This information is also available on the school web site on Ms. Bell's web page

8th Grade Math Team 8-1Ms. Bell……… Room C116

HKMS 2016 - 2017

Welcome to an exciting year of 8th Grade Math. I look forward to spending the year with you and helping you to accomplish your Math goals. I have compiled some information that you will need to know in order to be successful in Math class this year. Please share this information with your parent(s) or guardian.

Class Requirements and Expectations

The 6 P’s—or P6

  • Be prompt(seated, ready to work).
  • Be prepared(with agenda, notebook, math book/packet, writing utensils, reading book, and homework).
  • Be productive and persevere(quiet, attentive, raise your hand, follow directions).
  • Be polite and respectful (of self, others, and property).
  • Be ready to participate and learn!


Show respect for yourself and others. Do not talk when someone else is talking and, in return, expect that you will be listened to when it is your turn to contribute. Respect also means to be polite to and considerate of others.

We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less. -- Diogenes

Be Prepared and Participate:

Every student must have the tools he/she needs for class with them every day. You will need to bring the following items every day:

Tools for Success

  • Math book-workbook/ algebra packet
  • PENCIL (no pens are allowed in math for homework or classwork)
  • Homework
  • Math notebook
  • Agenda

Come in with an Open Mind:Be prepared to learn and more importantly, to try new things.

The First Five Minutes---Warm up:

The First thing all students should do each day is copy the homework assignment into their agenda book. A Do-Now, Brain Teaser, Warm-Up, Problem of the Day or a Math Vocabulary Word will be on the board every day. Students should copy the warm-up or vocabulary word into their notebooks and begin working on it when they arrive to class. The First 5 minutes of every class will be devoted to the problem of the day/vocabulary word. During this time students should clear their desks of all but a pencil, math book/packet, and notebook. Homework should be out on the students' desks so it can be reviewed by the teacher. All Pencils should be sharpened during this time.

Grading in Algebra

Grades in Algebra are calculated using a weighted average according to the categories listed below.

There will be a midterm and a final in Algebra. Students that pass Algebra 1 at HKMS will earn credit towards graduation at HKHS.

Your trimester grade will be calculated from the following four areas based on the scores showing what you have learned. Tests will be announced at least two days in advance. Some quizzes will be open notebook quizzes, some quizzes will be announced in advance and some quizzes will be homework quizzes. You will be given one week to make up any test or quiz that you missed due to a legal absence from school.

Trimester grading

Test Grades (summative)...... 50 %

Quizzes (formative)...... ….....25 %

Math performance tasks and application problems (summative)...... 15 %

Homework /Class Preparation / Class Participation ……………………………10%

  • Ms. Bell will be keeping track of homework quality and timeliness, effort and participation as well as preparedness. Homework is practice!! There is a direct correlation between practice, effort, preparedness and excellent grades. Homework /Class Preparation / Class Participation will be graded in math class.
  • Approximately once a week homework will be collected randomly and given a quiz grade
  • Approximately once a week there will be a quiz based on the homework assignment that will not be announced
  • Students that choose not to do math homework assignments at home will have a working lunch in the pod to complete assignments.

*Math Notebook...... Counted as 1 Quiz grade each trimester

Students will be allowed to make test corrections to earn points back on tests and quizzes. (not homework quizzes). Students may earn up to a third of the points back after corrections.

Grading in Algebra……continued

There will be a midterm and a final in Algebra. Students that pass Algebra 1 at HKMS will earn credit towards graduation at HKHS.

  • The Midterm will count for three test grades during trimester 2 and given during the same time frame as the high school.
  • The Final will count for three test grades during trimester 3 and given during the same time frame as the high school.
  • There are no retakes allowed on Midterms of Finals
  • The Midterm and Final are timed assessments

Please note: the grades are calculated on a weighted average!!

Please see me, email me or call me if you need instruction on how to calculate a weighted average.

Grading in Grade8 Math (Pre-Algebra)

Grades in Grade 8 Math (Pre-Algebra) are calculated using a weighted average according to the categories listed below.

Your trimester grade will be calculated from the following four areas based on the scores showing what you have learned. Tests will be announced at least two days in advance. Some quizzes will be open notebook quizzes, some quizzes will be announced in advance and some quizzes will be homework quizzes. You will be given one week to make up any test or quiz that you missed due to a legal absence from school.

