Toshio Suzuki

World Government Institute


Copy Right (C) 2006 by Toshio Suzuki

All rights are reserved

Toshio Suzuki

World Government Institute

1-158 Nakakanasugi Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, 270-0007, Japan

Web Site: http://www.w-g.jp/


History of Publication:









1 Photos of New Members 1

2 Annual Report 2

A. Annual Report for 2005 2

B. Annual Report for 2006 4


1 From Mr. Toshio Suzuki, World Party Japan 7

2 From Dr. Mohammad Amin, World Party Pakistan 10

3 From Mr. Owen Chen, World Party Japan 12

4 New Books 13

III From the World Government Institute Japan 15




1 Photos of New Members

Followings are photos of new members. They have already been introduced on the web site of World Government Institute.

World Government Institute Andorra

World Party Andorra

Member of World Citizen Network

Mr. Josep Ll. Ortega

World Government Institute India

World Party India

Member of World Citizen Network

Dr. Ashikho Daili

World Government Institute Nepal

World Party Nepal

Member of World Citizen Network

Mr. Achyut Khanal

World Government Institute Pakistan

World Party Pakistan

Member of World Citizen Network

Mr. Waheed Ahmad

World Government Institute Tanzania

World Party Tanzania

Member of World Citizen Network

Mr. Alex Fredrick

World Government Institute Tanzania

World Party Tanzania

Member of World Citizen Network

International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP)

Mr. Edward Essau

World Government Institute Togo

World Party Togo

Member of World Citizen Network


International Association for Collective

Promotion School (ASIEPC)

Dr. D. S. Balouki

2 Annual Report

Annual report has been sent to members by E-mail. To the members who have no E-mail address, the report has been sent by air mail. Here, the annual reports for 2005 and for 2006 are introduced. The report for 2005 is not the latest one. So, only important part is introduced. The report for 2006 is fully introduced.

A. Annual Report for 2005

Annual Report of

World Government Institute, World Party, and

World Citizen Network

Dear Friends,

This time, there is a good news for us. There was a donation for us in January 2005.

2,000 Yen for World Government Institute Japan

2,000 Yen for World Party Japan

1 dollar is about 104 Yen.

Please see



We will keep this fund for election. Our member can use this fund for election in the future. Donator hoped the anonymity. So his name is not disclosed here. But let me introduce his last mail.

************* The below is his mail.

Thank you for a mail. I am very sorry but I would like you not to disclose my name. I pay my respects to Mr. Suzuki's persevering effort. I will pay attention to you.

************* The above is his mail.

As shown by this case, if we get the confidence of people, people will donate fund for election and support our candidates. Let me write three principles necessary to get the confidence.

1. The first priority is the benefits of world as a whole or the society as a whole. The benefits of us or party come later than that.

2. We must not tell a lie with regard to the policy of World Party.

3. There must not be corruption in the World Party. We must be strict with regard to fund.

At present, World Party has no fund to send candidates to the election. I am writing a Japanese version of "Voice for World Government - 2003" and a book in English which verifies the benefits of World Government. Japanese version is mostly completed. As for the book, I have already written about 250 pages. It is about 80%. Annual report will be sent to some branches without internet facility by air mail.

Yours sincerely,

Toshio Suzuki

World Government Institute, World Party,

& World Citizen Network

Institute, Party, and Network to Establish the World Government



Author: As written above, in case of Annual Report for 2005, only the important part of annual report was introduced.

B. Annual Report for 2006

Annual Report of

World Government Institute, World Party, and

World Citizen Network

Dear Friends,

This is an annual report of movement of World Government Institute, World Party, and World Citizen Network.

In 2005, last year, following branches and members were founded or joined.

World Government Institute

20 August: World Government Institute Uganda was founded.

World Party

20 August: World Party Uganda was founded.

World Citizen Network

16 April: World Party Kenya joined.
20 August: Uganda National Union (UNU) joined. World Party Uganda joined.

At the time on 31 December 2005, branches of World Government Institute were 36, branches of World Party were 35, and members of World Citizen Network were 45 organizations and 2 individuals.

Journal of World Government Institute "Voice for World Government - 2006" is being edited. Contribution of article is invited.

As for me, I am writing a book in English which advocates the World Government Movement. This book is to be a basis of World Party. I have already written more than 310 pages. New ideas emerge more and more and I want to write them. But I must finish writing and publish the book. So, I set up a deadline at the end of 2007. I will bring the book to publisher until then.

Yours sincerely

Toshio Suzuki

World Government Institute, World Party,

& World Citizen Network

Institute, Party, and Network to Establish the World Government


mail: wg!w-g.jp

NOTE: " @ " in E-mail address is replaced by " ! " to prevent the spam mail. For example, the correct address of abc!w-g.jp is .




1 From Mr. Toshio Suzuki, World Party Japan

This article was written as a part of forecast for the age 20 years after. It is 20 years after from now on, so it is a forecast until 2023.

Good and Evil of Nations: On the Dispatch of Troop to Iraq

Let me write my private opinion, from the viewpoint of traditional Good and Evil of nations, on the issue of dispatch of troop to Iraq in recent days. Here, nations mentioned are white people, especially, Anglo-Saxon and Japanese. We can think that not only these two nations but also each nation in the world has its proper Good and Evil.

