Mental Health Network

28th January 2015
Studio Room – Dolphin Centre

Present: Mark Humble – DBC

Neville Town – Carer

Julie Wheatley – Adult Mental Health Service

Cheryl Hunter – DISC

Gail Linstead – D CCG

Ben Smith – NHS

Jemma Robson – NHS

Turai Perumal – Darlington BC

Josanne Hall – Darlington Voluntary

Lisa Holdsworth – DBC

Susan Carter – AGE UK Darlington

Audrey Lax – Gold

Terry Taylor – Gold

Rachel Pickering – DISC

Gary Emerson – Mind

Sona Peskin – DAD Carers Support

Karen Brown – TEWV

Liz McAllister - Healthwatch

Andrea Goldie – Healthwatch

Jemma Holt – Healthwatch (Minutes)


Karen Turner – NECS

Ian Scriven – TEWV

Jackie Dyson - TEWV

Louise Johnson – Creative Support

Rosemary Berk

/ Action By / Target Date
1.1 As above.
2.1 None
3.1 Minutes agreed
4. Suicide Prevention
4.1 It was discussed during the meeting that figures were needed from Public Health around the early alert system and Children & Young People regarding suicide and self-harm.
4.2 There is a CAHMS review ongoing at the moment and from this there is now videos available which are designed to explain what CAHMS is. HWD have agreed to send some links of the videos around the network.
4.3 Mind discussed amongst the group that there will be opportunities coming up for 3rd sector organisations to meet with commissioners. Mind also pointed out that from engaging with schools they have found most schools suggest self-harm is a bigger issue amongst children and young people.
4.4 DISC have agreed they will be collating young person self-harm figures.
4.5 Mark humble is going to contact Ken Ross from Public Health in regards to getting an Action Plan of some sort in place.
4.6 Ben Smith has agreed to ask about the VCS Involvement in the CAHMS services. / HWD
BS / 18/03/15
5.5 Crisis Care Concordat & Crisis Summit
5.1 Mark Humble briefly discussed amongst the group what the Crisis Care Concordat is and explained the local plan for Darlington and encouraged any feedback on the local plan.
5.2 Concerns that there is not enough resources in Darlington to deliver the strategy was also highlighted.
5.3 Mind expressed concerns that there is no funding to help people in a crisis.
5.4 HWD informed the group about the Crisis Summit that had recently taken place and that there will be a follow up Summit on the 24th February 2015. HWD are to confirm the venue as soon as possible.
5.5 During the Crisis Summit it was agreed that TEWV will be collecting figures around crisis for the next Summit.
5.6 From the last Crisis Summit it was agreed the next Summit will be working towards some mapping work and Gail Linstead from the CCG has agreed to help work on this.
5.7 Since the Crisis Summit HWD has produced a Mental Health Directory with all local Mental Health Services. This can be located on Yammer and can be requested from HWD. It’s open for editing so HWD suggested any changes to the directory to be sent over. HWD will also be promoting the directory further.
5.8 The meeting then went back to the Crisis Care Concordat. Mind expressed further concerns that 485 people were waiting more than 8 weeks to access Mental Health Services.
5.9 Ben Smith is going to ask NECS for contracts.
5.10 It was agreed during the meeting that a future Agenda Item will include TEWV and NECS to discuss waiting times.
5.11 The meeting then went back to the Crisis Summit during the Summit it was discussed that the 4 hour target is not being met in crisis.
5.12 The group discussed the strain carer’s face when looking after a person with Mental Health issues. It was suggested that carers should be able to attend the Crisis Summit.
5.13 Mind then told the group that they do offer respite care to carers.
5.15 DAD informed the group of Carers Awareness coming up next month at West Park Hospital.
5.16 DISC expressed concerns that we need to be aware that young carers needs will be different from an adult carer.
5.17 The group discussed is there a service for a carer in a crisis? Ben Smith then informed the group that there is an Emergency Support Service available to carers. The group agreed it would be useful to look at who do carers contact when in a crisis as there seems to be a gap. But this would not be able to be extended due to lack of funding. A case in regards to this should be built looking at work to quantify and assess the needs of a service. A dementia report shows there is a need for carers support. Lisa Holdsworth is going to send minutes regarding emergency carer services. The group agreed that if there was a service it should only be accessed at last resort. / HWD
6. Carers Assessment Figures
6.1 Lisa Holdsworth was at the meeting today discussing the Carers Assessment figures. There has been four initial assessments, 2 joint assessments and 1 individual assessment. There is no access to who recorded the data but the data was recorded during April 2014 – December 2014.
6.2 DAD receive referrals but have noticed that people don’t want to take part in a carer’s assessment. It was discussed amongst the group that the terminology and approach that’s used to offer the carers assessment to people should be looked at further for improvement. The group would like to receive figures from TEWV on carer’s assessments. This will be looked into further.
6.3 LH also brought to the group data regarding the Triangle of care and NICE guidelines – psychosis/schizophrenia in adults. LH is to share the data with the network.
6.4 Local Authority and TEWV will be joining up to look at who does what regarding the carer’s assessment.
6.5 Carers Awareness training is taking place on the 9th February 2015 and Cheryl Hunter & Sona Peskin will be attending this.
6.6 Andrea Goldie has agreed to write to Catherine (TEWV) for figures on the Carers Assessment.
6.7 LH will be working with TEWV to look the best way forward with carer’s assessment work .It was discussed would the Statuary Social Care assessment be helpful? Would more work being done with GP’s regarding the Carers Assessment be helpful?
6.8 AGE UK Darlington receive referrals from West Park Hospital and can offer carers support with free time for going out etc. and this is a free service. AGE UK also have done work with Dementia patients. They offer a service called Dementia Adventure which aims to help memory loss. AGE UK and Mind also offer dementia day care services which is funded by the local authority.
6.9 Mind informed the group that from February the first week of the month, two days a week, a Dementia Day Care Centre will be available this has been funded by Comic Relief. Mind has also received a national Mind grant to develop an animation pilot project with Mental Health service users so that they could make short Mental Health related animated films. / LH
7. Mental Health Strategy – Actions
7.1 Ben Smith has informed the group that the implementation plan has gone through and been approved by the Health & Wellbeing Board. The actions for the plan now need to start. The plan highlights who will run each area.
7.2 HWD will be circulating the plan and actions amongst the network to give feedback.
7.3 The group agreed that another group needs to be formed to do the work for the actions. HWD will be setting up a group/meeting to look at Mental Health implementation actions.
7.4 Any group interest or feedback needs to be sent to JH who will then feedback to BS and JR. / HWD
8. Healthwatch Darlington Update
8.1 HWD have now completed the Mental Health Directory which can be accessed on Yammer or directly from HWD.
8.2 HWD Issue 2 Directory is also available which includes a variety of Health & Social care information and services. Copies of the directory can be requested from HWD.
8.3 HWD also informed the group about Primary Healthcare Darlington and the Weekend GP service that is now running in Darlington.
9. Partner Roundup
9.1 Mind mentioned that Darlington Mind, Age UK and DAD were involved in the Multi- Disciplinary Team pilot with DBC and the CCG’s and that they had received around 100 referrals so far.
10. Any other business
10.1 The Care Act, Better Care Fund and MDT will be agenda items at the next network meeting.

Next meeting – 18th March 2015 – 2:00pm – 3:30pm –Studio Room