Comparative World Studies/Hanyu II/IV


Yi: Sanctioning Taboo in China: Oral Evaluation Rubric II

Expectations for Participation in the Debate

1.  When the groups are presenting, you need to be actively listening.

This means giving the speaker positive feedback through your eye contact, body language and facial expressions. Your behaviors should be “saying” to the speaker two things: “I understand what you are saying” and “You are doing a good job!”

2.  When your spokesperson is giving their speech, you need to be a supportive listener

This means looking at your spokesperson as though you believe in what they are saying and/or looking at the citizens to see their reaction. Talking to other members in your group is the worst thing you can do to your spokesperson. Do not fiddle and move around while they are speaking. Work as a team.

3.  During the question and answer session, you need to be actively contributing to the answers.

You should be able to respond to at least one question. When other people are going to respond, you should be sharing information with them. You will be graded on how well you work with the other members of the group to answer the questions.

Group Portion / Points

Pros and Cons

Each group must present at least three advantages, and three disadvantages to being categorized as Yi by the Chinese Government. / ______

Depth of Information

The advantages and disadvantages are specific to your own subgroup. They also may be applicable to the larger group. / ______

Individual Portion (Graded on a quality scale of 0-10)

Contemporary Change

How does becoming an Yi member in a modern communist nation affect your culture? / ______

Critical Thinking Question

What role, if any, should government play in ethnic identity? / ______

Does ethnic identity transcend nation borders? Why or why not?

/ ______


/ ______