[INSERT AFFILIATE] Wellington Point
Cricket Club Inc.
Risk Management
Child and Youth
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Risk Management Policy
Risk Management Policy Statement...... 2
Child Protection Policy Statement...... 3
Child Protection Procedure Statement...... 5
Likelihood Scale...... 10
Risk Priorities:...... 10
Risk Audit...... 11
Risk Identification and Register:...... 13
Risk Treatment Options Worksheet:...... 14
Risk Action Plan Summary:...... 15
Suitability Card Register...... 16
Incident Report Form...... 17
Options for Treatment of Risk...... 18
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A Risk Management Strategy ystem includes written procedures to ensure it is known what, when, how and by whom action is to be undertaken to treat risks.
The objectives of this document are to -
- provide a document that may be used as a reference for most risk management issues that confront [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club in the area of administering safe environments for children and youth;
- provide form templates to assist in the recording of incidents and the regular audit of activities;
- provide a background document for the education of all employees and volunteers of [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club.
Risk Management
Policy Statement
[Insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club is committed to the development and implementation of an effective Risk Management Plan that will provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all involved with the game of cricket at all levels under its control.
The objectives, to provide this safe environment, will include the minimisation of the hazards in the club facilities and management that may cause injury to the stakeholders or damage to [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club.
A systematic approach to the identification and rectification of hazards will be implemented by [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club. All processes from the identification to the rectification of the hazards will be documented and communicated to the members of [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club.
[Insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club will provide adequate resources to manage and maintain the ongoing risk management of the organisation.
In conjunction with this policy, a series of specific policy documents and procedures will be established for the guidance of all members, volunteers, employees and others involved with [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club.
The implementation of this Risk Management Plan will be the responsibility of the Management Committee of [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club. However, Queensland Cricket will provide each of it’s Affiliates with a sample Risk Management Policy for consideration
[Insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club’s Risk Management Plan will remain an active document with annual reviews undertaken to ensure its relevance.
Review Date
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Risk Management Policy
Chief Executive Officer
Review Date
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Risk Management Policy
Child Protection
Policy Statement
[Insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club is committed to providing a child and youth safe environment within which its junior members can enjoy the game of cricket.
The objective, to provide this environment, will include the minimisation of all risks in [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club’s administration that may detract from the young player’s fulfilment. [Insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club will provide adequate resources to manage and maintain this policy. These resources will include adequate training for all [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club employee’s and volunteer’s involved with the management and development of children up to the age of eighteen..
In conjunction with this policy, a procedures document will be established for the guidance of all members, volunteers, employees and others involved in the administration of junior cricket. This document also includes juniors involved in senior competition. Everyone involved in the development of young cricketers (to the age of eighteen) must comply with this policy.
The implementation of this policy will be the responsibility of [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club.
This Policy Document will remain active with annual reviews undertaken to ensure its relevance.
Review Date
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Risk Management Policy
Chief Executive Officer
Review Date
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Risk Management Policy
Child Protection
Procedure Statement
The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines to effectively provide a child safe environment for young cricketers. The possible risks will be managed through the administration and financial management of [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club.
This procedure applies to all persons involved in the development, and the management, of young players under the control of [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club.
It is the responsibility of the person or persons carrying out the task to ensure that correct procedures are employed. The overall responsibility rests with the Management of [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club.
- All prospective persons for a position within the organisation must be given a position description and interviewed to determine suitability. This applies to volunteers and employees.
- All employees and volunteers of [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club involved with the management and development of children up to the age of eighteen must hold a Sblue suitability Ccard before they take any role. A register of all suitability card holders will be maintained and held in a secure place.
All prospective persons for a position within the organisation must be given a position description and interviewed to determine suitability. This applies to volunteers and employees.
- All employees and volunteers of [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club involved with the management and development of young cricketers must follow the code of conduct appropriate to the position held. This applies to volunteers, members, employees and contractors.
- All employees and volunteers of [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club must have an induction into the appropriate policies and position descriptions provided by [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club. An agreement to comply with the related policies and codes of conduct must be signed at the conclusion of the induction. (“Team Management” – ATTACHMENT A)
- All employees and volunteers of [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club must ensure that the following areas are handled in an appropriate manner -
Collect and register players’ medical and indemnity details according to the Privacy Act 1998. (“Nomination Form” – ATTACHMENT B)
use of language
physical contact
bullying, and
general behaviour
- Where possible have more than one person with each group of children.
