Math 115--Hybrid Elementary Algebra Fall 2015

INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Mona Panchal

Office: C2-123B-10

Office Hours: Tu: 9 – 10:40 am, 12:10 – 12:45 pm; W: 9 – 10:40 am; Th: 9 – 10:40 am



#5515 3:30 online hrs/week

Mondays: 9:00 – 10:30 am/ B2 112


Sep 7 Labor Day Holiday

TEXTBOOK: Elementary & Intermediate Algebra by Bittinger, Custom edition for ELAC. This book can ONLY be purchased at ELAC book store OR (last option)

The above link will allow you to purchase a book and MathXL access code for $105.46. If you want to purchase the access code only, you may do so at for the following prices: 6 month access: $60.50, 12 month access: $85.80, 24 month access: $102.85. The ELAC Bookstore rents the book for $20. (This does not come with an access code).

ATTENDANCE/DROP POLICY: Attendance for the on-campus meetings on Mondays is mandatory and ALL of Chapter 1 homework must be completed by the due date stated on the schedule in order to stay in the class. Because attendance is difficult to monitor in an online class, I need to make sure students are serious and working. I will drop any student that does not submit ALL of chapter 1 homework by the listed due date. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is an hybrid elementary introduction to axiomatic algebra. It has mandatory campus meetings on Mondays and an online component. It begins with the postulates covering the fundamental operations on natural numbers and carries on a logical development through all of the real numbers. It includes the solution of equations through quadratics.

SLOs: After successful completion of this course, students will:

1.  Solve a quadratic equation by method of factoring;

2.  Given a linear equation, students will write the equation in slope-intercept form, determine the slope, determine the y-intercept, and graph the equation.

CALCULATOR: Calculators are not allowed for this course. Although I will not be present to enforce this, I highly recommend you to not use calculators. One of the main goals of this course is to learn and apply the basic operations on algebraic expressions. Use of a calculator would defeat the purpose and destroy chances of further success in mathematics courses. Also, you will NOT be allowed to use calculators during on-campus exams! Practicing with calculators will be a poor way of preparing for an exam.

TUTORING: Free tutorial assistance is available in the mathematics-tutoring lab, K5-104.

HOMEWORK: A homework assignment will be given for each section on MathXL. Due dates are listed on the schedule. We will basically cover 3-4 sections per week and you will generally have a few days to submit assignments. Homework must be submitted by the due date or else it will not be accepted. NO EXCEPTIONS! You cannot access the homework after the due date.

QUIZZES: A quiz will be given at the end of each chapter on MathXL. Each quiz will be open for five days and you must complete the quiz before the due date. You can take the quiz two times before the due date; the highest score will be used. Each quiz will be timed and you will have 90 minutes. Do not start a quiz if you do not have time to finish. Two times only, NO EXCEPTIONS! Each quiz will be worth 6% of your grade. I will drop your lowest score.

ON-CAMPUS TESTS: 3 tests (excluding the final exam) will be given on campus during our mandatory meetings. Please see the schedule for dates. NO MAKE-UP TEST will be allowed for any reason. Any exam not taken by a student will be considered a score of zero (0). Each test will be 9% of your grade.

PARTICIPATION: Participation during our Monday meetings will be expected, in addition to the meetings being mandatory. We will be working on problems during class.

FINAL EXAM: There will be a comprehensive final exam given on the designated date and time on campus. All students must take the final exam. If you miss the final, you will receive an “F” grade in this class. Please find the final exam time and day on the schedule. The final exam will be 20% of your grade.

GRADING STANDARDS: Grades will be assigned as follows:

Homework - 18% 90 – 100% -- A

Ch. Quizzes (top 5) - 30% 80 – 89 % -- B

On Campus Tests (3) - 27% 70 – 79% -- C

Final Exam - 20% 60 – 69% -- D

Participation - 5% 0 – 59% -- F

ETUDES: Please check my website,, for login information for ETUDES. Please confirm you are able to login onto the ETUDES portal. This will confirm your course registration. I will only use ETUDES to upload documents, conduct discussions and send announcements.


Course Name: Math 115 Hybrid – Fall 2015

Course ID: XL22-210S-301Y-4OW2

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY:. Violations of Academic Integrity include, but are not limited to, the following actions: cheating on an exam, plagiarism, working together on an assignment, paper or project when the instructor has specifically stated students should not do so, submitting the same term paper to more than one instructor, or allowing another individual to assume one’s identity for the purpose of enhancing one’s grade. I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to cheating. Academic dishonesty could result in a zero on the specific assignment, course failure or disciplinary action from the institution.

DSP&S: “Students with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations should promptly alert the instructor, then provide verification of disability to the Disabled Students Program located in E1-106 or call (323) 265-8787 to make an appointment. If a student feels that accommodations offered are inappropriate or insufficient, s/he should seek the assistance of the DSP&S Coordinator and/or the Vice President of Student Services.”


1.  Go to

2.  Click Login.

3.  Enter your Login name and Password.

4.  Click the course: M115 Hybrid – Fall 2015

5.  Click HOMEWORK & TESTS tab on left column.

6.  You will see the entire homework assignment listed with due dates. Click the section of your choice.

7.  If you cannot see the quiz, you did not install programs properly. You must install them before taking quiz.

8.  Click RESUTLS to see the homework/quiz results. Only the best score for quizzes will be kept.