Officers for 2009

President: Donald Allaire (508) 6792-1787

Vice President: John St.Cyr (508) 943-9709

Secretary: Pat Hubbell (508) 384-6184

Treasurer: Beverly Willard, (508)-695-0806

Past Meetings:

Minutes of RIDC Meetingat 7:00 pm, Sept 25th, 2009at Handi Kids Theraputic Riding and Driving Center, 470 Pine Street, Bridgewater, MA.

Our RIDC member, Sarah Norris, is the Head Riding and Driving Instructor for the Handi Kids facility which is being renamed The Bridge Center. Sarah is a certified therapeutic riding and driving instructor. She gave us a tour of their facility including the indoor arena with great walking/riding surface, heated room for families to watch the lessons, the outbuildings where the equines live, the “carousel” round pen, and the very spacious and modern new meeting/activity/conference building where we had our meeting. She described their programs, their challenges, the organization of the board of directors, etc. and told us about their wide range of clients and the programs available to them. Hippotherapy includes occupational, physical, and speech therapy using horses. The riding program is the largest group. Some who can not ride, are able to drive. Some drive by themselves, for others, Sarah uses a second set of reins as a backup and rides with them. For several years, the board has included owners of construction companies who have been very supportive when they have needed earthmoving equipment, gravel, dirt, etc.

The official club meeting was short. It was called to order by President Don Allaire at 8:45 pm. The Secretary’s notes and Treasurer’s reports were read. The treasurer’s report was accepted. The report for the recent show noted $7036.00 taken in, $3989.54 paid out so far. There are some remaining bills to come in. It is expected that the show will have made approximately $1945.70.

The Show Committee reported that there were 31 competitors, almost everyone competed both days. There were 16 stalls used. The least amount paid per entry was $75.00. Cal Luce was thanked for doing a great job with the volunteers. It was decided to send a thank you not to Sue Koso for all of the help she has provided.

The main topic of discussion was the show and the challenge of finding enough volunteers. It was suggested that perhaps we could go in with another driving club to have more volunteers when planning for the next show. Volunteers are needed right away to start planning for next year. A Show Chairperson for next year is needed. A Web Master is needed to keep our web site up to date. Need to find out how many club members want to participate in the CAA Proficiency Test scheduled for the Friday after Thanksgiving at The Bridge Center (formerly Handi Kids) in Bridgewater, MA. Pot luck snacks were enjoyed. The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be at Bob Koopman’s or Don and Kathy Allaires in October. Date TBD.

Attendees included Cat and Darryl Luce, Beverly Willard, Don and Kathy Allaire, Sarah Norris, Bill Ostiguy, Janet Meszoely, Ellie Edraos, Pat Edraos, Danielle Smith and Pat Hubbell.

Minutes of RIDC Meeting at Bob and Diane Koopman’s home, 798 Quaker Street, Northbridge, MA on Oct 25th.

The meeting was called to order by President Don Allaire at 7:00pm. The Secretary gave a verbal account of the previous meeting at The Bridge Center, formerly Handi Kids in Bridgewater hosted by Sarah Norris. Written minutes will be done later.

The RIDC web site was discussed. It was voted to continue the web site and look for a vendor to maintain it because no one at the meeting felt comfortable being a webmaster.

A nominating committee consisting of Mug Tomany, Cat Luce and Pat Hubbell was set up to develop a slate of officers and members of the Board of Directors for 2010.

Bill Ostiguy will be asked to get dates for us at GoddardPark in RI. This can be done starting Jan 2nd.

A show committee for the 2010 show was set up, members will be Mug Tomany, Janice Meszoely, Pat Hubbell, Pat Musser and Sue Ito. The proposed show date is Aug 28th and 29th, 2010.

There was a discussion about how to increase the number of junior drivers in the club. Ideas were clinics, junior programs, etc. Leona Anastasi and her husband have an ongoing program at their place for juniors. Pat Hubbell suggested members look around for a young person who would like to tag along with them and learn to drive. All agreed that parents of potential junior drivers often can not afford the pony, cart, harness, trailer, etc.

Koopmans will have sleighing at their place if they have snow. Contact Bob to be put on the list. The field used in the past for clinics would be good for sleighing.

Sterling Graeburn may have time for a clinic at Koopmans or Celtic Cross when here for the Equine Affair.

The RIDC activity calendar for Jan-Sept, 2010 was further enhanced with lots of fun driving activities planned.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

RIDC/MCDS Joint Halloween Drivewas held at Celtic Cross Farm in Dudley, MA on October 31, 2009. The day started out misty but turned out o.k. All had a good time. The poker hand was won by Janice Meszoely. Adrienne St Cyr won for best costume as the Haunted Equestrian. Prizes were gift certificates and a mug of candy. The dressage numbers were set up as well as a cones course.. Some practiced dressage, some did repeat runs through the cones course and some made more that one trip through the marathon course. Drivers from among the two clubs were Olga and Bruce Hausser, Mug Tomany, Bonnie Jean, Janice Meszoely, Reva Seybolt, Cindy Sauer, Kate Bushman, Adrienne Ct Cyr, and Sheila Guimond. New members AnnSires and her daughter rode along with others. A pot luck lunch followed.

Minutes of RIDC Meeting at 7:00 pm on Dec 13, Darryl and Cat Luces’ home, 135 East Street, Wrentham, MA: The meeting was called to order by President, Don Allaire. The Treasurer’s report listing $610.42 deposited, $1705.96 spent on Insurance, Network maintenance, ADS Listing, Pedlar, and deposit for Showtime Stalls, and a Balance of $7002.41, was read and accepted. For the election of officers for 2010, there were no nominations from the floor. The slate of officers presented by the Nominating Committee was passed with no changes. The Show Committee presented their report. Videos were shown of Beth Francis’ Welsh Cob Stallion in his debut at the CDE in Bromont, Canada and at the Waldenfield CDE. Some members had never seen a CDE so it was fun to watch. A video of the Colonial Carriage and Driving Society Tub Parade was also shown. Among the attendees were Sue Ito, Beverly Willard, Cat and Darryl Luce, Peter Von Halem, Henry Tarryk, Chris Bailey, Rob Raymond, Pat Musser, Adrienne St Cyr, John Frost, Beth Francis, Bunny Lumb, Carol Carpenter, David Chamberlain, and Pat Edraos.


The scheduled Nov 27th Carriage Association Proficiency Test at the BridgeCenter (formerly Handi Kids) in Bridgewater, Ma was cancelled. It will be rescheduled at a later date.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR 2010 See the web site.

January: RIDC Meeting is Saturday, January 9th at 7:00 pm at Janice Meszoely’s home in Mansfield, MA. Topic is Sleighing, What to Wear and Safety Tips. Bring your favorite sleighing clothes and accessories, a photo of your equine or sleigh and join in the fashion show. Pot Luck Dinner. Please bring a dish to share.

February: RIDC meeting is Sunday, February 21st, a Brunch at Pat Musser’s home at 1:00 pm, 312 High Street,.Uxbridge, MA.