National Association for the Teaching of English
55th Annual Conference
“So Many Voices, So Many Worlds”
Aston University Conference Centre, Birmingham
Friday 22nd June to Saturday 23rd June 2018
and Sunday 24th2018 June Research Day
Proposals are invited for workshops and seminars at NATE’s 2018 annual conference. The deadline for proposals is Friday 1st December 2017, 6 pm. Proposers will receive feedback by Monday 1st January 2018. We are keen to receive as many proposals as possible. Presenters are also invited to submit a version of their work to one of NATE’s publications.
Workshops – length: two and a half hours, delivered in two parts
We are seeking to present a range of workshops for teachers covering age ranges from primary to post-16, a number of aspects of mainstream English teaching and a number of specialist areas. Workshops should provide interactive sessions involving participants in practical work and discussion. Workshops will be presented on both days, thereby providing workshop leaders with the opportunity to deliver a single workshop on either day; or to present the same workshop on both days; or to deliver different workshops on each day.
One presenter per workshop will be entitled to a discount of 50% of the full conference rate (excluding accommodation) for each workshop presented.
Seminars – length: one hour
Seminar sessions are intended to provide the opportunity for presenters to disseminate ideas about resources, methods, ideas or issues in a different format from workshops or research papers for a mixed audience. The session may take the form of a demonstration or talk with opportunities for questions or discussion. Workshop and research presenters are welcome to offer a seminar too.
Proposals should be emailed to NATE’s Director, Paul Clayton, at the following email addresses:
Please include your name when creating the file name.
National Association for the Teaching of English
Aizlewood’s Mill, Nursery Street, Sheffield S3 8GG
0114 282 3545 (UK) +44 114 282 3545 (international)
National Association for the Teaching of English
55th Annual Conference
So Many Voices, So Many Worlds
Aston University Conference Centre, Birmingham
Friday 22nd June to Saturday 23rd June 2018 and Sunday 24th June 2018 (Research Day)
Title: First Name: Surname:
Job title:
Work Address:
Home Address:
Best landline and mobile numbers:
Email address:
Are you a member of NATE?
Is your proposal for a workshop or seminar?:
Please tick or highlight any which are relevant:
FEHE subject specialism
Initial teacher educationResearcher
Please state any equipment you will need. Each workshop room will have a data projector, screen, flip chart, marker pens and paper. Please bring your own laptop as NATE will not be able to supply one. Please do not presume any other equipment will be available. An AV technician will be on hand to offer support.
Please provide a title and an outline of your proposal (approximately 200 words) to be used as an entry in the conference programme.
PLEASE NOTE: Delegates greatly value copies of any presentations and resources used in workshops and seminars. These we make available via a secure section of the Conference website following the Conference. If you are unwilling to share your materials in this way, please tick here: