in controlling the minds of people. They deceive the minds of people who do not know Yahuweh and His Word. They counterfeit what Yahuweh does so as to deceive “even the elect, if possible”. They drive a person to do as they will. They arrange circumstances to deceive and capture the foolish. They love negative emotions! They love anger, fury, rage, murder, rape, and theft, but also they love whining, self-pity, crying, wailing, and the true suffering of mankind. They feed on it. Whiny women are especially their delight. Teenage girls going through puberty are a prime target because of the negative feelings that accompany “PMS”.
Those 100% demon possessed, and even demonized people (under demonic control without realizing it) have the nature of the fallen angels. But, all humans who are not under the control of Yahuweh’s Spirit have a nature that is prone to be like the fallen angels.
The fallen ones have no mercy, no compassion, only sadistic lust to have their own way. They camouflage themselves, a great deal of the time as Christians or Messianic. Here we have a clear description of their deceit: II Corinthians 11:13-15: “For such are false emissaries, deceptive workers, masquerading as emissaries of Messiah. And no wonder! For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light! It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works”.
It is amazing how many witches and warlocks are in the churches, and in Messianic congregations--hiding their true nature, but controlling and manipulating. Many of these hiding ones are pastors and elders in the assembly. Witchcraft and its Jezebel spirit is rising to new heights in the world today. Such is the warning to the assembly of Thyatira—for they condoned one with a Jezebel spirit, who took her victims into the depths of Satan. (Revelation 2:18-29) She manipulates people to sin. She also goes after those with a calling like Eliyahu for the kill.
The python/anaconda spirit, which includes the Jezebel spirit, is the major spirit
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over America, headquartered in Arlington, Virginia. Many have told me that they feel “crushed”. This is the work of the python/anaconda. The anaconda, a type of python, is the largest snake on earth. It hits its victims in the head, stunning or knocking them down, and then it proceed to wrap itself around its prey tightly, then it drags its prey under the mud, where it slowly devours it. Do you feel like this is happening to you? Those who have been in Satanism will know well what I say here.
In the concentration camps that in the U.S., waiting for the martial law where people will be rounded up and put in them, along with torture and death, the
guillotines, and the hard labor, will be rape camps, where young women will be used as breeders for babies who will be sacrificed to Lucifer. This is reality.
Those who have been into Satanism will understand the horrors of this reality.
Satan/Lucifer is requiring more and more blood sacrifices, and when he is thrown out of the planetary system into the earth (Revelation 12), he will go about to get blood sacrifice, especially of the set-apart ones. The mind of Satan is exemplified in this type of insanity--also the minds of the servants of Satan.
This is the kind of “battle” that is coming upon the earth, along with the nuclear, famine, disease, and the release of the mutates. In His mercy, He will allow many of His people to die quickly. But, He has a Gideon 300 that know how to wage war to the victory. (Judges 7)
In deliverance, we boldly speak to the spirits by what they do. In calling off death, we speak to the spirit of death—it is a strongman. Make sure that you are in tune with the voice of Abba, so that He can instruct you as to the manner of deliverance. There is no formula. The spirits are fallen angels of different ranks. They can only stay in someone as long as that person wills them to stay. It is amazing how many so-called believers want to stay in their condition of illness, or infirmity, or of demonizing, for it gets them attention and pity. But, we have no authority to go beyond human will. Neither do we have authority to go beyond Abba’s will. Shut down your analyzing mind – when obeying the Master, just do as He says, no more, no less!