Updated 7/2011




In accordance with Alaska Statute 14.03.250 (Section B), the Soldotna Montessori Charter School Academic Policy Committee has been formed in order to establish and maintain the Soldotna Montessori Charter School. The Academic Policy Committee strives to establish and maintain a Montessori community in the central Kenai Peninsula so that the Montessori program can evolve with purposeful cooperation and common vision. To this end, the Academic Policy Committee

·  will oversee the curriculum,

·  engage in planning with the school administration and staff to set and meet program goals

·  Insure the fulfillment of the mission of the SMCS Charter

·  advocate for the program

·  foster a spirit of community at SMCS.


A.  Academic Policy Committee

The Academic Policy Committee, (hereinafter, “the APC”), shall be comprised of nine (9) non-paid, voting members, consisting of the following:

·  Six (6) parents or guardians of currently enrolled students, elected at large

·  One (1) school administrator or staff designee in administrator’s absence

·  Two (2) teacher members, selected by the teaching staff, ideally representing both the primary and intermediate levels

B.  General Membership

The general membership, (hereinafter, “the membership”), shall be comprised of all legal guardians of currently enrolled students and all school administrators, faculty and staff (hereinafter, “the staff”).


A.  APC Meetings

1.  Regular Meetings: The APC will hold at least six (6) meetings scheduled during the school year to discuss APC affairs and take appropriate action. Notice of each meeting, along with an agenda, shall be posted at the school at least one week prior to each meeting. The membership as well as the public is welcome at all regular meetings. Procedure may be informal and minutes will be kept.

2.  Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called for by the Chair or by written request of five members delivered to the Chair, Vice-Chair or Administrator. Notice of the meeting must be given to the members at least one day before the meeting and must specify the purpose for which the meeting is called. Action at the meeting is limited to the purpose stated in the notice. Procedure may be informal and minutes will be kept.

3.  Quorum: The quorum for action at an APC meeting is five (5) members. Action requires an affirmative vote of at least five (5) of the members.

4.  Executive Session: All regular and special meetings of the APC shall be open to the public except that, upon a vote of a majority of the APC members present, an executive session may be held to discuss any one or more of the following:

·  Attorney-client matters
·  Acquisitions, leases, rental, or sale of property
·  Contract proposals or negotiations

·  Confidential or sensitive personnel or student matters

The motion requesting the executive session shall state, in general, the nature of the matter to be discussed. Only those persons invited by the APC may be present during the executive session. The APC shall not make final policy decisions, nor shall any resolution, rule, regulation, or formal action, or any action approving a contract or calling for the payment of money be adopted or approved at any session, which is closed to the general public. Matters discussed during an executive session shall remain confidential among those attending. The Secretary of the APC shall maintain topical minutes of all executive sessions.

B.  General Membership Meetings

A general Membership meeting shall be held in the first Quarter of the school year. Additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary. Written notice of the meeting will be given and an agenda will be posted at the school two weeks before the meeting. The Chair will preside over Membership meetings. Procedure may be informal.

IV.  Specific Duties of the APC

A.  Review and approve enrollment, curricula, and related topics and procedures in accordance with the following Alaska Statutes:

AS 14.03.250 - 14.03.290

(1) "academic policy committee" means the group designated to supervise the academic operation of a charter school and to ensure the fulfillment of the mission of a charter school;

Sec. 14.03.250.

c); the principal of the charter school shall be selected by the academic policy committee and [the principal] shall select, appoint, or otherwise supervise employees of the charter school;

B.  The APC is responsible for developing criteria for selecting the administrator and negotiating the contractual agreement with the administrator.

V.  Officers and Responsibilities

The APC shall formally elect the following officers prior to the General Membership meeting in September (first Quarter).

A.  Chair: The Chairperson shall have the duties and powers normally given to that office including but not limited to:

1.  Conduct general membership and APC meetings

2.  Maintain communication with Administrator about internal program matters

3.  Direct the functioning of the APC

4.  Develop or delegate the agenda for all meetings

B.  Vice Chair: The Vice Chair shall have the duties and powers normally given to that office including but not limited to:

1.  Stand in for the Chair when needed

2.  Oversee and facilitate the work of subcommittees.

3.  Perform other duties as assigned by the Chair

C.  Secretary: The Secretary shall have the duties and powers normally given to that office including but not limited to:

1.  Maintain, post and distribute minutes of all meetings

2.  Conduct other duties as assigned by the Chair

3.  Give notice of all meetings

D.  Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have the duties and powers normally given to that office including but not limited to:

1.  Give a financial report of the APC funds at each APC meeting to be placed within the minutes.

2.  Upon the dissolution of SMCS, the disposition of net proceeds from charitable gaming conducted under this chapter will go to an organization as defined as AS 05.15.690(5) or another qualified organization that is authorized to conduct an activity under AS 05.15.

