40th Traditional St-Petersburg Orienteering Festival

White nights


15-20 June 2010, 5 km north-east from Michurinskoe, Priozerk region

How to get to the event center:

-  By train from St.Petersburg - Finland Railway Station (direction to Sosnovo (Сосново), Priozersk (Приозерск), Kuznechnoe (Кузнечное)) till Sosnovo (Сосново) station (approximate travel time 1h 45), then take the bus to Michurinskoe (Мичуринское) (the turn to recreation center “Mechta” (Мечта)), then follow specific signs.

-  By car: Take the road A-129 to Priozersk (Приозеорск), turn to Michurinskoe (Мичуринское), then at Borisovo (Борисово) turn to dirt road, and follow specific signs (approximate distance is 10 km).

Bus or car transfer for teams and athletes from St.Petersburg Pulkovo airport or Helsinki Vantaa airport is available upon request.


During the Festival there will be held 40th traditional Orienteering Competitions “White nights”, 13th traditional competitions “Bright World” and extra events

13th traditional competitions “Bright World”

15th June, Tuesday

14-00 Start for Sprint distance

16th June, Wednesday

12-00 Start for Long distance

17th June, Thursday

12-00 Start for Medium distance

The results of each day goes to Overall Total.

40th traditional Orienteering Competitions “White nights”

18th June, Friday

18-00 Start for sprint

19th June, Sunday

13-00 Start for Medium distance

22-00 2-stages Relay “Night O-Show”

20th June, Sunday

11-00 Start for Long distance

14-00 Prize-giving ceremony for “Bright World”, “White nights”, Overall Total

Entries and classes


M 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 21E, 21A, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 75, 80

W 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21E, 21A, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75

Infants (MW 5), Children (MW7), Fitness

Organization committee can combine the groups in case of few participants.

For athletes younger than 18 there should be a medical certificate. The coach-representative is responsible for their life and health.


You can send the entries by e-mail:


Limit deadline date for entries is 10 of June 2010.

The entry is valid only after confirmation.

Classes / Entries until 01.06.10 / Entries until 10.06.10 / Entries at the event center
MW 10-18 / 110 / 140 / 160
M60-80, W55-75 / 80 / 100 / 150
MW5, MW7, Fitness / 70 / 80 / 90
Other classes / 200 / 250 / 300

If the team has more that 30 athletes, the coach representative takes part in the competitions with no starting fee.

Payment By cash at the event center

Maps and terrain

Pine forest terrain both with micro-contour and medium contour areas with good runnability. Lots of lakes and streams. No urban territory.

Maps are drawn in 2007-2010. Map makers: Sergey Vorobey (Belorussia), Alexander Mikhailov (Ukraine), Leonid Malankov (Latvia), Roman Slobodyanuk (Ukraine), and makers group with Sergey Kazantsev as a leader. The scale is 1:10000 and 1:7500

Infants and children classes

Children (MW7) will have the special distance with paths, trails and special signs. Map scale 1:5000 and 1:2500. Adults can accompany children.

Infants (MW5) course will be held in enclosed space. There will be distances from 17 till 20 June. Pre-registration is necessary.

All the participants will get sweet prizes. During the competitions there will be baby-sitting.

Night O-SHOW

(2-stages night relay)

The Night O-Show is held on the 20th June 2009, Saturday. Starting time is 22-00.

Start and finish area is near the event center. The organization committee is the committee of the orienteering festival “White nights”. The coordinator is Antipov Maksim.

2-staged relay. Course type – choice.

There are 15 control points, each team should punch all of them. At the same time each teammate should punch at least 5.

MM1 – team of 2 men, WW1 – team of 2 women, MW1 – man and woman

MM2 – team of 2 men, where the mate was born in 1993 or later and 1948 or earlier

WW2 – team of 2 women, where the mate was born in 1993 or later and 1948 or earlier

MW2 – team of a man and a woman, where the mate was born in 1993 or later and 1948 or earlier

The electronic control system is Sport Ident. Each team gets one SI card.

The entries for Night O-Show can me made at the event center on the 20th of June from 14.00 till 18.00. The entry fee for the relay is - 200 roubles for MM1, WW1, MW1 - 100 roubles for MM2, WW2, MW2. The SI card rent costs 30/10 roubles.

Labyrinth Cup

Classes Programme

Date / Starting time / Course
16 June, Wed / 17-20 / Qualification
17 June, Thur / 17-20 / Qualification
18 June, Fri / 12-15 / Qualification
19 June, Sat / 17-20 / Semifinal, final
20 June, Sun / - / Prize-giving

1 – MW10-12

2 – M14-16

3 – W14-16

4 – M

5 – W

Ten best of each class go to semifinal. The overall counts as the sum of two best qualification time form 3 qualifications. The first three at final will be awarded.


The first three in each class are awarded

-  By the sum of time of 3 stages of “Bright World” (15-17 June)

-  By the sum of time of 3 stages of “White Nights” (18-20 June)

-  By the sum of time of 6 stages of the Festival (Overall Total)


The common accommodation is wild-camping near the event center. For cars and buses there will be special parking places. At the event center there will be shower, catering facilities and sport shops.

Wide range of accommodation is available in Losevo, Michurinskoe, etc.

For further information about accommodation, please contact us.

The electronic punching system

The electronic punching system for the competitions is SFR-2. You can buy SFR-2 card at the event center (150 roubles), later you can sell it for 100 roubles.

Extra information

-  You can order bus or car transfer

-  Trade and advertisement at the event center should be discussed with Organization committee


For all the information about this event feel free to ask: