1. / Demonstrate comprehension of grade- level vocabulary within familiar, basic questions and simple academic directions, including multiple-meaning words and idioms, supported by simplified speech, repetition, and visual or non-verbal cues. / 1. / Demonstrate comprehension of grade-level vocabulary within simple questions and academic instruction, including
multiple-meaning words and idioms, when
supported by repetition,
visual and/or non-verbal cues. / 1. / Demonstrate comprehension of grade- level vocabulary, including multiple- meaning words and idioms, within scaffolded conversations and academic instruction on familiar topics, with repetition and visual or non-verbal support. / 1. / Demonstrate comprehension of grade- level vocabulary, including multiple- meaning words and idioms, within most everyday conversations
and academic instruction, with occasional visual or non-verbal support. / 1. / Demonstrate comprehension of
grade-level vocabulary, including multiple-
meaning words and
idioms, with minimal support.
2. / Demonstrate recognition / 2. / Demonstrate recognition / 2. / Demonstrate recognition / 2. / Demonstrate recognition / 2. / Demonstrate recognition
of word structures within / of word structures within / of word structures to / of word structures to / of word structures to
familiar, simple speech to / simple questions and / determine the meaning / determine the meaning of / determine the meaning
determine the meaning of / academic instruction to / of words within / words within most / of words, with minimal
words, when supported / determine the meaning / scaffolded conversations / everyday conversations / support.
by simplified speech, / of words, when / and academic instruction / and academic instruction,
repetition, and visual or / supported by repetition, / on familiar topics, with / with occasional support
non-verbal cues. / visual and or non-verbal / repetition and visual or / cues.
cues. / non-verbal support.
Pronunciation and Intonation Patterns
3. Distinguish common / 3. / Distinguish phonemes / 3. / Distinguish phonemes / 3. / Distinguish phonemes / 3. / Distinguish phonemes
phonemes and phonemic / and phonemic patterns / and phonemic patterns / and phonemic patterns in / and phonemic patterns
patterns in initial and final / in initial and final / in initial and final / initial, medial and final / including blends and
consonant sounds. / consonant sounds and / positions and long vowel / positions. / digraphs in initial, medial
short vowel sounds. / sounds. / and final positions.

4. Distinguish intonation

patterns in familiar questions and statements.

4. Distinguish intonation

patterns that affect meaning in familiar questions, exclamations, and statements.

4. Distinguish intonation

patterns that affect meaning in less familiar questions, statements, and exclamations.

4. Distinguish intonation

patterns that affect meaning in questions, statements, exclamations, and commands.

4. Distinguish intonation

patterns and word stress that affect meaning in questions, statements, exclamations, and commands.

5. Respond appropriately to classroom commands and instructions to complete grade-level
tasks containing modeled one-step directions,
supported by visual and
or non-verbal cues. / 5. / Respond appropriately
to classroom commands and instructions to complete grade-level tasks containing
modeled two-step directions, when supported by simplified speech, repetition, and visual or non-verbal cues. / 5. / Respond appropriately to classroom commands and instructions to complete grade-level tasks containing
modeled multi-step directions, with repetition and visual or non-verbal support. / 5. / Respond appropriately to classroom commands and instructions to complete grade-level tasks containing multi- step directions, with occasional support. / 5. / Respond appropriately
to classroom commands and instructions to complete multi-step grade-level tasks, with minimal support.
6. Respond appropriately to / 6. / Respond appropriately / 6. / Respond appropriately to / 6. / Respond appropriately to / 6. / Respond appropriately
short, simply phrased / to grade-level questions / a variety of factual and / grade-level questions / to a variety of factual
questions about familiar / that contain simple / inferential grade-level / that contain complex / and inferential grade-
topics. / language structures. / questions that have / language structures. / level questions and
simple language / prompts.
Comprehension of Information Presented Orally
7. Demonstrate listening / 7. / Demonstrate listening / 7. / Demonstrate listening / 7. / Demonstrate listening / 7. / Demonstrate listening
comprehension of / comprehension of topic / comprehension of topic, / comprehension of / comprehension of
content presented, with / and details about / details and main idea / familiar and unfamiliar / familiar and unfamiliar
simplified speech and / familiar information, with / about familiar and / content information in a / content information in a
visual support. / simplified speech and / unfamiliar information / variety of settings, with / variety of settings, with
visual support. / presented in normal / occasional support. / minimal support.
speech, with visual

Conversations and Discussions

8. Demonstrate active listening strategies about familiar topics by attending to the speaker nonverbally, making eye contact and using appropriate gestures.

