27. Which of the following is not true of Eleanor Roosevelt?

A. she was a cousin of FDR and Teddy

B. so urged FDR to speak out on women’s rights

C. so was a vocal supporter of equal rights for minorities

D. she had little to no influence on FDR and his policies

28. What were Roosevelt’s weekly radio addresses called?

A. fireside chatsC. rappin’ with the pres’

B. state of the union addressesD. press bulletins

29. Which New Deal program insured banks accounts up to $5,000



30. Which New Deal program gave jobs to men ages 18-25 primarily planting trees?

A. Agricultural Adjustment Act

B. National Industrial Recovery Act

C Civilian Conservation Corps

D. TennesseeValley Authority

31. Which New Deal program provided jobs and electricity by building dams?

A. Agricultural Adjustment Act

B. National Industrial Recovery Act

C Civilian Conservation Corps

D. TennesseeValley Authority

32 Which of the following is not true of the Agricultural Adjustment Act?

A. its main goal was to raise crop prices by lowering production

B. crops and livestock were wasted to help get production down

C. people had mixed feelings about this program because farmers made more money but people were starving D. its main goal was to lower crop prices by increasing production

33. Which of the following was nota problem the New Deal faced?

A. deficit spending

B. Supreme Court nullifications of some New Deal programs (declared them unconstitutional)

C. lack of public support

D. Huey Long and his Share Our Wealth program

34. What is the name of the famous depression era author who wrote The Grapes of Wrath?

A. John SteinbeckC. Sinclair Lewis

B. Upton SinclairD. Langston Hughes

35. What was the name of the New Deal program that provided electricity to farmers?

A. National Industrial Recovery Act

B. Works Progress Administration

C. Rural Electrification Administration

36. Which of the following best describes the New Deal Coalition?

A. a group of cabinet members who pushed through New Deal legislation

B. a group of voters made up of broad backgrounds who supported Roosevelt

C. a group of Supreme Court Judges put in place by Roosevelt

D. a group of activists who strongly disapproved of the New Deal

37. What was the most important appliance in homes during the 1930’s?

A. TVC. dishwashers

B. radioD. washing machines

38. Which of the following was not a problem for farmers leading up to the Great Depression?

A. crop prices began to rise

B. demand for food dropped off after WWI

C. they produced more food than they could sell

D. crop prices began to fall

39. Which of the following was not a major cause of the Great Depression?

A. overproduction in both business and agriculture

B. easy credit

C. unequal distribution of wealth

D. low tariffs and high amounts of foreign trade

40. Which of the following is true about the term “laissez-faire”?

A. Hoover was strongly against it

B. the economy should be left alone (hands off) and it will fix itself

C. the economy needs to be jump started by the government (hands on)

D. the government should distribute wealth more fairly to the people

41. Which of the following is not true of Hoover’s policy towards the depression?

A. believed that American’s had rugged individualism and government handouts would weaken them

B. he was very much against the policy of laissez-faire economics

C. he was against a welfare system that would assist the poor financially

D. he felt that the economy should be left alone and that it would naturally recover

42. Which of the following did not hurt Hoover politically?

A. the Great DepressionC. the Boulder / Hoover dam

B. the Bonus ArmyD. Hoovervilles

43. Which of the following is not true of the Bonus Army?

A. they wanted a $500 bonus paid immediately instead of in 1945

B. Eisenhower was a general who had to evict them from WashingtonD.C.

C. they represent a great political success for Hoover

D. they were WWI veterans

44. The oil industry / presidential cabinet scandal involving Albert Fall was called

A. The Melting Pot AffairC. The Red Scare

B. The Teapot Dome ScandalD. The Ohio Gang Folly

45. Who founded the United Negro Improvement Association?

A. W.E.B. Du BoisC. Marcus Garvey

B. Booker T. WashingtonD. James Weldon Johnson