- If there are girls in the group ensure that a female supervisor is available.
- Insist that all children are picked up by their parents or guardians. (Know who the guardians are). Never leave a child alone.
- The main priority is to protect the child but you must always protect yourself. Use common sense and if required document situations.
- Ensure that after dark there is adequate lighting.
- Ensure that toilets and change room facilities are safe.
- Do not take a child into a vehicle unless you have express permission from the child’s parent or guardian to do so. This permission should be on file for reference.
- When training or playing competitively undertake all precautions to ensure the safety of the child. They are not small adults.
- All legislative requirements placed on the Club will be administered with due diligence by The Management Committee.
- An incident report will be completed should any abnormal occurrence be observed. This report must be in the hands of the appointed person, (or his representative), within twenty four hours of the incident occurring.
A risk assessment will be conducted as part of this risk management plan. Unless there are changes made to the situation then this risk assessment will apply to the preparation of playing fields and the management of all facilities and personnel.
RISK AUDIT CHECK LISTSee ATTACHMENT “C” for the checklist template.
RISK IDENTIFICATION REGISTERSee ATTACHMENT “D” for recording sheet template.
RISK ACTION PLAN See ATTACHMENT “F” for Risk Action Plan template.
SUITABILITY CARD REGISTER See ATTACHMENT “G” for Suitability Card Register template
INCIDENT REPORT FORMSee ATTACHMENT “H” for Incident Report Form template
Likelihood ScaleRATING / The probability that a problem may occur
Almost certain / Will probably occur, could occur several times a year
Likely / High probability, likely to arise once a year
Possible / Reasonable likelihood that it may arise over a five- year period
Unlikely / Plausible, could occur over a five to ten year period
Rare / Very unlikely but not impossible, unlikely over a ten year period
Risk Priorities:
Likelihood / Consequences
Negligible / Minor / Moderate / Major / Catastrophic
Almost certain / Medium / Medium / High / High / Extreme
Likely / Low / Medium / Medium / High / Extreme
Possible / Low / Medium / Medium / High / High
Unlikely / Low / Low / Medium / Medium / High
Rare / Low / Low / Low / Medium / High
A risk assessment will be conducted as part of this risk management plan. Unless there are changes made to the situation then this risk assessment will apply to the preparation of playing fields and the management of all facilities and personnel.
RISK AUDIT CHECK LISTSee ATTACHMENT “A” for the checklist template.
See ATTACHMENT “B” for recording sheet template.
RISK ACTION PLAN See ATTACHMENT “D” for Risk Action Plan template.
See ATTACHMENT “E” for Suitability Card Register template
INCIDENT REPORT FORMSee ATTACHMENT “F” for Incident Report Form template
Likelihood Scale
RATING / LIKELIHOODThe probability that a problem may occur
Almost certain / Will probably occur, could occur several times a year
Likely / High probability, likely to arise once a year
Possible / Reasonable likelihood that it may arise over a five- year period
Unlikely / Plausible, could occur over a five to ten year period
Rare / Very unlikely but not impossible, unlikely over a ten year period
Risk Priorities:
Likelihood / ConsequencesNegligible / Minor / Moderate / Major / Catastrophic
Almost certain / Medium / Medium / High / High / Extreme
Likely / Low / Medium / Medium / High / Extreme
Possible / Low / Medium / Medium / High / High
Unlikely / Low / Low / Medium / Medium / High
Rare / Low / Low / Low / Medium / High
Options for Treatment of Risk
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Risk Management Policy
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Risk Management Policy
[Insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club
To provide challenging opportunities to assist development of players and coaches, broaden the range of cricket and social experiences of players, monitor player development relative to other States.
A To ensure team officials are appropriately qualified and prepared.
BRepresentative teams to be ambassadors of [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club, and as such should refrain from any activity, on-field or off-field, that will discredit the associationclub.
CAll players, team officials and supporters to comply with Cricket Australia’sthe club’s Policies -
(i)Code of BehaviourConduct;
(ii)Racial & Religious Vilification
Anti Drug Policy.
(iv)Junior Cricket PolicSunSmart Policyy
Copies of these policies are available from Cricket Australia’s website at
DAll players, team officials and supporters to comply with Queensland Cricket’s Child Protection.
Queensland Cricket’s Child Protection Policy is available from Queensland Cricket’s website at
ETeams to always compete to the best of their ability within the Laws of Cricket and the Rules of the particular competition, while exhibiting etiquette and sportsmanship as exemplified in “The Spirit of Cricket”.
The Team Management includes the Coach and Manager who will accompany representative teams, and such other people including Club physiotherapists, masseuses or trainers who may accompany representative teams at the discretion of the [Game Development Manager].Scorers and Umpires
As integral parts of Team Management, it is imperative that both the Coach and Manager are familiar with and understand each other’s role.
Together the Coach’s and Manager’s primary responsibility is to the players, their development as a team and as an individual including their welfare according to the above Objections and Expectations.
[Insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club acknowledges that the supervision of the players in “camp” is paramount and as such, either the Coach or Manager must be with or in the vicinity of the player’s at all times when they are in “camp”.playing or training.
The Team Coach and the Team Manager are an integral part of the team and are required to work in concert and in support of each other to uphold the “Code of BehaviourConduct”, ensure that all players adhere to the “Code of BehaviourConduct”, create an environment whereby players can produce their best, be proud to represent their State and enjoy all aspects of the event.
In anyone involved in Team Management breaches any of the obligations outlined in this document they will be subject to disciplinary proceedings before [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club which may result in the termination of that person’s employment or association with [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club.
1Accountability for the planning of a learning environment and practices during the prescribed tenure.
2Responsibility for all technical and tactical implementation of policy during the prescribed tenure.
3To coach the selected players with due consideration for the mission and outcomes prescribed for the team.
4To represent [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club both visibly and ethically as required.
5Assist the Team Manager in the supervision of team members, specifically when the players are on the cricket field.
1Plan, conduct and evaluate training sessions.
2Develop and communicate match plans to the players and Team Manager.
3Provide ongoing feedback to individual players on performance during training and matches.
4Co-ordinate and supervise the activities of the Team Manager.
Consult with [insert affiliate]’s medical staff on player injury rehabilitation.
5Keep up to date with the latest coaching trends.
Integrate appropriate sports science into the coaching plan.
6Assume responsibility for the operation of all individuals who interact with the players.
7To ensure match selections are made with respect to team objectives and expectations.
8Assume supervisory role of the team when required during competitions, particularly when the team is in “camp”..
The Team Coach is to provide a written report to the [Game Development Manager] within a reasonable deadline after the competition.
1Unquestionable commitment to the position.
2High level of people management with particular sensitivity in communication and listening.
3Highly organised with forward planning.
4Analytical approach and detailed observer.
5Ability to delegate.
6Team player, able to co-operate with [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club ’s resources for the benefit of the team and Cricket overall.
7Sound contemporary knowledge of the game.
9Ability to realistically appraise the qualities of the team and its opposition.
10Able to work with other staff to the benefit of the team.
11Understanding of the role of sports science in injury avoidance, nutrition, mental skills, fitness and strength.
12Willing to research new methods and practices for adoption to the benefit of the team and [insert affiliate]Wellington Point Cricket Club.
1Possess a “Suitability Card” (Blue Card) or exemption according to the Commission for Children & Young People & Child Guardian Act 2000.
2Knowledge of and understanding of Queensland Cricket’s Child Protection Policy.
3Knowledge of and understanding of Cricket Australia’s Junior Cricket Policy (November 2002).
4Knowledge of and understanding of Cricket Australia’s Code of Behaviour Policies.
5Minimum current Level 01 accredited Cricket Coach or accreditation being commenced during appointment tenure.
6Possess Senior First Aid Certificate or equivalent, desirable.
7Must be legally able to drive a motor vehicle.
8Team Management is not permitted to smoke within close proximity of players.
I possess a current Commission for Children and Young People & Child Guardian Act 2000 “Suitability Card” Number expiring on
I accept all the terms and conditions set out above. I acknowledge that I have received and read:
Cricket Australia’s Wellington Point Cricket Club’s–
(i) Code of Conducts,
(ii) Racial and Religious Vilification;
iii) Anti- Harassment;
(iv) Anti-dopingSunSmart Policy;
(v) Junior Cricket Policy; and
(vi) Queensland Cricket’s – Child Protection Policy
I have read the attached policies and understand their contents.
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Risk Management Policy