8. Demonstrate active listening strategies in routine social and grade- level academic interactions by responding

appropriately, with support.

8. Demonstrate active listening strategies in social and grade-level academic interactions by asking on-topic questions, with support.

8. Demonstrate active listening strategies in social and grade-level academic interactions by asking on-topic questions, with occasional support.

8. Demonstrate active listening strategies by attending to the speaker and responding appropriately to clarify and understand, and retelling, with minimal support.

1. / Use basic, concrete grade-level content- specific vocabulary,
about familiar information within phrases, one-word responses, and memorized responses, with visual, non-verbal and text support. / 1. / Use concrete grade-level content-specific vocabulary within simple questions and
statements, supported by repetition, visual, non-
verbal and text support. / 1. / Use grade-level content- specific vocabulary within scaffolded academic discussions, with visual, non-verbal and text support. / 1. / Use grade-level content- specific vocabulary
within academic discussions, with
occasional visual, non-
verbal and text support. / 1. / Use grade-level content- specific vocabulary, within academic discussions, with minimal support.
2. / Use basic general / 2. / Use basic general / 2. / Use general grade-level / 2. / Use general grade-level / 2. / Use general academic
academic vocabulary, / academic vocabulary, / academic vocabulary, / academic vocabulary / vocabulary within
including terms used as / including terms used as / including terms used as / within academic / academic discussions,
academic language / academic language / academic language / discussions, with / with minimal support.
functions within phrases, / functions, within simple / functions, within / occasional visual, non-
one-word responses, and / questions and / scaffolded academic / verbal and text support.
memorized responses / statements, supported by / discussions, with visual,
about familiar topics, with / visual, non-verbal and / non-verbal and text
visual, non-verbal and / text support. / support.
text support.
3. / Use general vocabulary / 3. / Use general vocabulary / 3. / Use general vocabulary / 3. / Use expressive grade- / 3. / Use expressive grade-
terms from all parts of / terms from all parts of / terms from all parts of / level vocabulary within / level vocabulary within
speech about familiar / speech within simple / speech within scaffolded / interpersonal / interpersonal discussions,
topics, with visual, non- / questions and / interpersonal / discussions, with / with minimal support.
verbal and text support. / statements, supported by / discussions, with visual, / occasional visual, non-
visual, non-verbal and / non-verbal and text / verbal and text support.
text support. / support.
4. / Use appropriate word order in modeled short phrases, highly patterned statements, and questions, with support. / 4. / Use appropriate word order in simple statements and questions, with support. / 4. / Use appropriate word order in simple and compound statements and questions, with support. / 4. / Use appropriate word order in complete and correct statements and questions, with occasional support. / 4. / Use appropriate word order in complete and correct declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences, with minimal support.
5. / Use subject-verb / 5. / Use subject-verb / 5. / Use subject-verb / 5. / Use subject-verb / 5. / Use singular subjects
agreement in highly / agreement in simple / agreement in simple and / agreement in a variety of / with singular verbs and
patterned simple / statements and / compound statements / statements and / plural subjects with plural
statements, with support. / questions, with support. / and questions, with / questions, with / verbs, with minimal
support. / occasional support. / support.
6. / Use present tense of / 6. / Use verb tenses to / 6. / Use verb tenses to / 6. / Use verb tenses to / 6. / Use verb tenses to
common verbs, with / indicate present and / indicate present, past, / indicate present, past, / indicate present, past,
modeling and visual / future events, with / and future events, with / and future events, with / and future events, with
support. / modeling and visual / modeling and visual / occasional support. / minimal support.
support. / support.
7. / Use simple transitional / 7. / Use basic transitional / 7. / Use grade-level / 7. / Use grade-level / 7. / Use a variety of grade-
words to communicate a / words among sentences / transitional words and / transitional words and / level transitions to
message, with support. / to communicate a logical / phrases to communicate / phrases to create / communicate cohesive
message, with support. / a cohesive and logical / cohesive and logical / and logical messages
message, with support. / messages, with / and presentations, with
occasional support. / minimal support.
Pronunciation, Intonation
8. Use comprehensible / 8. / Use comprehensible / 8. / Use comprehensible / 8. / Use comprehensible / 8. / Speak clearly enough to
pronunciation, / pronunciation, / pronunciation, / pronunciation, / be heard and understood
enunciation, intonation, / enunciation, intonation, / enunciation, intonation, / enunciation, intonation, / in a variety of situations
and fluency in grade-level / and fluency in grade-level / and fluency in grade-level / fluency, and verbal/non- / for a variety of purposes,
oral language tasks, / oral language tasks such / oral language tasks and / verbal techniques in / using appropriate non-
using words, phrases, / as reciting sentences to / presentations, with / spontaneous situations / verbal techniques to
and simple sentences, / retell a story, when / modeling and multimedia / and grade-level oral / enhance communication,
when repeating after a / repeating after a model. / support. / presentations, with / with minimal support.
model. / modeling and multimedia
Beginning / High Beginning / Intermediate / High Intermediate / Advanced
Personal Information

