Request For Proposal
Video and Multimedia Production Services


Key Dates:
Final Date to Submit Questions: Monday, March 2, 2015, 12 Noon EST
Submit Complete Information By: Monday, March 12, 2015, 12 Noon EST
Late or facsimile responses will not be accepted or considered

APPENDIX A - General Proponent Information

Contact Information

Please provide the following information: (Name one person to be the contact for this RFP response and for any clarifications that might be necessary)

Full Organization Legal Name:
Street Address:
City, Province/State:
Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Organization Website (if one exists):
Organization Ownership
(specify private or public company):
Parent Organization Name (if any):
RFP Contact Person and Title:
E-mail Address for RFP Contact Person:

Occupational Health & Safety

Describe the Health and Safety program for your organization, indicating how you ensure that all Health and Safety standards are met.

References – Current Clients

Please list three references comparable to PSHSA for which you currently provide similar products and services to outlined in this RFP.

Company Name
Company Address
Contact Name
Title of Contact
Contact Phone Number
Date Work Undertaken
Brief Description of Assignment
Company Name
Company Address
Contact Name
Title of Contact
Contact Phone Number
Date Work Undertaken
Brief Description of Assignment
Company Name
Company Address
Contact Name
Title of Contact
Contact Phone Number
Date Work Undertaken
Brief Description of Assignment

APPENDIX B – Tax Compliance Declaration

The Ontario Government expects all suppliers to pay their provincial taxes on a timely basis. In this regard, Proponents are advised that any contract with the Ontario Government will require a declaration from the successful Proponent that the Proponent's provincial taxes are in good standing.

In order to be considered for a contract award, the Proponent must submit the following tax compliance status statement and the following consent to disclosure:


I/WE hereby certify that______at the time of submitting its proposal,

(Legal Name of Proponent)

is in full compliance with all tax statutes administered by the Ministry of Revenue for Ontario and that, in particular, all returns required to be filed under all provincial tax statutes have been filed and all taxes due and payable under those statutes have been paid or satisfactory arrangements for their payment have been made and maintained.

Consent to Disclosure

I/We consent to the Ministry of Revenue releasing the taxpayer information described in this Declaration to the Ministry issuing the RFP as necessary for the purpose of verifying that I/we am/are in full compliance with all statutes administered by the Ministry of Revenue.

Dated atthisday of20

An authorized signing officer)

(Print Name)


(Phone Number)(Fax Number)

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APPENDIX C – Conflict Of Interest Declaration

The Proponent and its Affiliates declare that it does not now have and agrees not to have any public or private interest, and shall not acquire directly or indirectly any such interest in connection with the work defined in this RFP-2015-0006, that would conflict or appear to conflict in any manner with the performance of the SERVICES under this RFP-2015-0006or subsequent contract. “Affiliate” means a corporate entity linked to the Proponent through common ownership. The Proponent and its Affiliates agree not to provide any services to any entity that may have an adversarial interest in a project for which it has provided services to PSHSA. The Proponent and its Affiliates agree to disclose to PSHSA all other interests that the Proponents have or contemplate having during each phase of the project. In all situations, PSHSA will decide if a conflict of interest exists. If PSHSA concludes that a conflict of interest exists, it will inform the Proponent and its Affiliates. If the Proponent and its Affiliates choose to retain the interest constituting the conflict, PSHSA may terminate the Contract for cause in accordance the provisions stated in the Contract.


(Proponent Organization)(Proponent Representative)

I have the authority to bind the organization.



APPENDIX D - Respondent Acknowledgement Form

RFP-2015-0006, Video and Multimedia Production Services

Respondent’s Registered Legal Business Name:
Mailing Address:
Name of Contact Person: / Title:
Contact Person Tel.#: / Facsimile Tel.#:
E-mail Address:

The Respondent hereby acknowledges

(i)that the information it is providing is, to the best of its knowledge, complete and accurate;

(ii)that the information it is providing, and all or a portion of the proposal itself, even if identified as being confidential, may be used, reproduced, and disclosed by PSHSA on a confidential basis to third parties retained by PSHSA in connection with the subject matter of this RFP, including without limitation, for the purposes of evaluating the information;

(iii)that the information it is providing is subject to disclosure in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.F.31, as amended, that notwithstanding that the Respondent has identified in its proposal any information it wishes PSHSA to keep confidential, the information provided by a Proponent and all or a portion of the proposal itself, may be disclosed by PSHSA to third parties where an order by the Information and Privacy Commissioner or a court requires PSHSA to do so.

(iv)that PSHSA shall not be liable for any costs incurred by the respondent in the preparation of its proposal;

(v)that all materials submitted to PSHSA by the Respondent shall become the personal property of PSHSA and shall not be returned;

(vi)that, as elaborated upon in paragraph A, “Information Gathering Process” of Section IV, this RFP is for information gathering purposes only and does not create any legal obligations or restrict PSHSA rights regarding the procurement of any good or service.

(vii)that a benefit has not been conferred of any kind on anyone employed by or connected with PSHSA, for the purpose of influencing the outcome of procurement.

Signature of Witness: / Signature of Respondent representative:
______/ ______
(I have authority to bind the Respondent).
Name of Witness: / (corporate seal)

APPENDIX E – Pricing Form

Please rates for each of the sample projects below:

Sample Project / Quote to meet Sample Project / Rate Per Minute of Completed Asset
  1. Traffic Protection
In conjunction with PSHSA subject matter experts and instructional designer/eLearning developers create video which presents instruction to road workers on how to properly set up a traffic protection zones. The video will include some animation to illustrate where to put equipment and vehicles and then in person demonstration of the same actions. Animations will account for apx. 10 minutes of total video.
Length of video: 30 Minutes
Talent: PSHSA staff, External Staff from PSHSA clients
Props: include usage of heavy equipment which will have to be arranged through PSHSA client volunteer site. Also will have to identify a location which looks like a road and can be closed off for the duration of the shoot.
For this project please also provide a brief outline of your approach/concept for script and project plan with key milestones identified.
  1. Voice-Over Production Services
Production of voice over assets to support eLearning program development.
There are 150 slides across 9 modules – 22,486 words total
The audio for each slide must be submitted as its own .wav file. Layers within the slides must also be submitted as their own audio files (file separation will be indicated on script). 347 files total
  1. Voice-Over Product Services – French
Translation of content from English to French and production of voice over assets to support eLearning program development.
There are 150 slides across 9 modules – 22,486 words total
The audio for each slide must be submitted as its own .wav file. Layers within the slides must also be submitted as their own audio files (file separation will be indicated on script). 347 files total
  1. Video Tip Series
Development of video tip which features a PSHSA consultant discussing a key health and safety program element and how a client can address this element in their workplace.
Length: 3 minutes
Talent: PSHSA consultant
  1. Promotion of products, Services and Expertise
Video of consultant delivering training program highlighting the consultants expertise and unique value proposition of the training program
Length: 1 minute
Talent: PSHSA consultants, participants of training program
  1. Video Testimonials
Video showcasing positive experience that a key PSHSA customer had with product or service and how it helped them solve a health and safety problem.
Length: 2 minutes
Talent: PSHSA customer

For Item #1 above please provide a brief outline of your approach/concept for script and project plan with key milestones identified.

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