Community Action Partnership

Community Needs Assessment - Cheshire and Sullivan Counties - 2015

Report Area

Cheshire County, NH; Sullivan County, NH

Data Category

Population Profile | Employment | Education | Housing | Income | Nutrition | Health Care

Population Profile

Data Indicators: Population Profile
  • Population Change
  • Age and Gender Demographics
  • Race Demographics
  • Veterans, Age and Gender Demographics
  • Poverty
  • Poverty Rate Change
  • Households in Poverty
  • Poverty Rate (ACS)
  • Households in Poverty by Family Type
  • Household Poverty Rate by Family Type
  • Poverty Rate Change (Age 0-17)
  • Seniors in Poverty

Population Change

Population change within the report area from 2000-2013 is shown below. During the thirteen-year period, total population estimates for the report area grew by 5.26 percent, increasing from 114,283 persons in 2000 to 120,294 persons in 2013.

Report Area / Total Population,
2013 ACS / Total Population,
2000 Census / Population Change from 2000-2013 Census/ACS / Percent Change from 2000-2013 Census/ACS
Report Area / 120,294 / 114,283 / 6,011 / 5.26%
Cheshire County, NH / 76,896 / 73,825 / 3,071 / 4.16%
Sullivan County, NH / 43,398 / 40,458 / 2,940 / 7.27%
New Hampshire / 1,319,171 / 1,235,786 / 83,385 / 6.75%
United States / 311,536,591 / 281,421,906 / 30,114,685 / 10.7%
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. US Census Bureau, Decennial Census. Source geography: County
/ Percent Change in Population
Report Area (5.26%)
New Hampshire (6.75%)
United States (10.7%)
/ Population,Density (Persons per Sq Mile) by Tract, ACS 2009-13
Over 5,000
1,001 - 5,000
501 - 1,000
51 - 500
Under 51
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Age and Gender Demographics

Population by gender within the report area is shown below. According to ACS 2009-2013 5 year population estimates for the report area, the female population comprised 51.49% of the report area, while the male population represented 48.51%.

Report Area / 0 to 4
Male / 0 to 4
Female / 5 to 17
Male / 5 to 17
Female / 18 to 64
Male / 18 to 64
Female / Over 64
Male / Over 64
Report Area / 2,960 / 2,954 / 9,050 / 8,783 / 38,103 / 39,162 / 7,841 / 10,623
Cheshire County, NH / 1,827 / 1,883 / 5,666 / 5,478 / 24,614 / 25,587 / 4,739 / 6,535
Sullivan County, NH / 1,133 / 1,071 / 3,384 / 3,305 / 13,489 / 13,575 / 3,102 / 4,088
New Hampshire / 34,939 / 33,177 / 108,890 / 103,854 / 423,918 / 427,311 / 75,013 / 103,723
United States / 10,247,162 / 9,804,950 / 27,536,556 / 26,288,810 / 97,303,216 / 98,504,848 / 16,290,099 / 23,690,560

Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County

/ Median Age by Tract, ACS 2009-13
Over 45.0
40.1 - 45.0
35.1 - 40.0
Under 35.1
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Race Demographics

Population by gender within the report area is shown below. According to ACS 2009-2013 5 year population estimates, the white population comprised 96.67% of the report area, black population represented 0.55%, and other races combined were 2.78%. Persons identifying themselves as mixed race made up 1.5% of the population.

Report Area / White
Total / Black
Total / American
Total / Asian
Total / Native
Total / Mixed
Report Area / 115,704 / 662 / 279 / 1,206 / 43 / 1,801
Cheshire County, NH / 73,839 / 504 / 192 / 922 / 20 / 1,066
Sullivan County, NH / 41,865 / 158 / 87 / 284 / 23 / 735
New Hampshire / 1,240,404 / 16,011 / 2,588 / 29,337 / 214 / 21,829
United States / 230,592,584 / 39,167,010 / 2,540,309 / 15,231,962 / 526,347 / 8,732,333

Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County

/ Population, Minority (Non-White),Percent by Tract, ACS 2009-13
Over 25.0%
10.1 - 25.0%
5.1 - 10.0%
Under 5.1%
No Minority Population Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Veterans, Age and Gender Demographics

Veterans, Age and Gender Demographics show the number of veterans living in the report area. 12.16% of the adult population in the report area are veterans, which is more than the national average of 8.99%.