9. Express personal information and ideas using short phrases and memorized patterns, with support such as modeled language, props, and visual cues.

10. Express opinions and feelings using short phrases and memorized patterns, with support such as modeled language, props, and visual cues.

11. Express needs and wants using short phrases and memorized patterns, with support such as modeled language, props, and visual cues.

9. Express personal information and ideas using simple modeled sentences, with support such as modeled language, props, and visual cues.

10. Express opinions and feelings using simple sentences, with support such as modeling, props, and visual cues.

11. Express needs and wants using simple sentences, with support such as restating modeled sentences, props, and visual cues.

9. Express personal information and ideas, including stating a position and supporting it with reasons, with

support such as sentence stems and sentence frames.

10. Express opinions and feelings, including stating a position and supporting it with reasons, with support of sentence stems and sentence frames.

11. Express needs and wants, with support such as props, sentence stems, and sentence frames.

9. Express personal information and ideas, including delivering oral presentations, with support such as modeling and prompting for additional details.

10. Express opinions and feelings while engaging in one-on-one and small group discussions, with

support such as modeling and prompting for

additional details.

11. Express needs and wants, including multiple reasons, with support such as modeling and prompting for additional details.

9. Speak in a variety of situations to inform and/or relate experiences, with minimal support.

10. Express opinions and feelings within a variety of discussions, with minimal support.

11. Express needs and wants, including multiple reasons, using appropriate verbal and non-verbal techniques, with minimal support.

12. / Explain familiar grade- level academic procedures using single words or short phrases, with support. / 12. / Explain grade-level academic procedures using sentences, with support. / 12. / Explain grade-level two- step academic procedures using complex sentences, with support. / 12. / Explain grade-level multi- step academic procedures using
complex sentences, with occasional support. / 12. / Explain grade-level multi- step academic procedures using
complex language structures, with minimal support.
13. / Retell events, stories, / 13. / Retell events, stories, / 13. / Retell events, stories and / 13. / Retell the main idea and / 13. / Retell main ideas and
and experiences using / and experiences using / experiences using / details of events, stories, / details of events, stories,
pictures, words, and / simple sentences, with / sentences, with support. / and experiences using / and experiences using
short phrases, with / support. / multiple sentences, with / grade-level language
support. / occasional support. / structures, with minimal
14. / Describe attributes of / 14. / Describe and compare / 14. / Describe and compare / 14. / Describe and compare / 14. / Describe and compare
people, places, and / attributes of people, / attributes and / factual attributes and / factual and implied
things using simple / places, and things using / characteristics of people, / characteristics of people, / attributes and
words and short phrases, / adjectives in phrases and / places, and things using / places, and things using / characteristics of people,
and basic adjectives, with / simple sentences, with / sentences, with support. / multiple sentences, with / places, and things using
support. / support. / occasional support. / grade-level language
structures, with minimal
15. / Express predictions of / 15. / Express predictions and / 15. / Express predictions, / 15. / Express predictions, / 15. / Express predictions,
future events using / future events using / probability, and future / probability, and future / probability, and future
simple words and short / phrases and simple / events using sentences, / events using multiple / events using grade-level
phrases, with support. / sentences, with support. / with support. / sentences, with / language structures, with
occasional support. / minimal support.
16. / Express cause-effect / 16. / Express cause-effect / 16. / Express cause-effect / 16. / Express cause-effect / 16. / Express cause-effect
relationships using / relationships using / relationships using / relationships using / relationships using signal
simple words or phrases, / phrases and simple / sentences, including / multiple sentences, / words and grade-level
with pictures or graphic / sentences, including / because and if/then / including because, so, / language structures, with
organizers for support. / because, with support. / statements, with support. / and if/then statements, / minimal support.
with occasional support.