Students (undergraduate, M.S., Ph.D.), recent graduates, and early career ornithologists who plan on submitting an abstract for consideration to the Scientific Program Committee will not automatically be considered for an award(registration, travel, or presentation award); instead they must complete the form below in order to be considered by one of the participating societies.Each society will give awards following their own guidelines, so it is important that students follow the instructions carefully. Students and recent graduates (degree conferred after 1 July 2016) applying for travel awards from the SociedadeBrasileira de Ornitologia should be enrolled in a Brazilian institution and be members of the Brazilian Ornithological Society. Students and recent graduates (degree conferred after 1 July 2016) applying for registration awards from Aves Argentinas should be enrolled in an Argentinean institution and be members of Aves Argentinas. Students and early career ornithologists (degree conferred after 1 July 2013) applying for travel awards from Association of Field Ornithologists can be of any nationality but should be members of AFO at the time of abstract submission. If you are applying for a travel/registration/presentation award from any one of the three participating societies you need to submit the expanded abstract below in addition to the regular abstract.

Nameof applicant:





Enterthetitleof youroralor posterpresentation(thetitlemustmatchtheonesubmittedtotheScientificProgramCommitteeforinclusioninthescientificprogram).


Entertheauthorsof yourpresentation.Presentingauthor(i.e., theindividualapplyingforawards)mustbelistedfirst.Thesequencemustmatchthesequencesubmittedseparately totheScientificProgramCommitteeforinclusioninthescientificprogram.

SubjectArea:Pleasechoosetwoofthe followingkeywordsthatbestdescribesthe subjectarea ofyourpresentation:

behavior biogeography breedingbiology broodparasitism climate

communityecology conservation


ecologicalmodelsandsurveymethods ecotoxicologyand pollutionevolution foraging

generalecology habitatrelationships landscapeecology lifehistories



molecularecology movementsand dispersal non-­‐breeding ecology parentalcare

phylogeneticsandevolution phylogeography


immunologypopulationbiology sexualselection socialbehavior

songand vocalizations systematics,taxonomy,and morphology


urbanandagriculturalecology useoftechnology


Societymembership:Eachapplicantmustbeanactivemember(duespaidfor2017)ofatleast oneoftheorganizationsparticipatingintheOrnithologicalCongressoftheAmericas.Please checkboxesbelowasappropriate.

AssociationofFieldOrnithologists (AFO)

AvesArgentinas (AA)

SociedadeBrasileiradeOrnitologia (SBO)








** Note: Applicants for AFO Travel Awards may be current students or early career ornithologists (degree conferred after 1 July 2013).






Are you willing to be considered for a student presentation award? Yes No

For which society are you asking to be considered for a registration/travel award? (Check only one box) AFO AA SBO


  1. Expandedabstract:TheexpandedabstractmustbewritteninEnglish, andSpanish or Portuguese,andbenomorethan2 pagesofdouble-­‐spacedtextand12pointorlargerfontsize.Theexpandedabstractshould stateobjectives,methods,majorresults,andscientificsignificance.
  1. Travelbudget:For SBO, include only travel expenses (airfare, bus tickets, fuel, etc.). For AFO, budgets should include separate costs fortransportation,up to4 nights hotelstay (max $75/night; sharedroom, if possible), $80student registration, but no food costs. AA will cover registration only.
  1. Aone-­‐pagecurriculumvitae(single-­‐spaced,12-­‐pointfont).
  1. Astatementfromyouracademicadvisorindicatingthatyouareingoodacademicstandingor proof of studentship from your University (studentapplicantsonly). For graduated students you need to add a scanned copy of your degree with date of conferral.
  1. Letter of interest (nomorethan2 pagesofdouble-­‐spacedtextand12pointorlargerfontsize) covering the following topics:
  • Describe your future plans after graduation or master’s/PhD thesis defense;
  • Justify your interest in participating in the conference;
  • List the last conferences/scientific meetings in which you participated with an oral presentation/poster
  • Describe the most important lessons you have learned in these conferences and how participating contributed in developing your career;
  • Inform if you have other funds secured for other expenses involved in attending the congress

Please remember: Anyone applying for these awards must send the above information and a regular abstract (in English, and Spanish or Portuguese) through the online registration system.

Submission:Assemblethesematerials,includingthecoversheet,asasingle.pdffile.Please namethefilewithlastnameandtheinitialsofapplicant,e.g.,“FernandezAR.pdf”.Email esubjectofyouremailyou shouldspecifySTUDENTTRAVELAWARDandyourlastname.

**PleasedirectanyquestionsaboutTravelAwardsto.Inthe subjectofyouremailyoushouldspecifySTUDENTTRAVELAWARD**

We strongly recommend for all students enrolled in a Brazilian Institution to check also the guidelines and instructions of the SBO Travel Award at the website of the SociedadeBrasileira de Ornitologia – SBO (