Report Area / Veterans
Total / Veterans
Male / Veterans
Female / % Pop over 18
Total / % Pop over 18
Males / % Pop over 18
Report Area / 11,726 / 10,706 / 1,020 / 12.16 / 22.96 / 2.05
Cheshire County, NH / 7,261 / 6,684 / 577 / 11.72 / 22.42 / 1.8
Sullivan County, NH / 4,465 / 4,022 / 443 / 12.94 / 23.9 / 2.51
New Hampshire / 112,790 / 104,485 / 8,305 / 10.88 / 20.65 / 1.56
United States / 21,263,780 / 19,709,452 / 1,554,327 / 8.99 / 17.21 / 1.27

Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County

/ Veterans,Percent of Total Population by Tract, ACS 2009-13
Over 13%
11.1 - 13.0%
9.1 - 11.0%
Under 9.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area


2012 poverty estimates show a total of 12,602 persons living below the poverty level in the report area. Poverty information is at 100% of the federal poverty income guidelines

Report Area / All Ages
No of Persons / All Ages
Poverty Rate / Age 0-17
No of Persons / Age 0-17
Poverty Rate / Age 5-17
No of Persons / Age 5-17
Poverty Rate
Report Area / 12,602 / 10.96% / 3,635 / 16% / 2,476 / 14.63%
Cheshire County, NH / 8,260 / 11.4% / 2,186 / 15.3% / 1,488 / 14%
Sullivan County, NH / 4,342 / 10.2% / 1,449 / 17.2% / 988 / 15.7%
New Hampshire / 123,773 / 9.7% / 36,837 / 13.6% / 24,911 / 12.2%
United States / 48,760,123 / 15.9% / 16,396,863 / 22.6% / 11,086,537 / 21%
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates. Source geography: County
/ All Ages
Poverty Rate
Report Area (10.96%)
New Hampshire (9.7%)
United States (15.9%)
/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Children (Age 0-17),Percent by Tract, ACS 2008-12
Over 30.0%
22.6 - 30.0%
15.1 - 22.5%
Under 15.1%
No Population Age 0-17 Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Poverty Rate Change

Poverty rate change in the report area from 2000 to 2012 is shown below. According to the U.S. Census, the poverty rate for the area increased by 4%, compared to a national increase of 4.6%.

Report Area / Persons in Poverty
2000 / Poverty Rate
2000 / Persons in Poverty
2012 / Poverty Rate
2012 / Poverty Rate Change
Report Area / 7,858 / 7% / 12,602 / 11% / 4%
Cheshire County, NH / 4,771 / 6.7% / 8,260 / 11.4% / 4.7%
Sullivan County, NH / 3,087 / 7.6% / 4,342 / 10.2% / 2.6%
United States / 31,581,086 / 11.3% / 48,760,123 / 15.9% / 4.6%
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates. Source geography: County
/ Poverty Rate Change
Report Area (4%)
United States (4.6%)
/ Population Below the Poverty Level,Percent by County, SAIPE 2012
Over 22.0%
18.1 - 22.0%
15.1 - 18.0%
12.1 - 15.0%
Under 12.1%
Report Area

Households in Poverty

The number and percentage of households in poverty are shown in the report area. In 2012, it is estimated that there were 5330 households, or 11.04%, living in poverty within the report area.

Report Area / Total Households / Households
in Poverty / Percent Households
in Poverty
Report Area / 48,266 / 5,330 / 11.04
Cheshire County, NH / 30,458 / 3,389 / 11.1
Sullivan County, NH / 17,808 / 1,941 / 10.9
New Hampshire / 518,245 / 45,484 / 8.8
United States / 115,610,216 / 16,415,984 / 14.2
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County
/ Percent Households
in Poverty
Report Area (11.04%)
New Hampshire (8.8%)
United States (14.2%)
/ Households Living Below the Poverty Level,Percent by Tract, ACS 2009-13
Over 20.0%
15.1 - 20.0%
10.1 - 15.0%
Under 10.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Poverty Rate (ACS)

The following report section shows population estimates for all persons in poverty for report area. According to the American Community Survey 5 year estimates, an average of 10.82 percent of all persons lived in a state of poverty during the 2008 - 2012 period. The poverty rate for all persons living in the report area is less than the national average of 14.88 percent.

Report Area / Total Population / Population in Poverty / Percent Population in Poverty
Report Area / 114,651 / 12,401 / 10.82%
Cheshire County, NH / 71,920 / 8,169 / 11.36%
Sullivan County, NH / 42,731 / 4,232 / 9.9%
New Hampshire / 1,278,502 / 110,859 / 8.67%
United States / 303,692,064 / 46,663,432 / 15.37%
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: Tract / Percent Population in Poverty
Report Area (10.82%)
New Hampshire (8.67%)
United States (15.37%)
/ Population Below the Poverty Level,Percent by Tract, ACS 2009-13
Over 20.0%
15.1 - 20.0%
10.1 - 15.0%
Under 10.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Households in Poverty by Family Type

The number of households in poverty by type are shown in the report area. The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that there were 1996 households living in poverty within the report area.

Report Area / Total Households / Households in Poverty
Total / Households in Poverty
Married Couples / Households in Poverty
Male Householder / Households in Poverty
Female Householder
Report Area / 31,208 / 1,996 / 719 / 153 / 1,124
Cheshire County, NH / 19,162 / 1,117 / 433 / 42 / 642
Sullivan County, NH / 12,046 / 879 / 286 / 111 / 482
New Hampshire / 346,150 / 19,284 / 6,674 / 1,847 / 10,763
United States / 76,744,360 / 8,666,630 / 3,148,540 / 923,063 / 4,595,027

Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County

/ Married Family Households Living Below the Poverty Level,Percent by Tract, ACS 2009-13
Over 9.0%
6.1 - 9.0%
3.1 - 6.0%
Under 3.1%
No Married Families Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Household Poverty Rate by Family Type

The percentage of households in poverty by household type are shown for the report area. It is estimated that 6.4% of all households were living in poverty within the report area, compared to the national average of 11.3%. Of the households in poverty, female headed households represented 3.6% of all households in poverty, compared to 2.3 and 0.5% of households headed by males and married couples, respectively.

Report Area / Poverty Rate
All Types / Poverty Rate
Married Couples / Poverty Rate
Male Householder / Poverty Rate
Female Householder
Report Area / 6.4 / 2.3 / 0.5 / 3.6
Cheshire County, NH / 5.8 / 2.3 / 0.2 / 3.4
Sullivan County, NH / 7.3 / 2.4 / 0.9 / 4
New Hampshire / 5.6 / 1.9 / 0.5 / 3.1
United States / 11.3 / 4.1 / 1.2 / 6
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County
/ Poverty Rate
Female Householder
Report Area (3.6%)
New Hampshire (3.1%)
United States (6%)
/ Single Parent Family Households Living Below the Poverty Level,Percent by Tract, ACS 2009-13
Over 37.0%
30.1 - 37.0%
23.1 - 30.0%
Under 23.1%
No 1 Parent Households Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Poverty Rate Change (Age 0-17)

The poverty rate change for all children in the report area from 2000 to 2012 is shown below. According to the U.S. Census, the poverty rate for the area increased by 7.4%, compared to a national increase of 6.4 percent.

