Chapter 6 Ancient Greece

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Key Concepts

____1.The geography of ancient Greece made it hard for communities

a. / to unify.
b. / to worship different gods.
c. / to fight with each other.
d. / to speak different languages.

____2.Geographers study how people

a. / and Earth affect each other.
b. / learn.
c. / interact with each other.
d. / and animals communicate.

____3.What do geographers learn by studying the theme of human-environment interaction?

a. / how people move from one region to another
b. / how people and the environment affect each other
c. / how cultural features define a location
d. / how regions differ from each other

____4.How did the ancient Egyptians demonstrate their belief in life after death?

a. / They did not think the bodies of the dead should be preserved.
b. / They preserved the bodies of their dead.
c. / They believed in only one god.
d. / They became famous warriors.

____5.The Egyptian pharaohs ruled with absolute power over

a. / only priests.
b. / only slaves.
c. / all Egyptians.
d. / all the people in Africa.

____6.Distortion in a map may change the shape of

a. / some landmasses.
b. / a globe.
c. / the Equator.
d. / the Prime Meridian.

____7.The collapse of the Greek civilization during the Dark Ages increased

a. / farming.
b. / foreign trading.
c. / poverty.
d. / income levels.

____8.While the Acropolis was the center of Athens’ religious life, the Agora was the center of

a. / military life.
b. / public life.
c. / private life.
d. / government.

____9.Geographers are able to pinpoint the location of a place from east to west by using

a. / the Equator.
b. / latitude lines.
c. / parallel lines.
d. / longitude lines.

____10.Which pair of basic questions guides geographers in their work?

a. / When did Earth form? What is it made of?
b. / Who lived where? When did they move?
c. / What is the climate? Why has it changed?
d. / Where are things located? Why are they there?

____11.To keep track of the kingdom’s growing wealth, ancient Egyptians began to

a. / tax the farmers.
b. / publish a list of the pharaohs possessions each year.
c. / use cuneiform.
d. / use hieroglyphs.

____12.To learn more about Earth, geographers organize information according to what themes?

a. / region, population, and place
b. / location, regions, place, movement, and human-environment interaction
c. / location, population, and longitude
d. / latitude, longitude, and movement

____13.Most Greeks believed their gods

a. / were moral beings.
b. / rule different areas of human life.
c. / were kind and understanding.
d. / were weak and ineffective

____14.Under the leadership of Alexander the Great, Greece

a. / formed three main kingdoms.
b. / expanded its empire.
c. / was conquered by Persia.
d. / destroyed Alexandria.

____15.Buddha taught that the cure for human suffering was to

a. / give up selfish desires.
b. / gain wealth through hard work.
c. / exercise and eat healthy food.
d. / worship many gods.

____16.Ancient Egyptian astronomers studied the stars to

a. / create new medicines from plants.
b. / appoint the next pharaoh.
c. / create a new writing system.
d. / predict the flooding of the NileRiver.

____17.What are two important rivers that start in the Himalaya Mountains?

a. / the Indus and the Ganges
b. / the Indus and the Arabian
c. / the Nile and the Tigris
d. / the Tigris and the Euphrates

____18.Unlike most early Greeks, philosophers believed that the gods were

a. / the key to understanding natural events.
b. / not the source of everything.
c. / in control of natural events.
d. / the source of everything.

____19.Some scholars believe that in ancient Athens, one third of all people were

a. / slaves.
b. / children.
c. / teachers.
d. / artists.

____20.Why do flat maps distort shapes of landmasses?

a. / No one is sure where the Equator really is.
b. / Earth is round, not flat.
c. / Landmasses are always shifting.
d. / The paper shrinks with time.

____21.Which of the following statements explains why there are always distortions in a map?

a. / Maps are too small to hold enough information.
b. / Maps are flat and Earth is round.
c. / Mountains or plains don’t show up on a map.
d. / Small towns are hard to represent on a map.

____22.Babylon became an important center of trade because it was

a. / located between cities to the south and north.
b. / the site of a great library.
c. / ruled by a powerful queen.
d. / surrounded by massive walls.

____23.Citizens of Athens during the Golden Age saw

a. / many rebellions.
b. / buildings destroyed.
c. / democracy flourish.
d. / the arts decline.

