RLGN 1000.04 RELIGION SEMINAR Spring 2015 SCRB 314

Dr. Rick Johnson

Office SCRB 206, 923-2183

Office Hours: MW 8:30-9:00, 11:00-11:30, 1:00-2:30; TR 9:30-11:30; F 8:30-9:00, 11:00-11:30

I. COURSE DESCRIPTION: an attendance-based course designed to assist students in their development of identity, the understanding of Christian servant leadership, and the integration of both for effective ministry.


·  Students will demonstrate understanding of the importance of Christian faith as a foundation for all knowledge.

·  Students will demonstrate understanding of how Christian faith shapes Christian identity.

·  Students will show awareness of how their education has affected their Christian faith and identity.


2/2 Initial Meeting

3/2 Assessments

4/6 Final Meeting and Assessments

VERY IMPORTANT!!! The last day to drop a class is Thursday, April 2.


·  Students are expected to attend all class sessions and complete all assignments as designated by the professor. An automatic failing grade will be earned if the allowed percentage of absences set by East Texas Baptist University is exceeded. According to school policy, to be eligible to earn credit in a course, the student must attend at least 75% of all class meetings.

·  The course will require students to reflect on the relationship between Christian faith, personal identity, ministry styles, and problem solving in various situations. Students should be prepared for challenging discussions, possible role playing, and analysis of their plans for future Christian service. Brief assignments of various sorts may be added during the semester.


·  Please turn off all electronic equipment that makes a sound during class (e.g., cell phones, PDA alarms, and beepers). You are not to be seen using your cell phone for any purpose (calling, text messaging, etc.) and/or listing to an ipod or any other electronic devise that does not pertain to the day’s subject matter.

·  No food or drinks in the classroom.

·  Please do not “play games” with others in the class (e.g., “tick-tack-toe,” “hang-man,” etc.)

·  Please do not engage in private conversations to the exclusion of the others in the class.

·  Although I do understand that a state of sleepiness can attack anyone at anytime, especially in a classroom, please do not sleep. Please do not spend class time working on assignments for another class.


This course is graded on a pass or fail basis. A passing grade will be earned by the completion of all the requirements and participation in class discussions and activities. Since the main requirements of the course will be performed in class, absences will have to be made up by special assignments in consultation with the professor.

Important Notice

Students with a disability may request appropriate accommodations for this course by contacting the Office of Academic Success and Graduate Services, located in the Marshall Hall 301. If accommodations are approved by the Disability Accommodations Committee, the Office of Academic Success and Graduate Services, at the student’s request and upon receipt of a signed consent form, will notify the professor of the approved accommodations. The student will then meet with her/his instructor to discuss the accommodation(s). If a student’s request for accommodation(s) should change, it is expected that the student will complete and submit an update form in a timely manner. All proctored exams for students receiving accommodations will be given in the Mamye Jarrett Library, under the direction of the ACE office. The five individual testing rooms are equipped for recording video and audio, so the student can be monitored by the testing coordinator and faculty can review the video for up to forty-eight hours after the test is given. Tests will be delivered to the testing coordinator two class days prior to the test date. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule the test date one week prior to the test and time using the ACE website (www.etbu.edu/ace). Exams will be given on the same day as the scheduled test as determined by the course schedule. A student must provide her/his own scantron/green book.

Academic Integrity

Disciplinary action for academic misconduct is the responsibility of the faculty member assigned to the course. The faculty member is charged with assessing the gravity of any case of academic dishonesty, and with giving sanctions to any student involved. Penalties that may be applied to individual cases of academic dishonesty include one or more of the


· Written reprimand.

· Requirement to redo work in question.

· Requirement to submit additional work.

· Lowering of grade on work in question.

· Assigning the grade of ”F” to work in question.

· Assigning the grade of ”F” for course.

· Probation

· Suspension

The faculty member involved will file a record of the misconduct and the punishment imposed with the dean and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The dean will maintain records of all cases of academic dishonesty reported for a period of not more than two years.