Report Area / Children in Poverty
Age 0-17
2000 / Poverty Rate
Age 0-17
2000 / Children in Poverty
Age 0-17
2012 / Poverty Rate
Age 0-17
2012 / Poverty Rate Change
Age 0-17
Report Area / 2,213 / 8.6% / 3,635 / 16% / 7.4%
Cheshire County, NH / 1,258 / 7.6% / 2,186 / 15.3% / 7.7%
Sullivan County, NH / 955 / 10.3% / 1,449 / 17.2% / 6.9%
United States / 11,587,118 / 16.2% / 16,396,863 / 22.6% / 6.4%
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates. Source geography: County
/ Poverty Rate Change Age 0-17
Report Area (7.4%)
United States (6.4%)
/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Children (Age 0-18),Percent by County, SAIPE 2012
Over 30.0%
25.1 - 30.0%
10.1 - 25.0%
15.1 - 20.0%
Under 15.1%
Report Area

Seniors in Poverty

Poverty rates for seniors (persons age 65 and over) are shown below. According to American Community Survey estimates, there were 1374 seniors, or 7.4 percent, living in poverty within the report area.

Report Area / Seniors
Total / Seniors
in Poverty / Senior
Poverty Rate
Report Area / 18,524 / 1,374 / 7.4
Cheshire County, NH / 11,361 / 979 / 8.6
Sullivan County, NH / 7,163 / 395 / 5.5
New Hampshire / 179,427 / 11,222 / 6.3
United States / 40,544,640 / 3,793,577 / 9.4
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County
/ Senior
Poverty Rate
Report Area (7.4%)
New Hampshire (6.3%)
United States (9.4%)
/ Population Below the Poverty Level, Senior (Age 65 ),Percent by Tract, ACS 2009-13
Over 17.0%
12.1 - 17.0%
7.1 - 12.0%
Under 7.1%
No Population Age 65 Reported
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area


Current Unemployment

Labor force, employment, and unemployment data for each county in the report area is provided in the table below. Overall, the report area experienced an average 4.1% percent unemployment rate in January 2015.

Report Area / Labor Force / Number Employed / Number Unemployed / Unemployment Rate
Report Area / 65,380 / 62,732 / 2,648 / 4.1%
Cheshire County, NH / 41,463 / 39,693 / 1,770 / 4.3%
Sullivan County, NH / 23,917 / 23,039 / 878 / 3.7%
New Hampshire / 740,688 / 706,988 / 33,700 / 4.5%
United States / 157,195,716 / 147,573,653 / 9,622,063 / 6.1%
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Source geography: County
/ Unemployment Rate
Report Area (4.1%)
New Hampshire (4.5%)
United States (6.1%)
/ Unemployment,Rate by County, BLS 2015 - January
Over 12.0%
9.1 - 12.0%
6.1 - 9.0%
3.1 - 6.0%
Under 3.1%
Report Area

Unemployment Change

Unemployment change within the report area during the 1-year period from January 2014 to January 2015 is shown in the chart below. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, unemployment for this one year period fell from 2,895 persons to 2,648 persons, a rate change of -0.54% percent.

Report Area / Unemployment
January 2014 / Unemployment
January 2015 / Unemployment Rate
January 2014 / Unemployment Rate
January 2015 / Rate
Report Area / 2,895 / 2,648 / 4.59% / 4.05% / -0.54%
Cheshire County, NH / 1,935 / 1,770 / 4.81% / 4.27% / -0.54%
Sullivan County, NH / 960 / 878 / 4.21% / 3.67% / -0.54%
New Hampshire / 38,346 / 33,700 / 5.19% / 4.55% / -0.64%
United States / 11,043,079 / 9,622,063 / 7.09% / 6.12% / -0.97%
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Source geography: County
/ Rate Change
Report Area (-0.54%)
New Hampshire (-0.64%)
United States (-0.97%)
/ Unemployment,Rate by County, BLS 2015 - January
Over 12.0%
9.1 - 12.0%
6.1 - 9.0%
3.1 - 6.0%
Under 3.1%
Report Area

Household Income

Median annual household incomes in the report area are shown below.

