Document: / Date / Page
CT-CCV-i-086 / August 12, 2013 / 2 of 2
Collaborative Team on Cloud Computing Overview and Vocabulary of ITU-T SG13/WP6 and ISO/IECJTC1/SC38/WG3
Meeting #5: 24-27 September 2013, Kobe, Japan / Document: CT-CCV-i-086
August 12, 2013
Title: / Announcement and Draft Agenda of the CT-CCVOCAB Meeting #5
(24-27 September 2013, Kobe, Japan)
Status: / Meeting announcement issued by the Chairpersons of the CT-CCVOCAB
Purpose: / Announcement & Agenda
Author(s) or
Contact(s): / Jamil Chawki
France Telecom Orange
Orange Labs
Lannion, France / Tel:
/ +33 296059496

Annie Sokol
Computer Security Division
/ Tel:
Email: / + 1 3019752006

Source: / CT-CCVOCAB Chairpersons

The meeting #5 of the Collaborative Team for both Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (CT-CCRA) and Cloud Computing Overview and Vocabulary (CT-CCVOCAB) will be hosted by Information Processing Society of Japan /Information Technology Standards Commission of Japan (IPSJ/ ITSCJ), at the Kobe International Conference Center, 6-9-1 Minatojima-nakamachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Japan [].

CT-CCVOCAB meeting will run in parallel to CT-CCRA meeting. The CT-CCVOCAB will meet:

8:30 AM to 5:30 PM / Tuesday, 24 September, 2013
8:30 AM to 5:30 PM / Wednesday, 25 September, 2013
8:30 AM to 5:30 PM / Thursday, 26 September, 2013
8:30 AM to 5:30 PM / Friday, 27 September, 2013

1) Logistics and Registration:

(a)  Logistical Information for the meeting is available within the logistics / 2013-09 of FTP files ftp / ccvocab / 2013-09 / logistics / <document# CT-CCV-i-084 [CCVOCAB / 2013-09 / logistics]>.

(b)  Registration for the meeting –online forum on ITU-T CT cloud webpage Please register by 24August 2013, so as to provide the information to the host for logistical planning purposes.

2) Submitting contribution to Conveners for consideration/discussion at this meeting:

(a)  Deadlines for submitting contribution:

§  24 August 2013 - for submitting comments to CT CCVOCAB – Committee draft (see CT-CCV-o-030 / CT-CCV-i-083).

§  9 September 2013 – for submitting contributions on CD comments received and/or other contributions to CCVOCAB. When submitting comments, a comment template is available from FTP / template ftp:///t/sftp/ct/ccvocab/Template/N887%20CD%2017788-2%20commenting%20template.doc [user Name and Password required].

§  16 September 2013 – Editors to provide draft comment resolution for discussion.

3)  The proposed agenda for the CT-CCVOCAB meeting is as follows and a draft agenda will be provided on September 1, 2013.:

·  IPR policy reminder and declarations

·  Contribution document allocation

·  Review of:

o  Comments on the output documents for cloud vocabulary [CT-CCV-o-030 / CT-CCV-i-083]

o  Editors proposed resolutions on output document [CT-CCV-i-0##]

o  Ad-Hoc report

·  Coordination activities

·  Future planning: determination of next steps, meeting planning, refinement of expected standardization timeline and other planning issues

·  Other business as appropriate for consideration