3.  Perform other duties as assigned by the Chair

The following shall be in place prior to the General Membership meeting in September (first Quarter)

E.  Past Chair

1.  Perform other duties as assigned by Chair

F.  Administrator: Although not an elected office, the Administrator holds these additional responsibilities:

1.  Assist with the development of the agenda

2.  Report to the APC at all regular APC meetings on the budget, enrollment, and current school issues

3.  Provide regular updates to APC members

4.  Act as a liaison with KPBSD Central Office

5.  Actively advocate for the school and Montessori philosophy

6.  Be apprised of and follow Alaska State and KPBSD charter school statutes and policies and update the APC accordingly

G.  Teacher Members:

1.  Represents the interests and concerns of teaching staff to APC

2.  Perform other duties as assigned by the Chair

H.  Parent Members:

1.  Represent the interests and concerns of students and parents to APC

2.  Perform other duties as assigned by the Chair or APC

VI.  Terms and Election of Board Members

A.  Terms of Parent Members

1.  Parent members are elected to three (3) year terms with two (2) seats being up for election each year.

2.  Terms are from the swearing in of the parent member to the swearing in of the successor (typically from May to May)

3.  Members may serve consecutive terms.

4.  Interim vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the majority of the remaining Board, should a quorum exist. These appointments shall be effective only until the next annual election meeting, at which time an election will be held to fill the seat for the remainder of the term. Should a quorum no longer exist, due to voluntary resignation and/or dismissal, a special election will be held to fill vacant seats. The APC member(s) elected in said special election shall remain seated for the duration of the original term

5.  Any APC member may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chair or Secretary of the APC. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified therein.

6.  A member may be removed from the APC for failing to uphold the oath of office or failure to carry out the policies and objectives of Soldotna Montessori Charter School and the office held.


(1)  A motion for removal of a member shall be made an APC meeting.
(2)  A petition for the removal from office will be sent by the APC to the member in question, stating the reason for the proposed removal.
(3)  The member in question will have fifteen (15) days to respond in writing to the petition.
(4)  A vote will then be taken at the next APC meeting to accept or reject the petition to remove. A super-majority (6 APC Members) is required to accept or reject the petition.

7.  A vacancy on the APC is created when an APC member is no longer eligible for membership in the APC, when the APC member resigns, or when the APC member fails to uphold the oath of office. The APC shall fill an APC officer vacancy by interim secret ballot.

B.  Qualifications and Limitations

1.  Parent seats must be filled by parents or guardians of students currently attending the school on a full-time basis.

2.  Parent seats may not be filled by a paid employee of the Montessori Charter School.

3.  Only one parent per family may serve on the APC.

4.  To maintain public confidence, prevent the use of public office for private gain, and to avoid conflicts of interest, APC members shall disclose in writing known or potential conflicts of interest prior to the time set for voting on any transaction and shall not vote on the matter or attempt to influence the decisions of other APC members in voting on the matter. The written disclosures will be attached to the minutes of the meeting in which APC action occurred relating to the matter disclosed.

C.  Elections

1.  Regular elections will be conducted in May of each year by a three member election subcommittee.

2.  The subcommittee will seek candidates for each seat at least one (1) month prior to the election.

3.  Using information provided by the candidates, the subcommittee shall prepare a candidate information statement, which will be sent home with the students prior to the election.

4.  Each member (defined as all legal guardians of currently enrolled students and all school administrators, faculty and staff) shall have one vote.

5.  Elections shall be conducted using secret ballot in the spring of each year.

6.  Absentee ballots, upon request, will be available in the SMCS office until the General Membership Meeting.

7.  The subcommittee shall count the ballots on the election date.

8.  Open seats shall be filled by candidate(s) receiving the highest number of votes of the members present.

9.  Election results will be posted the next school day.

10. Elected members shall be sworn in at the next regular meeting of the APC.

11. In the event of a tie, the subcommittee will conduct a run-off election.


APC Standing subcommittees include:

1.  Election: Runs elections under Article VI (C).

VII.  BYLAWSThese bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the APC. Proposed changes, amendments and updates will be on the agenda of a regular APC meeting, open for public comment, and voted on no earlier than the next regular APC meeting.

VIII.  APC MEETING RECORDS All records of the APC are considered public and may be inspected at any reasonable time. The APC shall keep at the SMCS office a record giving the names and addresses of the APC.


In order to maintain a professional environment for students, staff and families, the APC encourages parents to follow the SMCS procedure. For the resolution of concerns or giving and getting accurate information.

1.  First, speak directly to the classroom teacher most directly involved in the situation.

2.  If there is still cause for concern or you feel the situation is not resolved, a meeting between you, the teacher and the principal may be held.

3.  If there is still cause for concern or you feel the situation is still not resolved, you may request a meeting with the principal only.

4.  If the situation remains unresolved, the issue may be brought to the APC during Executive Session. To request an Executive Session, submit your request with a brief, written summary of the situation to the APC Chairperson.

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