Report Area / Median Household Income
Cheshire County, NH / $52,246
Sullivan County, NH / $52,114
New Hampshire / $64,064
United States / $52,250

Data Source: US Census Bureau, Small Area Income & Poverty Estimates. Source geography: County

/ Median Household Income by County, SAIPE 2013
Over $70,000
$50,001 - $70,000
$40,001 - $50,000
Under $40,001
Report Area


Educational Attainment

Educational Attainment shows the distribution of educational attainment levels in the report area. Educational attainment is calculated for persons over 25, and is an average for the period from 2009 to 2013.

Report Area / Percent
No High School
Diploma / Percent
High School
Only / Percent
Some College / Percent
Degree / Percent
Degree / Percent
Graduate or
Professional Degree
Report Area / 9.08 / 35.43 / 19.2 / 7.7 / 17.95 / 10.64
Cheshire County, NH / 8.58 / 34.2 / 19.5 / 7.4 / 19.1 / 11.3
Sullivan County, NH / 9.9 / 37.5 / 18.7 / 8.3 / 16 / 9.6
New Hampshire / 8.16 / 29.3 / 19.2 / 9.6 / 21.3 / 12.4
United States / 13.98 / 28.1 / 21.3 / 7.8 / 18.1 / 10.8
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County
/ Percent Population with No High School Diploma
Report Area (9.08%)
New Hampshire (8.16%)
United States (13.98%)
/ Population with No High School Diploma (Age 18 ),Percent by Tract, ACS 2009-13
Over 21.0%
16.1 - 21.0%
11.1 - 16.0%
Under 11.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Adult Literacy

The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) produces estimates for adult literacy based on educational attainment, poverty, and other factors in each county.

Report Area / Estimated Population over 16 / Percent Lacking Literacy Skills
Report Area / 92,429 / 6.73%
Cheshire County, NH / 58,945 / 6%
Sullivan County, NH / 33,484 / 7%
New Hampshire / 995,072 / 6%
United States / 219,016,209 / 14.64%
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: National Center for Education Statistics, NCES - Estimates of Low Literacy. Source geography: County
/ Percent Lacking Literacy Skills
Report Area (6.73%)
New Hampshire (6%)
United States (14.64%)

Veterans - Educational Attainment

Veterans Educational Attainment contrasts the distribution of educational attainment levels between military veterans and non-veterans in the region. Educational attainment is calculated for persons over 25, and is an average for the period from 2009 to 2013.

Report Area / Veterans
% No Diploma / Veterans
% High School
Diploma / Veterans
% Some College
Diploma / Veterans
% Bachelors
or Higher
Diploma / Non-Veterans
% No Diploma / Non-Veterans
% High School
Diploma / Non-Veterans
% Some College
Diploma / Non-Veterans
% Bachelors
or Higher
Report Area / 7.46 / 38.5 / 29.59 / 24.45 / 9.36 / 34.97 / 26.41 / 29.27
Cheshire County, NH / 5.62 / 38.09 / 31.16 / 25.13 / 9.08 / 33.57 / 26.07 / 31.29
Sullivan County, NH / 10.43 / 39.16 / 27.06 / 23.36 / 9.82 / 37.27 / 26.96 / 25.95
New Hampshire / 6.85 / 31.41 / 33.22 / 28.52 / 8.35 / 29.06 / 28.19 / 34.4
United States / 7.73 / 29.53 / 36.42 / 26.32 / 14.74 / 28.01 / 28.15 / 29.11
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County
/ Percent Veterans with No High School Diploma
Report Area (7.46%)
New Hampshire (6.85%)
United States (7.73%)
/ No High School Diploma, Veterans,Percent by Tract, ACS 2009-13
Over 14.0%
11.1 - 14.0%
8.1 - 11.0%
Under 8.1%
Of Veterans Age 25 , No Population with No High School Diploma
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area


Housing Age

Total housing units, median year built and median age in 2013 for the report area are shown below. Housing units used in housing age include only those where the year built is known.

Report Area / Total Housing Units / Median Year Built / Median Age (from 2013)
Report Area / 57,001 / no data / no data
Cheshire County, NH / 34,695 / 1968 / 45
Sullivan County, NH / 22,306 / 1971 / 42
New Hampshire / 615,204 / 1975 / 38
United States / 132,057,808 / 1976 / 37

Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County

/ Housing Constructed After 1999,Percent by Tract, ACS 2008-12
Over 16.0%
12.1 - 16.0%
8.1 - 12.0%
Under 8.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area


The U.S. Census Bureau estimated there were 31,952 homeowners in the report area in 2000, and 71.28% owner occupied homes in the report area for the 5 year estimated period from 2008 - 2012.

Report Area / Owner Occupied Homes
2000 / Owner Occupied Homes
2000 / Owner Occupied Homes
2012 / Owner Occupied Homes
Report Area / 31,952 / 71.28% / 34,842 / 61.14%
Cheshire County, NH / 20,049 / 70.85% / 21,503 / 61.97%
Sullivan County, NH / 11,903 / 72.01% / 13,339 / 59.85%
New Hampshire / 330,700 / 69.68% / 372,021 / 60.59%
United States / 69,815,753 / 66.19% / 75,484,661 / 57.34%
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County
/ Owner Occupied Homes
Report Area (61.14%)
New Hampshire (60.59%)
United States (57.34%)
/ Owner-Occupied Housing Units,Percent by Tract, ACS 2008-12
Over 82.0%
74.1 - 82.0%
66.1 - 74.0%
Under 66.1%
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area

Vacancy Rates

The U.S. Postal Service provided information quarterly to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development on addresses identified as vacant in the previous quarter. Residential and business vacancy rates for the report area in the second quarter of 2014 are reported..

Report Area
Data Source: US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Source geography: County / Residential Vacancy Rate
/ Residential Vacancies,Percent by Tract, HUD 2014-Q2
Over 10.0%
5.1 - 10.0%
2.1 - 5.0%
Under 2.1%
No Residential Vacancies
No Residential Addresses or No Data
Report Area

Number of Unsafe, Unsanitary Homes

The number and percentage of occupied housing units without plumbing are shown for the report area. U.S. Census data shows 312 housing units in the report area were without plumbing in 2000 and ACS five year estimates show 405 housing units in the report area were without plumbing in 2012.

Report Area / Occupied
Housing Units
2000 / Occupied
Housing Units
without Plumbing
2000 / Percent
without Plumbing
2000 / Occupied
Housing Units
2012 / Occupied
Housing Units
without Plumbing
2012 / Percent
without Plumbing
Report Area / 44,829 / 312 / 0.7% / 56,988 / 405 / 0.7%
Cheshire County, NH / 28,299 / 211 / 0.66% / 34,700 / 220 / 0.73%
Sullivan County, NH / 16,530 / 101 / 0.5% / 22,288 / 185 / 1.02%
New Hampshire / 474,606 / 2,254 / 0.41% / 613,995 / 3,306 / 0.64%
United States / 105,480,101 / 670,986 / 0.6% / 131,642,457 / 628,104 / 0.5%
Note: This indicator is compared with the state average.
Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County
/ Percent Without Plumbing 2012
Report Area (0.7%)
New Hampshire (0.64%)
United States (0.5%)
/ Housing Units Lacking Complete Plumbing Facilities,Percent by Tract, ACS 2008-12
Over 500
251 - 500
101 - 250
Under 101
No Data or Data Suppressed
Report Area


Income Levels

Two common measures of income are Median Household Income and Per Capita Income, based on U.S. Census Bureau estimates. Both measures are shown for the report area below. The average Per Capita income for the report area is $28129.36, compared to a national average of $28,155.

Report Area / Median Household Income / Per Capita Income
Report Area / no data / $28,129.36
Cheshire County, NH / $55,155 / $27,874
Sullivan County, NH / $54,463 / $28,582
New Hampshire / $64,916 / $33,134
United States / $53,046 / $28,155

Data Source: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. Source geography: County