Jesus Movies on the Internet

(These links change from time to time, so you might have to do a new search if the link is dead)

Jeff Staley, Seattle University (2009)

The Ten Worst Jesus Movies Ever—According to the Wittenburg Door

Ben-Hur (1959) Wyler

Ben-Hur meets Jesus

From the Manger to the Cross (1912) Olcott

Complete in 8 segments.

Godspell (1973) Greene

Complete in 13 segments

The Gospel of Matthew (1964) Pasolini

Unnumbered segments. It is not clear whether the entire film is on YouTube.

The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965) Stevens

Complete in 20 segments

Jesus Christ Superstar (1973) Jewison

Complete in 20 segments

The Jesus Film (1979) Sykes and Krisch

Complete. Find the English language version, begin watching at 7:40

Jesus of Montreal (1989) Arcand

Complete, but you will have to download "Bittorrent" application to view the film for free. Make sure your virus protection is up-to-date and active before downloading Bittorrent!

Jesus of Nazareth(1916) Olcott

Complete in 10 segments. This is a 1916 version of Olcott's filmFrom the Manger to the Cross(see above), which includes the resurrection and ascension

Jesus of Nazareth (1977) Zeffirelli

Complete in 41 segments

The King of Kings (1927) DeMille

Three segments only

King of Kings (1961) Ray

Complete in 16 segments

The Last Temptation of Christ (1988) Scorsese

Siskel & Ebert review The Last Temptation of Christ

Miscellaneous clips, mostly from the triumphal entry into Jerusalem-death

The Last Temptation of Christ - clip - Jesus defends Mary

The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ (1905) Zecca

Only three segments of the film are available on YouTube

Life of Brian (1979) Jones

Complete in 9 segments

Matthew—Visual Bible (1993) van den Bergh

Complete in 29 segments

The Messiah (1975) Rossellini

Three segments only (no English subtitles)

The first clip, “Il rimprovero” is from Luke 2:41-52, and includes a children's song which is repeated at Jesus' crucifixion:
"Then came the ox that quenched the fire,
that had burned the stick, that had beaten the dog,
that had bitten the cat, that had eaten the little goat
that my father had bought for two coins. The little goat, the little goat.”

La roccia: Jesus teaches while he works as a carpenter (Matthew 7:21-29)

The Milky Way (1969) Buñuel

No subtitles

Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42) followed by the Wedding at Cana (begins at 2:45 into the clip)where Jesus tells the parable of the unjust steward. There are other non-Jesus segments of this film also on YouTube

Healing two blind men

The Ruling Class (1972) Medak

A schizophrenic thinks he is Jesus (excerpts only)

The heir (how Jack discovered he was God)

Excerpts from (Jack attempts a miracle)

The Day Jesus Christ Got Married, Then Fought God Almighty!!

The Favour, the Watch, and the Very Big Fish (1992) Lewin

Siskel and Ebert Review only

Jesus (1999) Young

Temptation scene

“Pilate” interview

Jesus Christ Superstar (2000) Edwards and Morris

Unknown number of segments

The Gospel of John (2003) Saville

Complete in 19 segments

The Nativity Story (2006) Hardwicke

In 10 segments

The Passion (2008) Produced for Stafford-Clark for the BBC

In 6 segments. Begins at 1:50

The Robe (1953) Koster

Crucifixion scene

The dance of Salome is a scene worth comparing in Jesus movies. Below are two additional clips not referenced in Jesus,The Gospels, and Cinematic Imagination. An excellent article of Nazimova’s Salome can be found in Patricia White, “Nazimova’s Veils: Salome at the Intersection of Film Histories.” Pp. 60-87 in A Feminist Reader in Early Cinema, edited by Jennifer M. Bean and Diane Negra (Durham: Duke University Press, 2002).

Salome (Dance of the Seven Veils) (1923) Bryant

Alla Nazimova as Salome

Salome (Dance of the Seven Veils) (1953) Dieterle

Rita Hayworth as Salome