Your Ref.
Our Ref: / FOI/DBC/4232
Contact: / Craig Thorpe
Email: /
Directline: / 01442 228027
Dear Mr Bracken
Your request dated Thursday 5th Novemberber for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Our reference: FOI 42.32
Thank you for your above request.
In your correspondence you have requested the information set out below and in what follows I set out the Council’s response. For simplicity I have written my response adjacent to your question
Dear Dacorum Borough Council,
I would like to know if anyone is contracted to clean and maintain the appearance of road signs in the district as I believe the job is not being done. There is no formal contract to clean and maintain road signs as this a Herts County Council function. Street Names Plates however are cleaned by an “In –House as and when required
I would also like to know also who the contractor is, if any, that you use for deep cleaning of pavement areas, and how much that contract is worth, as I believe we could offer better value for money and improve the districts appearance. There is no formal contract to deep clean pavement areas as this is done “In –House as and when required
I would like to know how much the council spends on pressure washing services in the district every year and if possible a breakdown of how it is spent. This cannot be quantified as this function forms part of an overall cleansing and grounds maintenance budget.
I would also like to know if there is any upcoming opportunities to tender for any contracts covering pressure washing and graffiti removal in the district, and how I would go about it. There are no plans currently to tender any part of Environmental Services
Many thanks.
Yours faithfully,
Mr A Bracken
Further information explaining the Council’s process for responding to information requests is available on our website at
Should you have any further queries or information needs, or if you are unhappy about the way your request has been handled, then please do not hesitate to contact me, or the Council’s Legal Governance department at: , quoting reference FOI 4232 please.
I would confirm that, pursuant to Section 50 of the FOIA, you may apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision whether, in any specified respect, your request for information has been dealt with in accordance with the requirements of Part 1 of the FOIA. The Commissioner would of course make a decision on any application unless certain circumstances apply, one of which is that the relevant public authority’s complaints procedure has not been exhausted. I would confirm the Information Commissioner’s contact details are as follows:-
The Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Helpline: 0303 123 1113
Website, with online form: and email for online complaint:
If you need further assistance, do please contact me or the information service, as indicated above.
Yours sincerely.
Craig Thorpe
Group Manager
Environmental Services