
  • Instructions
  • Purpose
  • Tips
  • Checklist
  • Rubric

Portfolio Purpose

A portfolio is an organized collection of required and supplemental documents that clearly illustrates for the judges the complete Graduation Project process. Each portfolio will be reviewed and assessed by the same judges who will hear the student’s Graduation Board presentation. Not only does the Portfolio Component document the Graduation Project learning journey, but it also serves several other purposes.

1. It provides the judges with a firsthand look at a student’s Graduation Project work while establishing a first impression of that student as a person.

2. It enables the judges to ask pertinent questions during the question/answer portion of Graduation Boards.

3. It offers the student an overall perspective of his/her Graduation Project allowing the student to plan a purposeful and powerful Graduation Project speech with plenty of support.

4. It provides students with items they may use in college or the work force. (For example: Letters of introduction and/or recommendation, a resume, documentation of completion of a long-term process, etc.)

5. It allows students a place to keep their work together and organized. A portfolio and 3-ring binder will be provided.

Portfolio Tips: Always keep “QUALITY” in mind while preparing your portfolio!

  • All required forms for the portfolio are available on the Graduation Project section of the SHS website. When completing these forms, using a different font or ink color will distinguish individual responses from the original text.
  • Do not attempt to complete a required form directly from the web page. Right click on the form and select “save as”. Rename the form and save directly to individual account on the SHS server.
  • Delete any extra spaces or unnecessary directions from forms before printing them for the


  • All portfolio documents should be neat, clean, word processed and professional.

Students will be supplied a portfolio and a 3-ring binder with dividers to assist in the portfolio development. The classroom teacher can provide additional directions/instructions as needed.

Portfolio Checklist

_____ Letter to the Judges – Business letter format , autobiographical content

_____ Graduation Project Overview – Available on-line

_____ Paper Proposal – Original copy with signatures and teacher comments

_____ Research Paper – Clean, corrected copy with shortened outline

_____ Project Proposal – Original copy with signatures, dates and teacher comments

_____ Graduation Project Log and Time Card – With mentor signature and comments

_____ Project Verification Form – Must be completed by mentor

_____ Project Verification Items –Proof of all work completed and time spent on the project

Emails, receipts, awards, certificates, letter of commendation, original work, interviews, charts, photos with explanatory caption sheets, etc.

_____ Resume – To format, check MS Word Template or

_____ Optional Items – photo of self (strongly recommended), dedication page, table of contents

This list presents a reasonable organizational method for your portfolio. Individual students may choose to arrange their portfolios in a different manner.


This form must be completed, signed and turned in with your Portfolio.

I have checked and all portfolio checklist items are in my portfolio.

Student Signature ______Date ______


The following portfolio checklist items are missing from my portfolio:

Student Signature ______Date ______

Teacher Signature______Date ______


Student Name ______COMMENTS:

Graduation Project Teacher ______

Graduation Board Judge ______

Rubric Score ______/24 = ______%



COMPLETENESS / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 / TOTALS
Use “Portfolio Checklist” provided in the library to assess this category. / All items are included and completed in full. / One item other than minimum components is missing/
incomplete. / Two items other than minimum components are missing/
incomplete. / Three items other than minimum components missing/
incomplete / Many items are missing.
APPEARANCE / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Assessing professional appearance: neatness, legibility, and organization. / Excellent appearance. / Commendable appearance. / Competent appearance. / Adequate appearance. / Little time or effort given to appearance
QUALITY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Assessing time, effort, and commitment given to each piece. / All pieces exhibit the highest quality. / Most pieces exhibit high quality. / Most pieces exhibit competent quality. / Adequate quality is exhibited in most pieces. / Quality has been overlooked. / x2 =
WRITING / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Assessing coherency, organization, and sophistication of style, individual voice, standard language usage, mechanics, and spelling. / All pieces extremely well written. / Most pieces are well written. / Writing quality varies but is mostly competent. / Writing is adequate. / Writing is below standard expectations / x2 =