October 3, 2016

Board meeting called to order by Chairman M. Franzese at 7:00PM. Along with Commissioner Franzese, Commissioners John Soloman, Anthony LoConte, Matthew Manfredi and Michael Franzese were present. Also present Assistant Chief A. Conte, Treasurer M. Lennon, and Deputy Treasurer Frank Castellucci. Secretary J. Soloman recorded minutes.

Secretary John Soloman presented the following minutes:

Regular meeting September 12, 2016 – Motion made by A. Santamorena seconded by A. LoConte. Commissioner Franzese was in abstention. Voted and adopted 4-0.

Town Board member Barbara DiGiacinto arrived at 7:30PM and addressed the suggested modification to the street sign for Washington Avenue, along with additional administrative changes within the Town. She also suggested a possible work-session with Fire Department personnel regarding the use of solar panels in North castle.

Communications: (new business, old business)

·  Copy of Journal News meeting notice; regular meeting October 3, 2016

·  Copy of letter to FF A. Petroni; medical due

·  Copy of letter to FF M. Dugan; medical due

·  Copy of letter to FF J. Malpartida; medical due

·  Copy of letter to FF M. Sanchez; medical due

·  Rec’d insurance cert.; Coastal Fence

·  Rec’d updated proposal for cleaning dry hydrant on Hall Ave.

·  Rec’d emails from Fire Commissioners for the erection of new fence

·  Copy of letter to Metropolitan Reporting; request for fire report

·  Copy of letter to Fire Company; approval of Christmas tree sale

·  Rec’d letter from Wallauers; new fence

·  Rec’d information on project management workshops

·  Copy of letter to ARDEE Electrical; approval of work at firehouse

·  Copy of letter to Town Board; kitchen fire at 50 Washington Ave.

·  Rec’d information from Hometown Firefighters; 4% investment opportunity

·  Rec’d letter from F. Simeone’s office; budget hearing legal AD

·  Copy of letter to Town Clerk; proposed budget for 2017

Amended: October 3, 2016

Rec’d information from WATERWAY INC.; fire pump tests

Rec’d certificate of insurance for A&A Industrial (flag)

Chief’s Report: Chief submitted and discussed written report.

Chief requested three 2016, SCOTT cylinders (NYS contract) not to exceed $2500.00. Motion by A. Santamorena, seconded by J. Soloman. Voted and adopted 4-0. Commissioner Manfredi was in abstention.


v  Alarms & Communications: Commissioner Manfredi presented proposed allotment for funding new Chief’s car. Motion made by M. Manfredi, seconded by A. Santamorena. Voted and adopted 4-0. Commissioner Soloman votes no. Commissioner Manfredi reported that he has received three price quotes for the upgrade of the firehouse video security system and recommends Security World as they are located in Valhalla. Motion made by A. Santamorena, seconded by A. LoConte. Voted and adopted 5-0.

v  Apparatus & Equipment: Commissioner Soloman reported that a past problem with fire pump governor on engine 74 has not re-appeared. Ground ladder and fire pump testing is still pending. A recent problem of the “check engine” light with audible alarm was reported to Hudson Valley Fire Eq. They will contact Cummins diesel and have them come to firehouse to analyze/repair problem. Commissioner Santamorena motions for the 2006 Chevrolet Suburban (chief’s car) be declared surplus and disposed of in the best interests of the Fire District. Seconded by M. Manfredi. Voted and adopted 5-0.

v  Building & Grounds: Commissioner LoConte reported that several bid documents have been sent out for the upstairs bathroom but, at this time, only a minimal response. He will contact additional contractors. Commissioner Santamorena reported that the new fence has been erected. He will call contractor and ask if they can remove old fence.

v  Claims & Uniforms:

The following claims were presented by the Treasurer:

1136 for the sum of $1627.95; motion made by A. Santamorena, seconded by A. LoConte. Voted and adopted 4-0. Commissioner Manfredi was in abstention.

1108 thru 1111 (includes 2 electronic payments to Con Edison), 1113 thru 1135 (includes EFTPS and electronic payment to Selective Insurance) for the sum of $58758.43; motion by A. Santamorena, seconded by A. LoConte. Voted and adopted 5-0.

Old Business:

·  Rec’d price quote from Hudson Valley Fire Eq.; hose bed covers for L-47.

·  Rec’d price quote from Fred Cook; Hall Ave. dry-hydrant flushing. Motion made by J. Soloman, seconded by M. Manfredi to proceed with repair. Voted and adopted 5-0. Commissioner Manfredi motions to contact Frank Simeone and have him draft an easement document for the use of the property on Hall Avenue with regards to the existing dry hydrant. Seconded by A. Santamorena. Voted and adopted 5-0.

·  Copy of letter to “MCI” long-distance carrier; for tax exemption status

·  Rec’d price quote from Anthony Bellantoni (upstairs bathroom); updated RFQ sent out.

·  Rec’d price quote from Montero Constr. (upstairs bathroom); updated RFQ sent out.

·  Rec’d price quote from ACB builders (upstairs bathroom); updated RFQ sent out.

·  Information due from jr. corp.; training certificates & updated medical information, by-laws, & program.

·  Email from Town Board member Barbara DiGiacinto; use of firehouse during disaster (how many people).

·  Letter to West. Cnty. Emer. Svcs.; ambulance dispatch

·  Letter to Police Chief Peter Simonsen; EMS in NWP

·  Current agreement with Wallauer’s for use of property.

·  Disclaimer posted on web-site

·  Rec’d price quote for front door recruitment advertisement

·  Rec’d copy of Operating procedures & guidelines from Chief Seicol; no action as yet. Fire Commissioners need to review.

·  Rec’d programming request from ex-Chief Brehmer (mayday button); Commissioner Manfredi will review

·  Letter from CBE Group; collection agency for VERIZON

·  Equipment collection past members; Chief Seicol will follow up.

·  Pending policy’s; workplace violence, youth program (annual training for workplace violence & sexual harassment)

·  Town of North Castle; EMS discussion

Projected for 2016:

Renovate upstairs bathroom

Training prop rear yard

Front apron re-seal

Several asphalt re-paving areas

Kitchen chairs

Upgrade security cameras

Siren pole

Possible Health care

1st floor infrared heating

Amended: October 3 to include

There were no additional items

New Business:

·  Flu shots. Motion by J. Soloman, seconded by M. Manfredi. Voted and adopted 5-0.

·  Rec’d information for annual budget hearing (Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 7:30PM)

·  Rec’d information for annual election. Secretary has contacted previous election inspectors (Connie Nichols, Margaret Zuzolo. Nancy Battistelli); all have agreed to serve again this year. Motion by M. Franzese, seconded by A. LoConte to appoint same. Salary remains the same; $50.00 per inspector for the three hours of the election. Voted and adopted 5-0.

·  Rec’d information from Hometown Firefighters regarding 4% investment opportunity. Commissioner Franzese will contact Hometown.

Amended Oct 3, to include

There were no additional items.

Fire & Drill Reports: There were no fire reports submitted for approval.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s report was submitted for October 3, 2016. Fire Commissioners reviewed same. Motion made by A. Santamorena, seconded by A. LoConte. Voted and adopted 5-0.

Proposed budget for 2017:

Treasurer reported that previous estimate of the tax cap for 2017 (0.68%) was in error, it should have been 0.068%. Commissioners will review proposed budget for 2017 taking this into account. Secretary reminded all that budget hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18 at 7:30PM.

Motion to adjourn at 8:27PM by J. Soloman, seconded by M. Manfredi. Voted and adopted 5-0.


John R. Soloman
