Efis No. 91/2016

October 2016

Range: Children Act

C100 - Application under section 8 of the Children Act 1989 for a Child Arrangements, Prohibited Steps, Specific Issue

Order or to Vary or Discharge or ask permission to make a section 8 order

C110A - Application for a Care or Supervision Order and Other Orders under Part 4 of the Children Act 1989 or an

Emergency Protection Order under Section 44 of the Children Act 1989

DIV_A1 - Notice of [Intention to Proceed with] an Application for a Financial Remedy (other than a Financial Order) in the

County Court or High Court

FM1 - Family Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting

In accordance with Practice Direction 3A, the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) has amended FM1 to enable applicants to provide evidence of domestic violence going back 60 months instead of 24 months which brings FM1 into line with similar changes to the legal aid and civil procedure regulations. The MOJ has also amended form DIV_A1 to enable applicants who seek exemption from a Family Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) to provide evidence of domestic violence dating back 60 months instead of the current period of 24 months.

The MOJ has also amended C100 and C110A to enable applicants to request the use of Welsh in proceedings and clarify requests for an interpreter who can speak and understand the relevant language.

Subscribers to this range should use the latest versions of C100, C110A, DIV_A1 and FM1 for applications made on and after 3rd October.

For details of field amendments please go to: http://oyezforms.co.uk/fieldchanges


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