Food Science and Processing II – Retail Specialization WVEIS Code 0151
This course is designed to provide students with basic knowledge and skills in retail meat processing. Students will be able to exhibit these skills in the areas of sanitation and safety, livestock grades, processing, retailing/value added procedures, job seek/keep skills and microcomputer applications.
Standard 1: Leadership (0151.S.1)
Students will demonstrate skills necessary to be employed.
Leadership Objectives
Students will:
0151.1.1 Participate in FFA activities.
0151.1.2 Write, deliver and evaluate a speech and/or oral presentation.
0151.1.3 Explore careers in processing.
0151.1.4 Determine appropriate job seek/keep skills.
0151.1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of ethical conduct in the workplace.
0151.1.6 Communicate effectively with customers and suppliers.
Standard 2: Sanitation/Safety (0151.S.2)
Students will safely handle meat products.
Sanitation/Safety Objectives
Students will:
0151.2.1 List USDA sanitary practices relating to personal hygiene, sanitization of equipment and maintenance of facilities.
0151.2.2 Describe how HAACP is utilized in the meat industry to manage food hazard and maintain safe sanitary control.
0151.2.3 Explain safe methods in handling tools and equipment in processing.
0151.2.4 Identify proper temperatures and time periods for storage and handling of fresh and frozen meat and meat products.
0151.2.5 Identify proper storage and handling techniques for consumables and byproducts.
0151.2.6 Identify and demonstrate proper sanitary procedures for handling ready to eat products.
Standard 3: Livestock Grades (0151.S.3)
Students will discuss general classes of livestock and USDA Carcass Standards.
Livestock Grades Objectives
Students will:
0151.3.1 List common breeds, USDA classes of livestock.
0151.3.2 Demonstrate how to yield and quality grade hanging carcasses.
0151.3.3 Compare effects of quality and yield grades on wholesale and retail pricing.
Standard 4: Processing (0151.S.4)
Students will prepare retail meat products.
Processing Objectives
Students will:
0151.4.1 Identify wholesale (primal) cuts of beef, pork and lamb.
0151.4.2 Break carcasses into primal cuts.
0151.4.3 Prepare retail cuts of beef, pork and lamb.
0151.4.4 Identify boxed meat nomenclature for ordering and processing.
0151.4.5 Prepare common boneless cuts of boxed beef and pork.
0151.4.6 Cut wholesale (primal) cuts and boxed products into various retail cuts.
Standard 5: Retailing/Value Added Procedures (0151.S.5)
Students will utilize different techniques to merchandise products for customers.
Retailing/Value Added Procedures Objectives
Students will:
0151.5.1 Show methods of value added processing (grinding, tenderizing).
0151.5.2 Wrap and label for refrigeration and for freezing.
0151.5.3 Prepare sausages for both the fresh and smoked market.
0151.5.4 Safely use cure agents and proper procedure to cure and smoke meat products.
0151.5.5 Prepare attractive display of meats and meat products.
0151.5.6 Rotate stock to extend shelf life and profitability.
0151.5.7 Compute price markup and price product to reach store objective.
0151.5.8 Describe case rotation and preparing a lunch meat case in a retail outlet.
0151.5.9 Demonstrate knowledge and skills in customer relations.
0151.5.10 Take orders for special processing.
0151.5.11 Exhibit an understanding of retail value, trim loss, shelf life, and seasonal demand as related to pricing of products.
0151.5.12 Recommend cooking methods for cuts of meat.
0151.5.13 Explain use of prepackaged and gas flushed retail packaged meat.
Standard 6: Technology Applications (0151.S.6)
Students will apply technology to investigate real-world problems.
Technology Applications Objectives
Students will:
0151.6.1 Use computers and the World Wide Web (WWW) to: solve problems related to work-bases experience programs in retail processing; locate, evaluate and collect information for a variety of sources related to preparing a retail case; develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.
0151.6.2 Demonstrate skills in word processing and use of database, spreadsheets, graphics and telecommunications.
0151.6.3 Use VCR and DVD to retrieve information to complete classroom assignments related to retail processing.
0151.6.4 Use camera and/or camcorder to record activities and progress of special projects on the area of retail processing.
Standard 7: Process/Workplace Skills (0151.S.7)
Students will demonstrate personnel and group work place skills.
Process/Workplace Skills Objectives
Students will:
0151.7.1 Use computers and other electronic technologies to access, gather, retrieve, organize, analyze and report data.
0151.7.2 Explore careers available in retail processing.
0151.7.3 Analyze problems, state causes and effects, and plan, organize, and implement a solution to the problem or a concept to improve the situation or process.
0151.7.4 Demonstrate correct language usage in oral and written work.
0151.7.5 Perform effectively in both leadership and nonleadership roles.
0151.7.6 Evaluate information for reliability, completeness, and applicability to various assignments.
0151.7.7 Participate as a team member to complete various assignments.
Standard 8: Laboratory Investigation (0151.S.8)
Students will safely conduct laboratory investigations and exploratory learning.
Laboratory Investigation Objectives
Students will:
0151.8.1 Engage in active inquires, investigations, and hands on activities a minimum of 50 percent of the time.
0151.8.2 Conduct investigation in a variety of environments (e.g., laboratories, libraries, parks, and other outdoor locations).
0151.8.3 Properly and safely manipulate equipment, materials, chemicals, organisms, and models.
0151.8.4 Use computers and other electronic technologies to collect analyze, and or report data; interact with simulations, and research.