When sending anything that contains Personal Identifiable Information (PII) or data that contains HIPAA information, YOU MUST USE THE AMRDEC SAFE WEBSITE, located at This site is designed to securely allow access to files which contain PII. Your e-mail will be forwarded to the appropriate person for action
1. Before you use this website, scan and save your documents as one file (up to 2 GB is allowed) as “Your Name –Document Type. “
2. Go to the AMRDEC site . On the first page, click on “Non-CAC User". You will go to a page in which you must input your name, e-mail and a confirmation of your e-mail (in other words, it must be entered twice).
3. Go to the “File Information” section. Hit the “Browse” button to find your file and click on it. It will appear below the Browse box.
Click on the “Privacy Act Data” box if your file has PII. To the right you will see a gray box which allows you to input a description of the files and what you want performed.
Please input your name and a description of what the files are for.
4. In the “Recipient Information” section, you must manually enter the e-mail addresses of the people you want to have access to your files. Email:
5. In the “Email Settings” section, click “encrypt email message when possible,” and any of the other notifications that you would like to receive., such as FOUO (For Official Use Only) or Privacy Act Data.
6. The last step is to click on “UPLOAD.” Read the SAFE Usage Policy, and hit the “I AGREE” button.
Your file(s) will be uploaded and whoever it’s going to will receive a notification of your files in the AMRDEC site.
Please note that the AMRDEC site can handle file sizes up to 2 GB!
On a side note, do not be lead into believing that because you are sending unencrypted documents to a .mil address that your identity cannot be stolen. After your identity has been stolen, guidance for sending PII information will no longer seem long and cumbersome.