Test Grades (summative)...... 50 %

Quizzes (formative)...... ….....30%

Math performance tasks and application problems (summative)...... 10 %

Homework /Class Preparation / Class Participation ……………………………10%

  • Ms. Bell will be keeping track of homework quality and timeliness, effort and participation as well as preparedness. Homework is practice!! There is a direct correlation between practice, effort, preparedness and excellent grades. Homework /Class Preparation / Class Participation will be graded in math class.
  • Approximately once a week homework will be collected randomly and given a quiz grade
  • Student’s that choose not to do math homework assignments at home will have a working lunch in the pod to complete assignments.

*Math Notebook...... Counted as 1 Quiz grade each trimester

Students will be allowed to retake tests, quizzes or performance tasks if they score lower than a 67. Students must do the following tasks before they are allowed to retake a test or a quiz:

  • Make an appointment for extra help during flex or after school
  • Successfully complete additional assignments to prove understanding
  • Highest score allowed for a retake will be 80

Please note: the grades are calculated on a weighted average!!

Please see me, email me or call me if you need instruction on how to calculate a weighted average.

Homework :

Students can expect to have math homework four nights per week, usually Monday through Thursday. The homework assignments will be projected on the board each day, written on the homework board in the corner of my room and are available on my website. Students must make an assignment entry in their agenda books daily. If there is no homework, then write "No Homework" in the agenda. Homework is practice - not punishment - and it is essential to practice math if you want to master it.

All work that students are asked to complete at home is an extension of skills taught during the 42 minute class and is vital to helping them reach their personal math goals. Occasionally homework assignments will be skill review. The homework assignment should take no more than 30 minutes. Homework is due the day after it is assigned, unless otherwise stated. An absence does not excuse you from doing homework. It is your responsibility to determine the assignments you missed while absent from class. If you are absent from class due to illness or school functions you will have one school day to make up the homework.

*All math work must be done IN PENCIL *All work must be shown

Some homework assignments will be done directly in the math book/workbook

Some homework assignments will be directly in the algebra packets

Some homework assignments will be from a book

  • Homework from the book should be neatly written on a separate, full notebook page and must have the following information included on every homework assignment in the upper right hand corner:

Student Name


Class Period

Assignment(page number and problem numbers)

All homework should be saved in your notebook, in chronological order(by date). Homework will be checked at the beginning of each class. Some assignments will be collected and given a quiz grade.Students who copy homework will be given an alternate assignment to complete and there will be a team consequence. If homework is assigned from a workbook page or a handout, all work must be shown according to the directions on the board/webpage at the beginning of class.

Homework is updated daily on my webpage.


Each of you must have a math notebook. I prefer that the students have a spiral notebook. Students need to keep their math materials separate from other subjects. The math notebook may be included in a multi-subject notebook as long as it is kept in a separate section. In order to be well organized, students may want to divide their math notebook into four (4) sections.

1.) Warm-up problems/Vocab 2.) Homework 3.) Notes/handouts 4.) Quizzes/Tests

This system will help you when you have to study for a test and it will prepare you for high school when you will be expected to take midterms and finals. I will be collecting and grading your notebook each marking period and the grade will count as a QUIZ. In order to receive a passing grade on your notebook, it must be in chronological order and complete. Put the date on everything in your notebook. Complete means that you have classroom notes from each class, all handouts, all homework assignments, quizzes and tests. In addition, I will be giving some open notebook quizzes. Having your notebook organized as described will make it easier for you to study and to get a good grade.

It is recommended that students use a graph paper notebook.

Class Preparation / Participation

Your must come prepared to class every day. Your daily attitude and effort will be reflected in the work you produce in class. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. Mistakes in math often lead to new understandings in how to attack a problem. You will never be marked down for trying. Those who never try--never fail, but they also never succeed.

Extra Help:

I will be available for extra help sessions after school andflex,by appointment. Please do not hesitate to ask for extra help. I can be reached at extension 116, or stop by my room any time in between. My email address is . Please keep in mind that extra help on the day before a test can be too little too late. Please come in for extra help as soon as you realize that you are having some difficulties. Open communication is the key to progress and success.

Here is a little something to keep in mind......

"Not everything that counts can be counted; and not everything that can be counted counts."

Albert Einstein

The necessary parts for successful learning include good attendance, classroom participation and quality homework. A Positive attitude manifests itself in good behavior and effort. These attributes allow students to meet classroom expectations and provide for a successful educational experience in math class. Students must realize that they have a shared responsibility for their own learning. Parent, student and teacher, as a team, will provide the opportunity for success.


Ms. Bell