GP Bulletin

For Action

·  New contact details

The Stroke Medicine Departmentat Guy's and St Thomas' would like referralsfrom GPs and external teams to be made via the new generic email address

For further information including the electronic referral form, please visit the link below to GSTT website


·  Diabetes template for EMIS

A new diabetes template for EMIS has been developed to replace the current “GP Contract” template that many practices use.

The new diabetes template has been developed for use during routine diabetes reviews in practice and to support local initiatives such the GP delivery Framework and diabetes virtual clinics.

It is hoped that the new diabetes template will be easier to navigate, help standardise READ coding, improve the quality of diabetes assessment, improve data capture and reduce the variability in clinical care.

The new diabetes template (LCCG_Diabetes Template 2015) is ready to download now from the Medicines Optimisation intranet page (click here).

Feedback is encouraged and can be sent to Dr Neel Basudev, CCG Diabetes Clinical Lead ()


·  DON’T FORGET TO SUBMIT your National Diabetes Audit data for 2014-15

The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) is a major national clinical audit, which measures the effectiveness of diabetes healthcare against NICE Clinical Guidelines and NICE Quality Standards, in England and Wales. The NDA collects and analyses data for use by a range of stakeholders to drive changes and improvements in the quality of services and health outcomes for people with diabetes. The audit is supported by the National Clinical Director for Diabetes, Dr Jonathan Valabhji and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCCGP).

Submission of the NDA data for 2014-15 will support achievement of the Long Term Conditions Scheme of the GP Delivery Framework for 2015/16.

Practices can submit their data from now until the beginning of September.

We have been informed by EMIS that the National Diabetes Audit 2014-15 search will be downloading into your EMIS library from tonight (30.07.15) so practices should have access within the week.Please contact EMIS directly if you have any problems with access to the search

For further information on the NDA and how to upload your data please visit


·  Cancer Clinical Network Lead

A new opportunity has arisen to join our Clinical Network as Cancer Clinical Network Lead. For more information and an application form, please go to:

Please forward to anyone who you think may be interested - closing date is currently the 30th August 2015 to allow for people being away over the summer period.


·  Outpatient Strategy Workshop at St George’s Hospital (please find official invitation attached (1))

You are invited to our Outpatient Strategy Workshop on 2 September 2015 1.30pm-4.00pm. Please find attached the official invitation.

St George’s are currently developing a 5 year Outpatient strategy to ensure they are delivering an optimum outpatient service to all patients across all sites. To enable them to develop a successful strategy, they are engaging with key users to find out more about experiences with accessing Outpatient services. The event will take the form of an interactive discussion from which to take away some productive and innovative ideas for the future.

For Information

·  New meningitis immunisations from Aug/ Sept. (Please see attached guidance (2a & b))

A vaccine against MenB will be available from September 2015 as part of the national childhood immunisation programme. This includes advice about prophylactic paracetamol use as routine after the 2 and 4 month doses to reduce the risk of resulting fever. Specific paracetamol dose guidance (including video example of consultation) training resources and parent leaflets are available at

The roll out of the new MenACWY immunisation programme for adolescents begins with an urgent catch up programme for 17 and 18 year olds as part of a general practice call and recall system from 1st August. This includes an outbreak response to an increase in MenW cases across all ages, and will also replace the teenage MenC vaccine. First time university entrants up to the age of 25 should also be offered conjugate MenACWY vaccine opportunistically from 1st August. Cohort eligibility and timings, and training resources are available at

PGDs for all NHS childhood immunisation programme are available at and error reporting is via email to , as well as using the GSTT errors algorithm to assist.


·  Lambeth & Southwark STI management guidelines for Primary Care (Please find attached guidance (3))

An updated set of sexually transmitted infection (STI) guidelines specifically designed for use in general practice in Lambeth and Southwark is now available. Sexual health locally remains a public health priority. The quick and easy to use guidelines have been written to support a shift of less complex testing into self-management, pharmacy and primary care services. They can be found under Clinical Guidelines for the Staying Healthy in Lambeth Partnership Board at:


·  My Catheter Passport is here (Please see article attached (4))

My Catheter Passport has launched to improve care for people with catheters and empower them to live as independently as possible.

The Passport also allows for more effective information sharing between health and social care professionals in hospital and the community.

For further details, please see full article attached

·  Message from Maria Millwood, Director of Integrated Commissioning for Children regarding Kids Company (Please see attached leaflet (5))

As you will have heard in the press that Kids Company have become insolvent. They have closed their buildings in Lambeth and all services are now closed. Kids Company have been contracted by Lambeth Council to run a One O’clock Club and an adventure playground in the borough. The Council will re-open these services as soon as possible, so the children and parents who rely on them are not adversely affected. We are also letting children and parents know about the facilities and activities nearby that are open throughout the summer holidays.

We have also been working with children’s social care and SLaM to ensure that vulnerable children are identified and helped, however, we are still waiting for some important information from Kids Company.

Kids Company also provides after-hours kids’ clubs to some of our schools during term-time. Those services are directly negotiated between the school and the charity. We have already written to schools and are helping to ensure that affected afterhours clubs will resume once the summer holidays are over, with a new provider if necessary.

We have developed the attached leaflet which we have been handing out to children and families at the Kids Company sites. We would encourage you to give any concerned families or young people contacting you the leaflet, which includes the following information:

·  A local Lambeth number for information about other summer schemes in the borough

·  A local Lambeth number for anyone who was getting more specialist support from Kids Company

·  The NSPCC number set up by Southwark for anyone concerned about the allegation against Kids Company

Should you require any further information on this please contact Emma Stevenson, Assistant Director, Children & Maternity Joint Commissioning on


·  The LSL Sexual Health Strategy

The LSL Sexual Health Strategy outlinedthe strategic vision to improve the sexual health and wellbeingof Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham residents.This included increasing access to sexual health services across the boroughs.

Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham Councils currently commission a range of sexual health services from Primary Care (General Practice and Pharmacy). To help inform the future commissioning of these services a stakeholder engagement event is taking place on 25th August 2015 in order to discuss this important initiative.

The event runs from 10am – 1pm (registration from 9.30am) and will be taking place at Coin Street Neighbourhood Centre, SE1 9NH.

This is event is one element of the stakeholder engagement programme. Click the Eventbrite link to book your space.

If you are unable to attend this event and would like to participate in the consultation please contact the for details of how you can contribute.


·  A letter from the Chancellor (please see attached letter (6))

The Chancellor George Osborne and the Chief Secretary to the Treasury Greg Hands are today writing to millions of public sector workers inviting them to take part in a Public Sector Efficiency Challenge.

Given your experience of delivering public services, the Chancellor and Chief Secretary want to hear from you directly on where waste still exists across the public sector and your ideas for how we can provide better public services for less money.

Your ideas will inform Spending Review 2015, which will conclude on 25 November and set out plans for how the government will invest in its priorities and deliver the savings needed to finish the job of repairing the country’s finances.

Thank you for taking the time to contribute and share your ideas.


·  “Happy with your GP service?” (Please see attached report (7))

Please find enclosed the findings of the recently held meeting on improving primary care services at Norwood Health and Leisure Centre by Lambeth Healthwatch.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 23, 4.30pm (Registration and Refreshments), 5.15pm – 7pm, Governors Hall, St Thomas Hospital.


·  King’s College Hospital - Low Globulins on Biochemistry Reports

Globulin on a Biochemistry report is calculated from a difference between measured Total Proteins and Albumin. A high Globulin of > 35 g/L is highlighted to alert for further investigations for myeloma. Low globulins are less significant and unless very low (<10 g/L) may in very rare cases, indicate a light chainparaprotein or immunodeficiency.

Because of the limitations in the computer systems to include all variables and not to cause further unnecessary investigations, as from 21/7/15 the Laboratory will only alert abnormal globulin levels less than 10g/L and greater than 35g/L. No further investigations are recommended inside these limits.

DrCaje Moniz

Head of Department - Clinical Biochemistry & Clinical Lead Metabolic Bone/ Osteoporosis

King's College HospitalNHS Foundation Trust

Training Opportunities
·  Chronic Cough & COPD (please see attached flyer (8))
Please find enclosed a flyer introducing a conference on Chronic Cough that is happening at King College Hospital on 7th & 8th September 2015.
·  Chronic Kidney Disease Care planning – King’s College Hospital
Date and time: Monday, 14 September 2015, 4.30 to 5.30 pm
Venue: Cicely Saunders Institute (address below)
Speaker: Dr Josephine Clayton, University of Sydney
Topic: Advance care planning for people with chronic kidney disease
Further details can be found at For further information on seminars, please contact
There are also details on our website of our seminars:
·  Best Practice & Best Practice in Nursing 21-22 Oct NEC Birmingham
On behalf of the NAPC, I would like to invite you, your Primary & Community Care Team(s) and member GP Practices to Best Practice and Best Practice in Nursing!
Member Practice engagement: With clinics set 12 weeks out we have a small window of opportunity to secure tickets and enable practice & community nurses/practice managers/GP’s to schedule resource accordingly.
Please note: We have an education bursary for 2500 complimentary tickets to Best Practice and 1500 complimentary tickets to Best Practice in Nursing….tickets are going fast!
Tickets can be transferred or cancelled at any point in the run up to the show - Key is to secure your complimentary ticket(s) now in order to confirm dates in your diary!
Best Practice, produced in partnership with the NAPC, is the annual conference to attend for practical advice on all the big issues facing general practice and how they will impact on your practice and federation. And it is fair to say that 2015/16 is set to be a bumper year for big issues and investment in general practice. There is a New Deal on the table, a new Government on the horizon and a new vision for the NHS that will change the landscape for ever. Exactly a year on from publication of the NHS Five Year Forward View, Best Practice 2015 is a timely opportunity to find out how your practice will be affected by these changes, where the threats and opportunities lie and how you should respond. Other headline topics will include: GPs trailblazing new community-based care models as part of the £200 million Forward View ‘transformation’ programme; how the £1 billion primary care infrastructure fund is being spent, details of the £10 million programme to expand the general practice workforce and the impacts of co-commissioning on general practice.
Delegate Registration Process: (GP’s, Practice Managers & Primary Care Teams):
·  A complimentary ticket will be issued on completion of the on-line booking from.
·  Each ticket allows access across both show days in order to offer flexibility around work commitments (can attend ADHOC to suit work schedule)
·  Delegate badges are dispatched approx. x10 days prior to the show
·  Alternatively, please complete the attached booking form and return to me for processing.
Best Practice Programme Link:
Best Practice in Nursing (BPiN) is a new two-day national conference to train, support and raise the profile of general practice and community nurses. We are excited to be launching this event (co located with Best Practice) for more than 1,500 nurses in recognition of your leading role in improving patient outcomes and driving integrated care in the community. This free-to-attend conference is perfectly timed to coincide with the national roll-out of revalidation at the end of the year and announcements over new national career structures for practice and community nurses. Better still, by attending this event you will get all your mandatory training requirements met for free under one roof, eliminating the need to take time out of clinic at other times in the year.
Delegate Registration Process (Practice, Community, Acute Nurses and Primary Care Teams):