____24.In Greek mythology, there were

a. / both human and animal gods.
b. / many dragons.
c. / 12 great gods, led by Zeus.
d. / no goddesses.

____25.One important event that took place during the Dark Ages of Greece was

a. / the disappearance of writing.
b. / the destruction of all farmland.
c. / an increase in foreign trade.
d. / the disappearance of oral traditions.

____26.Because ancient Egyptian civilization was located on the banks of the Nile River, Egypt had

a. / no farmland
b. / hardly any farmland
c. / poor farmland
d. / rich farmland

____27.What themes do geographers use to organize information?

a. / climate and occupation
b. / location, regions, place, movement, and human-environment interaction
c. / population and transportation
d. / population and size of cities

____28.The most accurate way to show Earth’s continents and bodies of water is with a(n)

a. / globe.
b. / equal-area map.
c. / Robinson projection.
d. / Mercator projection.

____29.During the Golden Age of Greece, Athenians made great achievements

a. / in flood control.
b. / in farming technology.
c. / in tomb building.
d. / in the arts.

____30.Where would you look to find out how distances on a map compare to the actual distances on land?

a. / the compass rose
b. / the title
c. / the key
d. / the scale bar

____31.After the end of the Peloponnesian War, Athens was

a. / faced with a plague that killed many citizens.
b. / never again a leader in the Greek world.
c. / a place where the arts again flourished.
d. / able to control Sparta’s harbor.

____32.A globe is more accurate than a map because a globe can show

a. / the true shapes of continents and oceans.
b. / city streets.
c. / a particular region in great detail.
d. / a distorted view of Earth.

____33.Unlike Athens, in ancient Sparta the government concentrated all its resources on creating

a. / a pleasurable lifestyle.
b. / brave and skillful warriors.
c. / famous artisans.
d. / successful merchants

____34.The Phoenician alphabet made it easier for people in the ancient world to

a. / learn to read and write.
b. / teach cuneiform.
c. / learn cuneiform.
d. / hire scribes.

____35.Through their study of Earth, geographers learn how Earth and its people affect

a. / each other.
b. / the solar system.
c. / human health.
d. / political systems.

____36.Latitude and longitude lines help geographers identify

a. / absolute location.
b. / the heights of mountains.
c. / Earth’s distance from the sun.
d. / the depths of oceans.

____37.Which of the following was the first written set of laws?

a. / the Ziggurat of Ur
b. / the Epic of Gilgamesh
c. / the Ten Commandments
d. / Hammurabi’s Code

____38.Which of the following things would geographers be most likely to study?

a. / the moon
b. / the planets
c. / chemicals and chemical reactions
d. / landforms and their locations

____39.Because of the geography of ancient Greece, the Greek communities developed

a. / new ways of hunting and gathering.
b. / one central government.
c. / close ties with each other.
d. / separate customs and beliefs.

____40.Flat maps were invented because it was impossible to make a globe that was

a. / strong enough to last.
b. / complete enough to use and convenient enough to carry.
c. / pretty enough for people to want.
d. / big enough to fit the oceans on.

____41.What is the best way to find out the subject of a map?

a. / Study the compass rose.
b. / Find the map key.
c. / Read the title.
d. / Study the scale.

____42.India’s mountains and surrounding water influenced its development

a. / by providing contact with Asian lands.
b. / by limiting contact between the subcontinent and the world.
c. / by providing unlimited contact with countries to the east and west.
d. / by encouraging invasions by other civilizations.

____43.Some scholars believe that about one third of the Athenian population worked as

a. / soldiers.
b. / merchants.
c. / philosophers.
d. / slaves.

____44.The laws introduced by the Athenian leader Solon helped the city become

a. / a leading democracy.
b. / a free city with no slaves.
c. / an empire that extended to Egypt.
d. / an empire that extended to China.

____45.During the Hellenistic period, there were important achievements in

a. / warfare and government.
b. / writing and printing.
c. / tragedy and comedy.
d. / mathematics and science.

____46.Geographers study regions so that they can

a. / get people to move there.
b. / understand folk music.
c. / change the cultures.
d. / make comparisons between areas.

____47.The goal of Greek art was

a. / to present fantastic images of people and events.
b. / to destroy the art of other peoples.
c. / to teach the principles of Greek philosophy.
d. / to present images of human perfection.


Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.

