NationalHonorSociety of SportsMedicine- Klein Collins Chapter

FULL Printed NameGrade_Date


Klein Collins Chapter- Application

TheKlein Collins HSchapteroftheNationalHonorSocietyofSportsMedicineis acceptingapplicationsforthe______schoolyear.

ApplicationDue to KC Athletic Training Room by: ______


To be eligible for membership the candidate must be a junior or senior. Freshmen & Sophomores are not eligible. Sophomores can apply in the 4th quarter of their sophomore year for initiation in the beginning of their junior year.

The national minimum standard for scholarship shall be a cumulative scholastic average of at least 82 percent, B, or 3.2 (on a 4.0 scale) or the equivalent standard of excellence and a 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) in all sports medicine program classes. Candidates shall then be evaluated on the basis of service, leadership, and character.

Allinterestedstudentsareencouragedtocompleteamembershippacket (Attached).

Allpartsofthisformmustbecompleted.Donot leaveanythingblank.Pleasefollowallofthedirectionscarefullytoassureproperconsideration.Yourapplicationwillreflectyouraccomplishmentsinscholarship,service,activitiesandleadership.



Thisapplicationincludesa scholastic requirement & threeparts:





NationalHonorSociety of SportsMedicine- Klein Collins Chapter

Scholastic Component

Cumulative scholastic average: of at least 82 percent, B, or 3.2 (on a 4.0 scale) or the equivalentand a 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) in all sports medicine program classes.

**Attach your Grading Transcript report to this application; reflecting your GPA

Your Cumulative Grade point average: ______/ grade point scale: ______

Your Cumulative Grade point average in all sports medicine related courses: ______


NationalHonorSociety of SportsMedicine- Klein Collins Chapter

PART I-Extracurricular ActivitiesComponent

-Pleaselistallextra-curricularactivitiesthatyouhaveparticipatedinduringhigh school:

Provide additional paper if needed

Activity DatesInvolved

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NationalHonorSociety of SportsMedicine- Klein Collins Chapter

FULL Printed NameGrade_Date

NationalHonorSociety of SportsMedicine- Klein Collins Chapter

PART II-Service Component

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NationalHonorSociety of SportsMedicine- Klein Collins Chapter

FULL Printed NameGrade_Date

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NationalHonorSociety of SportsMedicine- Klein Collins Chapter

FULL Printed NameGrade_Date

Allservicehourslistedbelowmustbecompletedandverifiedbythetimetheapplicationisdue.Schoolservicehoursmaybereported,as wellasvolunteerworkdoneforoutsideorganizationssuchasscouting,YMCA,etc.

Sophomores-20hoursJuniors-30 hours

*Ifyouareajunior,yoursophomorehoursmust becomplete.If youareasenior,yourjuniorhoursmustbecomplete.Schoolhoursmaybeverified perfacultyadvisor.

Organization / DatesofService / DescriptionofActivities / SignatureofSupervisor

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NationalHonorSociety of SportsMedicine- Klein Collins Chapter

FULL Printed NameGrade_Date

NationalHonorSociety of SportsMedicine- Klein Collins Chapter

PART III–Leadership Component

Pleasewritea300word typed essay(about¾-to-onepage)thatprovidesevidenceofleadership.Therearemanywaystodemonstrateleadership;in yourfamily,informalgroupsanddailylifeexperiences.Leadershipdoesnotnecessarilymeanholdinganoffice,andthisisnotaprerequisitetomembership.

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