October 14, 2003

PRESENT: Paul Killpatrick, Lynn Mahlberg, Danny Gonzales, Summer Ehrmann, Frank Daniels

GUESTS: Garry Heberer, Pablo Cortez

  1. Approval of Minutes – The minutes of the President’s Council meeting on October 6, 2003 were approved.
  1. Strategic Planning – Dr. Cliff Ferry is continuing work on the Strategic Planning document. He has met with Student Services and will be going over six years of surveys in the Student Services area. Dr. Ferry has also met with Dr. Garry Heberer to go over special department surveys.
  1. Feedback on Position Descriptions – Dr. Paul Killpatrick has received feedback on the position descriptions for GBC HR Director and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Ms. Linda Carter will implement the changes in a document for Dr. Killpatrick to review.
  1. Update on Scheduling of IAV Classes – Dr. Killpatrick introduced Mr. Pablo Cortez, IAV Coordinator, and Dr. Garry Heberer. They reported that there have been no real issues with the IAV scheduling for this year. The scheduling is still basically first come first serve, with classes taking priority over meetings. The number of courses is increasing and it will become increasingly more difficult to prioritize the courses. President’s Council recommended that the Distance Education Committee become involved with prioritizing the classes. President’s Council also recommended that a member from the Business department be put on the committee.
  1. College Goal Sunday – Ms. Lynn Mahlberg reported that GBC has taken the lead in applying for Lumina’s College Goal Sunday grant. The Lumina Foundation is providing a $7,500 grant to fund preparation for the proposal. The $7,500 Planning Grant Proposal will be reviewed and funded this year. The actual commitment for up to $250,000 over the next three years is granted next March. The primary target of the grant is low income families.
  1. Review Student Services New Position Descriptions – President’s Council approved the three position descriptions for Student Services: Public Information Officer, Student Financial Services Specialist, and Recruiter.
  1. War Whoops Advertisement – Ms. Lynn Mahlberg presented information on advertising venues and expenditures for the 2003-2004 academic year. President’s Council recommended that GBC place advertisements on War Whoops, a radio program produced by Elko High School. Ms. Mahlberg reported that GBC can prepare the ads to be used.
  1. Nevada Works Provider List – Mr. Danny Gonzales reported that some of GBC’s newly approved programs are not appearing in the Nevada Works Provider list. Job Opportunities of Nevada (JOIN) will not pay for students taking courses for programs not listed in their directory. Mr. Stan Popeck has completed the paperwork to include the Education program in the directory. President’s Council suggested that paperwork be filled out immediately upon approval of a new program.
  1. Miscellaneous

·  Dr. Frank Daniels reported what some of the agenda items would be at the next Faculty Senate meeting. He stated that a draft of the institutional by-laws should be completed in November. He reported that the Compensation and Benefits Committee is making progress on the Workload Policy. Dr. Daniels that TMCC and GBC have requested that the “B” designation be dropped from courses that are part of a Bachelor degree program.

·  The College and Career Fair circuit starts this week. GBC will have representatives at the following College and Career Fair dates:

o  October 18 – Carson High School College Fair

o  October 19 – Reno College Fair

o  October 20 – Las Vegas College Fair

o  November 17 – Ely White Pine High School College Fair

o  November 18 – Elko

o  November 19 – Battle Mountain

o  November 20 – Winnemucca

o  November 21 - Lovelock