These are some of the points were considered for grading.


·  Program structure and modularity:

- Some students used menu like the following instead of hard-coding the testing data to the control program. This type of menu makes easier to test the program by making a selection and also its makes easier to understand the code.

Utility Menu:

1.) Add a PCB to the Ready Queue

2.) Add a PCB to the Waiting Queue

3.) Remove a PCB from the Ready Queue

4.) Remove a PCB from the Waiting Queue

5.) Display all of the Processes

6.) Display the Ready Queue

7.) Display the Waiting Queue

8.) Exit

Please make a selection:

·  Some students coded everything in one program (didn’t use header files --- separation of control program from other programs/functions). This makes harder to modify those programs for later part of the project. (part 2)

Execution trace:

·  Execution trace didn’t show different PCBs being added/removed, and the contents of the queues.

·  Some students didn’t show this operation in their execution trace “if the position or the PID is missing, the default actions are to add at the tail and remove at the head. “

·  Looks like execution trace is hand-written instead of getting from the program.

·  Try to copy/paste the execution trace from MS-DOS prompt or Unix prompt (showing the prompt). So that I can know that you got the execution trace by running the program.

·  Some students provided the executable file along with the execution trace. I like that because I can run that executable to know whether they have provided me the correct o/p.

Overall code/design clarity/modularity/maintainability and documentation:

·  This section itself explains what are considered for grading like code, design clarity, modularity, and documentation.

·  Purpose of the function/Program not given. (e.g. what the function does..) or every function should begin with a comment describing what the function does.

·  Programs are hard to read because of lack of indentation, documentation

·  Try to separate the executable statements from declaration statements.

·  Should list how many files they have and what the file contains e.g. Readme file describes all files they have.

·  Some students didn’t provide any info about installation and running their program.