inTEAM Menu Compliance Basic References
for Successful use of the Menu Compliance Tool
Menu Entry Basics 3
Create the menu: 3
How do I know if my food should be entered as a “Recipe Entrée”, a “Recipe” or as a “Single Component”? 4
Adding Food Items: 4
Single Creditable Component Side Item: 4
Multiple Creditable Component Side Item: 5
Adding an Entrée: 6
Condiments and Plain Desserts: 6
Entering a WGR-Waivered Grain in inTEAM 7
Adding Total Carbs and Allergens to a Menu 8
Calculating Yellow Minimum and Maximum Boxes 11
Activating and Deactivating Days in a Menu 15
Duplicating Menus 17
Menu Pre-Costing 18
Menu Entry Basics
Create the menu:
· Select the Menu Compliance tab and click “Add New Menu”
· Create New Menu:
o Name your Menu
§ Name should reflect Age/Grade Group and Cycle
o Select the appropriate School Year
o Select the Meal Session
§ Breakfast or Lunch
o Select the Week of service
o Select Grade Range
HELPFUL TIP: There are K-8 and K-12 Overlap Grade Ranges for Breakfast and K-8 Overlap Grade Range for Lunch. Only use these overlaps if:
1. You have facilities that have an appropriate grade range overlap.
2. You feed the children the same portion sizes regardless of which age/grade group they belong to within those facilities.
o OPTIONAL: Select the School Building where the menu will be used
§ Used for Administrative Review Purposes
o Select “I will create the menu in DST”
o Click Create!
HELPFUL TIP: Make sure the date range, meal service and grade ranges are correct. These cannot be edited later.
· Enter a Total Feeding Figure
o This is a small hyperlink under the daily tabs
o The total feeding figure is the number of reimbursable meals you plan to serve.
HELPFUL TIP: Your Total Feeding Figure will equal the sum of your Recipe – Entrées.
How do I know if my food should be entered as a “Recipe Entrée”, a “Recipe” or as a “Single Component”?
To answer this question, ask yourself the following things:
1. Is the food item made up of more than one creditable food component?
Yes – Go to Question 2
No – Your food item is a “Single Component Food”. See instructions below on Adding Single Creditable Component Side Items.
2. Is the food item available to all students?
Yes, my item is a side item – Your food item is part of a “Recipe” and will need a Recipe header. See instructions below on Adding Multiple Creditable Component Side Items.
Yes, this is my only entree – Your food item is part of a “Recipe – Entrée” and will need a Recipe - Entree header. See instructions below on Adding an Entrée.
No, children have to choose between this entrée and another entrée – Your food item is part of a “Recipe – Entrée” and will need a Recipe - Entree header. See instructions below on Adding an Entrée.
Adding Food Items:
Single Creditable Component Side Item:
· Click the “Add New Item” and choose the appropriate creditable component from the dropdown menu.
· Since the item has only one component, leave the “Recipe name or Combo Name” column blank.
· Complete the remaining columns based on supporting documents.
HELPFUL TIP: Supporting documents are needed to complete a menu in inTEAM. Collecting the following supporting documents before you begin to enter your menus will assist in ease of data entry:
o Production Records – Use completed production records for planned number forecasting (best practice is to use the average number of servings from at least three services for a food item, or, for new items not yet served, use a comparable food item);
o Nutrition Fact Panels – Use to enter the actual portion size and dietary specifications for food products; also used to ensure that grain products are whole grain rich and determine how the product credits;
o CN Labels/ Manufacturer’s Specification Sheet/ Product Formulation Sheet – Use to determine how a product credits.
Multiple Creditable Component Side Item:
· Click the “Add New Item” and choose “Recipe" from the dropdown menu
o This does not count as a component in the menu item, it is just a header.
· Since the item has multiple component, name the side item in the “Recipe name or Combo Name” column.
· Complete the remaining columns based on supporting documents
o Include ALL nutritional information on this header line
§ Add calories, saturated fat and sodium from all parts of the side item together and enter it in the gold line.
· After making the Recipe Entrée header line, for each creditable food item or component that is part of the entrée click “Add New Item”, select the appropriate component and complete the remaining columns.
o Link the components to the entrée by naming them identically to the “Recipe Name or Combo Name” in the recipe header line.
o You do not need to enter dietary specifications for the individual components as you have already entered this in your “Recipe” header
· When linked correctly, component lines will turn green.
HELPFUL TIP: No side item should have a planned number > (greater than) the total feeding figure
Adding an Entrée:
· Click the “Add New Item” and choose “Recipe – Entrée" from the dropdown menu
o This does not count as a component in the menu item, it is just a header.
· Since the item has multiple component, name the item in the “Recipe name or Combo Name” column.
· Complete the remaining columns based on supporting documents
o Include ALL nutritional information on this header line
§ Add calories, saturated fat and sodium from all parts of the item together and enter it in the gold line.
· After making the Recipe Entrée header line, for each food item/creditable component, “Add New Item”, select the appropriate component and complete the remaining columns.
o Link the components to the entrée by naming them identically to the “Recipe Name or Combo Name” in the recipe header line.
o You do not need to enter dietary specifications for the individual components as you have already entered this in your “Recipe” header
· When linked correctly, component lines will turn pink.
HELPFUL TIP: The total number of all entrees should be equal to the total feeding figure.
Condiments and Plain Desserts:
· Add a condiment or plain dessert just as you would any other food item.
· The calories, saturated fat and sodium for all condiments and plain desserts must be reported.
o This includes salt packets, salt shakers, etc.
· The creditable portion size is always 0.
