December 22, 2016

7:30 pm Civic Center

Welcome and Introductions: Mayor Pro Tem Julander

Pledge of Allegiance Council Member Dallin

Invocation: Council Member Blake

COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Kendall Julander, Council Members Patti Andersen, Bruce Blake, Joshua Dallin, Jared Holmgren, Town Clerk Sue Holmgren.

ABSENT: Mayor Bruce Anderson

ROSE ANDERSON PROPERTY BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION – In order for UDOT to approve access to the property, the driveway and access points need to line up. In order for this to happen, the property line will need to be moved to the north 7 ½ feet. This will make the property line so it lines up with Brent Baugh's driveway. The Planning Commission has approved this adjustment contingent on placing permanent survey markers and receiving the Mylar copy with appropriate signatures. Council Member Holmgren stated he understood why they would not want to do these things until the Planning Commission and City Council approves. It could be very expensive if things changed and they needed to be redone. Council Member Andersen asked if the Council would receive the Mylar copy to sign by December 28th (the date Rose and the buyer need this approved by)? Mayor Pro Tem Julander stated no work can be done until the Mylar has been signed off and survey markers are placed. Council Member Holmgren motions to follow the recommendations of the Planning Commission to approve the Property Boundary Adjustment Application for Rose Anderson contingent on the placing of permanent survey markers and receiving the Mylar copy with appropriate signatures. Council Member Dallin seconded the motion. All voted in favor.

ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2016-12-09 SEWER AND GARBAGE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE – Council Member Holmgren read the attached Resolution No. 2016-12-09 out loud. Council Member Dallin motioned to adopt Resolution No. 2016-12-09 Sewer and Garbage Collection Rate Increase as written. Council Member Blake seconded the motion. All voted in favor.



ADJOURNMENT: Council Member Holmgren motioned to adjourn at 7:55 pm, second by Council Member Dallin, all voted in favor.

Minutes approved on January 4, 2016.


Sue Ann Holmgren, Town Clerk Kendall Julander, Mayor Pro Tem

Bear River City Council Meeting

Held 12/22/2016 Page 1 of 1