____48.Only men and women with Athenian mothers

and fathers could be citizens of Athens.

____49.Alexander the Great never lost a battle.

____50.In ancient Greece, private homes were

elaborate and ornate.

____51.During Greece’s Dark Ages, people were so

concerned with survival that they forgot the

practice of writing.

____52.Plains make up the major landforms of Greece.

____53.After Alexander died, his kingdom immediately

fell also.

____54.Buyers and vendors in the public markets of

Athens often haggled, or bargained, for the best


____55.Vendors lined the streets of Athens selling goods.

____56.Athens was an unimportant Greek city.

____57.Historians estimate that nearly one third of the

Athenian population were slaves.

____58.Athens had a mild climate.

____59.The Iliad and the Odyssey are two epics about

the Trojan War and subsequent events.

____60.When Alexander took control of lands, he

destroyed their culture.

____61.Athenian men were responsible for keeping

track of family finances.

____62.About 100,000 people in Greece, lived in slavery.

____63.Women in Athens could not vote or take part in


____64.Alexandria became the capital of Egypt and

grew famous as a center for business and


____65.Most ancient Athenians ate very little meat.

____66.No part of Greece is very far from the sea.

____67.In Hellenistic times, many scholars believed

Earth was round.

____68.The agora was the center of religious life in Athens.

____69.Alexander’s tutor was the philosopher Aristotle.

____70.Each Greek community developed its own

customs and beliefs.



Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / peninsula / f. / assassinate
b. / agora / g. / acropolis
c. / barbarian / h. / Hellenistic
d. / city-state / i. / plague
e. / democracy area of land nearly surrounded by water and connected to the mainland by a narrow strip of land.

____72.a widespread disease

____73.a form of government in which citizens govern themselves

____74.a fortified hill of an ancient GreekCity

____75.a public market and meeting place in ancient Greece

Key Terms

Fill in the blank by writing the letter of the correct term below.

a. / artisan / f. / papyrus
b. / astronomer / g. / pharaoh
c. / cataract / h. / pyramid
d. / dynasty / i. / regent
e. / hieroglyph / j. / silt

____76.Egyptians used reeds to make an early form of paper called ____.

____77.A series of rulers from the same family is called a(n) ____.

____78.A strong flood or a rush of water is called a(n) ____.

____79.A powerful Egyptian ruler was called a(n) ____.

____80.An Egyptian ruler was often buried in a triangular shaped building called a(n) ____.

Key Terms

Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / ahimsa / f. / missionary
b. / caste / g. / monsoon
c. / citadel / h. / nirvana
d. / dharma / i. / reincarnation
e. / meditate / j. / subcontinent

____81.a person who spreads his or her religious beliefs to others

____82.a large landmass that juts out from a continent focus the mind inward

____84.a lasting peace that Buddhists seek

____85.a strong wind that blows across East Asia at certain times of year


Fill in the blank by writing the letter of the correct term below.

a. / acropolis / f. / peninsula
b. / city-state / g. / blockade
c. / philosopher / h. / aristocrat
d. / tribute / i. / democracy
e. / Hellenistic

____86.In part, Athens became rich because of the ____ paid by other cities.

____87.Ships may surround and close, or ____, a harbor in order to defeat an enemy.

____88.In ancient Greece, a(n) ____ was a person who used reason to understand natural events.

____89.A member of a rich and powerful ruling family is called a(n) ____.

____90.After Alexander’s death, his empire broke up into three ____ kingdoms.

Key Terms

Fill in the blank by writing the letter of the correct term below.

a. / cardinal direction / e. / latitude
b. / degree / f. / meridian
c. / geography / g. / projection
d. / globe

____91.The study of Earth is called ____.

____92.A representation of Earth’s rounded surface on a flat surface is called a ____.

____93.Geographers use east-west circles, or lines of ____ to describe location.

____94.A ____ is a line of longitude.

____95.North, south, east, and west are each a ____.

Key Terms

Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / compass rose / e. / key
b. / distortion / f. / longitude
c. / Equator / g. / parallel
d. / geography / h. / projection

____96.a type of imaginary line that circles the globe from north to south

____97.a change in the accuracy of shapes and distances

____98.a map feature that shows the four cardinal directions

____99.the section of a map that explains symbols for the map features

____100.the study of Earth