Entering a WGR-Waivered Grain in inTEAM
HELPFUL TIP: During School Year 2016-2017 it is possible to request a Whole Grain Rich exemption which allows you to credit products that are not Whole Grain Rich towards your daily and weekly Grain requirements. The exemption limits the use of non-WGR grain products to no more than half of the planned grain servings. For this reason, it is important to correctly enter Grain products being planned into inTEAM in order to track the percentage of non-WGR planned.
Adding a Whole Grain Rich Exempt Food
· Ensure that the product you plan to use has been approved for use by KDE.
· Click the “Add New Item” and choose the “Grain” component from the dropdown menu
o If this item is part of a “Recipe-Entrée” or “Recipe”, complete the recipe header information before entering in the non-WGR component of the recipe.
· Complete the remaining columns based on supporting documents.
· Enter all other food items for the remainder of the week, per menu.
· Check the “Weekly Whole Grain, Juice and Milk Served”. With a WGR exemption, it is acceptable for the Menu Actuals for “100% of Grains Servings must be Whole Grain Rich” to be ≥50%. Should this number fall below 50%, the Whole Grain Rich Exemption guidance is not being followed and menu will be considered to be out of compliance.
HELPFUL TIP: Supporting documents which demonstrate state approval to use non-WGR products and credit them towards a reimbursable meal should be maintained with other supporting documents to that food item.
Adding Total Carbs and Allergens to a Menu
Total Carbs
· When adding a food item, in addition to entering the calories, saturated fat and sodium, you will also enter data into the fourth Dietary Specification column, “Total Carbs (grams)” based on supporting documents.
o “Total Carbs” can be found on a nutrition fact panel as “Total Carbohydrates”
o For Recipes and Recipe Entrees, sum the Total Carbs (grams) of all food items in the recipe and enter them in the Total Carbs column in the header (food items entered in to individual components do not automatically calculate the Total Carbs for a recipe and will not show up on the Posted Menu Report).
HELPFUL TIP: As Carbohydrate Counting is an essential disease management practice for students with Diabetes Mellitus, entering the Carbohydrate Counts (net grams of carbohydrates per serving) can provide a useful communication tool for students, their families, and health care providers, including the school nurse.
· When adding a food item, in addition to entering the dietary Specifications you will checkmark the common allergens present in a food item or food combination based on supporting documents.
o If a food contains one of the Big 8 allergens, it will be listed on the Nutrition Fact Panel or Manufacturer’s Specification Sheet.
For combination foods, the allergen data must be entered per individual food item, and all allergens will be automatically added to the header (it is not possible to add allergens in the header manually).
HELPFUL TIP: “The Big 8” – Milk, Peanuts, Fish, Soybeans, Eggs, Tree nuts, Shellfish, and Wheat account for about 90% of all food allergies in the United States. Having this information available to healthcare staff at the school can be valuable for both prevention and treatment of severe allergic reactions.
Generated a Posted Menu
Once a menu has been completed, a Posted Menu Report can be generated. The Posted Menu Report functions in the same way as a refrigerator menu, outlining all food items planned for the day. The posted menu also includes the Net Carbs for each food item, notated in green, and indicates if each food item has a major allergen using a red explanation point. The second menu page provides allergen information for those food items identified as having allergens. Generating a Posted Menu which includes Net Carbs and Allergens will be beneficial for your school district as a communication tool for school nurses, families, and students with Diabetes Mellitus or food allergies.
Page One Example: / Page Two Example:To generate a Posted Menu which includes Net Carbs and Allergens:
· Click the Menu Compliance tab and select the menu you wish to create a Posted Menu for
· Click “Posted Menu”
o This will generate a refrigerator menu
· Click the “save” icon, and save as PDF
· Print or digitally distribute the menu as appropriate.
Calculating Yellow Minimum and Maximum Boxes
Fruits and Vegetables
The information in these boxes is what is used to determine the “Daily Minimum for Meal Component/Daily Nutrient Statistics” for fruits and vegetables. Please watch the following video on how to complete these boxes:
Below are further clarifications to help you complete these boxes.
Vegetable Incl. Juice Minimum Offered:
· This box is the minimum vegetables a student is offered and is able to take. If offered, this will include vegetable juice.
· Keep in mind that you may have a variety of vegetables offered; however, if you limit the number of servings of vegetables, the number of servings a child can take will determine your minimum. For example, you offer 3 different vegetables and the child can take up to 2 choices. If the portion sizes of the different vegetable choices differ, use the smallest portion sizes to determine the minimum.
· If there is an entrée that does not offer vegetables, what side vegetables are selectable to the student who takes that entrée? Your minimum vegetable will be the sum of the number of vegetable side items a student can take.
· If all entrées contain a vegetable, look for the entrée that offers the smallest amount of vegetable. Your minimum vegetable will be the sum of the number of vegetable side items a student can take PLUS the amount of vegetables in the entrée chosen above.
HELPFUL TIP: The minimum vegetables offered must be equal to or greater than the required minimum for the age-grade group being served.
Vegetable Incl. Juice Maximum Offered:
· This box is the maximum vegetables a student is offered and is able to take.
· If offered, this will include vegetable juice.
· Keep in mind that you may have a variety of vegetables offered; however, if you limit the number of servings of vegetables, the number of servings a child can take will determine your maximum. For example, you offer 3 different vegetables and the child can take up to 2 choices. If the portion sizes of the different vegetable choices differ, use the largest portion sizes to determine the maximum.
· If none of the entrées include vegetables, what side vegetables are selectable to the students? Your maximum vegetable will be the sum of the number of vegetable side items a student can take.