Texas Department of State Health Services

School Health Program

84th Legislative Session

School Health and Public Education

2015Related Legislation

This document containsschool health related legislation taken directly from the official Texas Legislature On-Line(TLO) Web site: . The bills listed have been signed by the House and Senate and have made it through the Legislative Process. The Governor has signed some of the bills and has until June 21, 2015 to sign or veto bills. He may also let them pass into law, unsigned.

NOTE: A brief descriptive caption of each bill has been provided. Captions provide only the most basic information about a bill. It is always best to read the entire bill to understand all relative items. To check the current status of a bill, click on the Bill link.

SENATE BILLS / Passed Out of Senate Committee / Voted on by Senate / Passed Out of House
Committee / Voted on by House
SB66 / Relating to the use of epinephrine auto-injectors on public and open-enrollment charter school campuses and at off-campus school-sanctioned events.
Signed by the Governor 5/28/2015
/ √ / √ / √ / √
SB133 / Relating to mental health first aid training for school district employees and school resource officers.
Sent to the Governor
5/26/2015 / √ / √ / √ / √
SB265 /
Relating to student use of sunscreen products in public schools.
Sent to the Governor
/ √ / √ / √ / √
SB382 / Relating to public school educator continuing education credit for instruction on the use of an automated external defibrillator.
Sent to the Governor
5/30/2015 / √ / √ / √ / √
SB968 / Relating to a prescription drug misuse awareness component of the health curriculum used in public schools.
Sent to the Governor
6/1/2015 / √ / √ / √ / √
SB1494 / Relating to the educational needs of homeless students.
Sent to the Governor
5/30/2015 / √ / √ / √ / √
HOUSE BILLS / Passed Out of House Committee / Passed Out of House / Passed Out of Senate Committee / Passed Out of Senate
HB440 / Relating to adapting the public school physical education curriculum to accommodate the needs of students with mental disabilities.
Signed by the GOVERNOR / √ / √ / √ / √
HB1305 / Relating to a program to provide a free or reduced-price breakfast to eligible students attending a public school and the method of determining the number of educationally disadvantaged students.
Sent to the Governor
/ √ / √ / √ / √
HB2186 / Relating to suicide prevention training for certain educators and other employees of a school district.
Sent to the Governor
6/1/2015 / √ / √ / √ / √
HB2323 / Relating to mandatory spinal screenings for children in certain grades attending public or private schools.
Placed on General State Calendar5/12/2015
Ran out of time on General State Calendar in the House
/ √
HB2847 / Relating to policies and training regarding the use of epinephrine auto-injectors by school districts and open-enrollment charter schools; providing immunity.
Considered SB 66 in place of this bill / √

84thLegislative Session – School Health Related Bills Page 1

Updated: June, 2015