
Luxembourg, 22 November 2007

The European Investment Bank finances NorNed– the submarine power cable linking the Netherlands and Norway

While the European Commission is today unveiling a new energy technology plan, the EIB – the EU’s financing institution – is providing funding for a major European energy project to link the Netherlands and Norway by means of the world’s longest undersea power transmission cable.

(Luxembourg – 22 November 2007) Torsten Gersfelt, EIB Vice-President, and Mel Kroon MBA, CEO of TenneT B.V., the national transmission grid of the Netherlands, today signed a finance contract worth EUR 140 million for the construction of a cable between the Netherlands and Norway, known as the NorNed project.

NorNed will be a 580 km-long HVDC hybrid bipolar submarine power cable link across the North Sea between Eemshaven (in the Netherlands) and Feda (in Norway), crossing Danish and German waters and interconnecting the two national power grids. Its promoters are the transmission system operators (TSOs) of the Netherlandsand Norway, TenneT B.V. and Statnett S.F.

In this joint venture, TenneTand the Norwegian TSO Statnettwill together invest a total of some EUR600 million. The EIB, whichis also considering a loan of an equal amount to Statnett,will financenearly 50% of the NorNed project – which is an Energy-TEN project.

For the European Investment Bank, whose remit is to finance capital investment furthering European Union policies, the development of the trans-European energy, transport and telecommunications networks (TENs) is aprime objective. The promotion of sustainable, competitive and secure sources of energy is also a key policy objective of the EU and another lending priority of the EIB.

At the signing ceremony at the EIB’s headquarters in Luxembourg, EIB Vice-President Torsten Gersfelt described NorNed as a major innovative trans-European network project and praised it for also meeting the European Energy Policy. He stressed: “We all know how crucial it is for all of us to take concrete action in the energy sector. By interconnecting the electricity markets of the Netherlands and Norway, NorNed will enable the transmission and trading of electricity between the two countries, taking advantage of differences in the power generation structures in both countries and in the near future making market coupling between Scandinavia and Central West Europe possible."

Mel Kroon stated: "Indeed, with the NorNedcable we will link the Dutch and Nordic national grid systems and electricity markets, which are currently not connected. This will help ensure the continued security of supply and enablemore efficient use of the generation capacities in both countries, for example with better utilisation of thermal capacity in the Netherlands during off-peak hours and of hydro resources in Norway during wet years”.

Note to the Editor

As the European Union’s long-term financing institution, the EIB has been the main source of funding for the trans-European networks (TENs), providing more than EUR 93 billion, of which EUR 10.4 billion has so far been earmarked for energy networks.

The promotion of sustainable, competitive and secure energy is also a key policy objective of the EU, and in 2007 the EIB made support for Europe’s energy needs a top lending priority, setting as targets: the increase of renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy saving, research and development in energy, and security and diversification of supplies. In 2006, the EIB provided EUR 4 billion in loans for energy investment projects and has already made available nearly EUR4.5 billion in 2007.

Press contacts:

At the EIB, Sabine Parisse, tel.: +35243793340, e-mail: or visit the EIB’s website:

At TenneT, Ursela Schennink, tel.: +31 6 5318 2600. Log on to for further details on the “NorNed” project.