What is the Good of the Whites? After all, it seems that the Whites contributed to the development of science and established the democracy though it is in limited parts of world. Without these contributions by the Whites to science and politics in modern times, it seems that the world is still in the situation before the Industrial Revolution. On the other hand, what is the Evil of Whites? It seems to be the cruelty which exploits others mercilessly for their own benefits. The Evil of Whites is, for example, the slave hunting. The Whites captured many salves in Africa, sent them to North and South America etc., forced them to obey by whip, and drove them hard to their death. This is a past history but the spirit has not changed even now. Basic spirit of occupation of Iraq by USA and UK, which is a current topic, is the exploitation. Their object is the oil deposit of Iraq which is the second largest in the world. In a word, we can say that the Good of Whites is “The Good of God” and the Evil is “The Evil of Devil.”

Then, what are the Good and Evil of Japanese? The Good can be said that Japanese take in better things in the world as soon as possible, develop new technology which enable us to produce cheaply many products like cars or electric appliances, and supply the products to world. Then, what is the Evil? It is that Japanese, being dazzled by short term benefits, do not think long term benefits of world as a whole. Manchurian Incident can be cited as a typical event. In 1931, Japan triggered off the Manchurian Incident and occupied Manchuria. China, responding to this, appealed to the League of Nations (hereafter, League). On the other hand, in Japan, Prime Minister Tsuyoshi Inukai was murdered in the 5.15 Incident in 1932. The League, accepting the appeal of China, dispatched the Lytton Investigation Committee to Manchuria and, considering the report of the Committee, passed, with 42 in favor: 1 against (1 is Japan): 1 abstention, the advisory opinion toward Japan which required the withdrawal from Manchuria and other concessions. But Japan withdrew from the League in 1933. And, Japan concluded the Japan-Germany-Italy Anti-Comintern Pact in 1937 and the Japan-Germany-Italy Triple Military Alliance in 1940. It can be thought that if Japan followed the advisory opinion of the League, did not withdraw from the League, and did not conclude the Pact and Alliance with Germany and Italy, Germany and Italy only could not open a large-scale war. Indeed, giving up Manchuria would have been a big loss for Japan at that time. But, in later war, the war yielded enormous losses such that major cities were burnt-out by air raid and two cities were bombed by atomic bomb. This can be said for the Iraq issue of present age also. USA and UK attacked and occupied Iraq without resolution of United Nations. Japan supported USA though the troop implemented only logistic assistance. Would USA have opened the war, if Japan had objected to the war like Germany and France? There is an opinion that “If we team up with the Anglo-Saxons, we do not draw the joker (If we cooperate with the Anglo-Saxons, we do not fail).” Is it true? Japan invaded Korea and Manchuria and withdrew from the League for the sake of immediate benefits. Still now, many Korean and Chinese people hate wartime behavior of Japanese. As for the case of Iraq, Japan supports USA not for justice but for immediate benefits. Namely, if Japan objects to USA, various sanctions by USA will bring various damages to Japanese economy. But, the more Japan supports USA which has no justice, the more Japan will in due time loose confidence of Islamic countries and be hated. In the long run, loss may be greater than benefit. It is the repetition of history since Manchurian Incident. The withdrawal from the League and the support of USA in Iraq attack are common in the point that both actions ignored the League and United Nations for the sake of immediate benefits. We must say that the spirit has not changed even now. Incidentally, here, of course benefits include not only economic benefits but also spiritual benefits like getting confidence and friendly relation. From now on, we must watch the benefit and loss of dispatch of troop to Iraq comparing them with the result of Manchurian Incident and withdrawal from the League.

Then, how can we call the Good and the Evil of Japanese? We can call them “Good of Hard Worker” and “Evil of Savage.” When we think about the policy of state, we should analyze the situation exactly and have a long-term vision. At the Manchurian Incident, withdrawal from the League was not the only way possible. Dispatch of troop to Iraq is also not the only way possible. To withdraw from the League or to ignore the United Nations, being dazzled by the immediate benefits and losing the long term vision, are the Evils of Savage. And it can be said also that the Evil of Savage caused the World War II. We cannot deny that the dispatch to Iraq will aggravate the international situation and triggered off the World Terrorism War in which terrorist attacks break out all over the world.

But, we must say that it is difficult for the government of a country to adopt the policy which gives priority to the benefits of world as a whole by sacrificing its own benefits. In a word, every one loves himself rather than others. Therefore, international organizations such as United Nations become necessary. After all, policy of Japan should not be to follow USA but to respect United Nations. Recently, ICC (International Criminal Court) has started. At the time of December 2003, 92 countries have ratified the statute. Although there is not actual movement of World Parliament yet, the movement is promoted by some people.

Toshio Suzuki

World Government Institute, World Party,

& World Citizen Network

Institute, Party, and Network to Establish the World Government


2 From Dr. Mohammad Amin, World Party Pakistan



The world is a common place of living for the all peoples of the world. At present all peoples live on the Earth. The Earth is full of resources but different resources are scattered in different part of the Earth. All the peoples are dependent to each other on basis of resources, technology, knowledge and many other ways. A single person could not do any thing in a short period of life. The fruit of effort of past peoples are enjoying present peoples. The present peoples have to make effort for future generations. Every person has many good qualities to produce new thing for other peoples and coming generations. There are many peoples who want to work for all people of the world but there is not any organization in the world, which join these efforts for all peoples of the world. A forum in name of Government of World was established for all peoples of the world in 1990 in Pakistan.


The basic aim, objectives and benefits can be obtained from the Government of world are as follows.
1. The Government of World will stop the war and so the destruction by war will reduce by providing justice to different countries.