Make your plans now to join your friends and colleagues in Corpus Christi, Texas, April 24-26,2014 for the Annual Food and Nutrition Conference of the Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.This conference always offers the best in educational opportunities and 2014 is not any different. These educational sessions are offered at affordable prices for dietitians,dietetic technicians and students from across the state.

This statewide event is open to Texas Academy members and non-members. Managers, supervisors and team leaders are urged to recognize and encourage additional staff members to attend. The annual conference offers a networking opportunity like no other and offers the perfect opportunity for non-members to realize the valuable professional enhancements provided by Texas Academy. If you are involved in the dietetic profession you do not want to miss this program. Continue reading to find out just what the 2014Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics FNCE has planned for this year!

Omni Corpus Christi Hotel:Located in the lively downtown Marina District, the four-diamond Omni Corpus Christi Hotel offers newly renovated rooms with spectacular views of the Corpus Christi Bay. Situated along 131 miles of Texas coast, there are virtually limitless choices for water sports. The group rate is $149 single/double occupancy, $169 triple and $179 quadruple occupancy. Prior to arriving join the Omni Select Guest to enjoy complimentary wi-fi, morning beverages, and more. Click here for hotel reservations using group code, 14500811886.

Corpus Christi International Airport

Located just 15 minutes from the Omni Corpus Christi Hotel.

Airport Shuttle

The Omni Corpus Christi Hotel offers a complimentary airport shuttle. Please call the Omni at 361-887-1600when you land and the shuttle will be sent.

Business Casual is appropriate for all educational sessions.
Please remember that temperatures in hotel and conference center meeting rooms are seldom set at a comfortable level for all, therefore we encourage you to bring a sweater or jacket in the event you become too cool.
Continuing Education
Due to concurrent sessions and individual learning needs, earned hours may vary from attendee to attendee. There are 5.5 CPEUs available on Thursday, 8.5 on Friday and 4 on Saturday.

Exhibiting companies will be showcasing products and services of interest to Texas Academy members and Annual Conference registrants on Thursday evening and Friday. The Texas Academy PAC Silent Auction will be held in conjunction with the Exhibits within the exhibit hall. Four hours of dedicated exhibit time is included in the program.


All opening day activities will take place at the American Bank Center, 1901 N. Shoreline Blvd.

Corpus Christi, Texas 78401, Phone: (361) 826-4700.


Opening Remarks and Welcome: Carol Bradley, PhD, RDN, LD, Texas Academy President

FNCE Overview: Shelby Killion, MS, RD, LD, 2014 FNCE Chair

Why is CDR Creating Competencies?

CDR Representative

Keynote Presentation

Protein: The Research and Application for Optimizing Muscle Mass, Metabolism and Satiety

Doug Paddon-Jones, PhD

Presenting Sponsor: Texas Beef Council

The purpose of this presentation is to highlight recent advances in nutrition and protein research that have the potential to improve muscle and metabolic health. The beneficial effects of dietary protein on muscle health continue to be refined. Recent research has bolstered support for moderately increasing protein consumption beyond the current RDA by adopting a meal-based approach in lieu of a less specific daily recommendation. Results from muscle protein anabolism, appetite regulation and satiety research support that contention that meeting a protein threshold (approximately 30 g/meal) represents a promising strategy for middle-aged and older adults concerned with maintaining muscle mass while controlling body fat. Optimizing dietary protein intake to improve health requires a detailed consideration of topics including muscle protein anabolism, appetite control and satiety.


Partial funding for this session provided by Nutrigenomix

Genetic Testing and Personalized Nutrition: From the Classroom to the Clinic

Ahmed El-Sohemy, PhD

There is increasing awareness among researchers, educators, healthcare professionals and consumers that the one-size-fits-all, population-based approach to nutritional guidance is inefficient and often ineffective. This awareness has created a growing market for personal genome testing services. As these services become more affordable and their use is more widespread, dietitians will often be asked to advise their clients and patients on personalized nutrition based on their genetic test. Understanding the science and the strengths and limitations behind these services is essential to providing informed recommendations. Dietetics students of today must be fully prepared to conduct their future practice in an environment where genetic testing may be very common, and dietitians in private practice need to ensure that any service that they offer is evidence-based.

Opening of the FNCE Exhibit Hall and Welcome Reception

Exhibits, Texas Academy PAC Silent Auction, Posters

Culinary Stage co-sponsored by Ben E. Keith Foods

6:00 – 8:00 PM

American Bank Center


Legislative Update with the Texas Academy Public Policy Panel

7:30 - 8:45 AM

Debra King, MS, RD, LDJessica Coffee, RD, LDKimberly Bandelier, MS,RD, LD

State Policy RepresentativePublic Policy CoordinatorState Regulatory Specialist

Diet: The Flame That Ignites Chronic Disease - And How To Put It Out

Level 2

Susan Linke, MBA, MS, RD, LD, CLT

Mark Pasula, PhD

Partial funding provided by Oxford Biomedical Technologies

Diet plays a prominent role in inducing and perpetuating inflammation, which is a major factor underlying a myriad of chronic conditions such as IBS, IBD, migraine, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and many others. Dr. Mark Pasula will explain the pathophysiology of inflammation and the connection between the immune system, chronic disease and foods, additives and chemicals. Historically, the challenge in implementing effective MNT for chronically ill clients has been the identification of individual dietary triggers. Susan will demonstrate how inflammation, and thus symptoms, can effectively be reduced or reversed by customizing a patient-specific elimination diet using the LEAP/MRT protocol.

Millennial Messaging: Communicating With Young Adults Today To Change Tomorrow's Nutrition Culture

Level 2

Jason Pelzel, MPH, RD

While many nutrition programs target children, adolescents, parents and older adults, young adults are often overlooked regarding health care due to their relative lack of risk for serious or chronic disease. However, young adulthood is an age where individuals establish independence in many aspects of their lifestyles, including the formation of food and nutrition habits. The health and nutrition behaviors of today's young adults (i.e. Millennials) will have significant impact across many sectors of society, from health care costs to military personnel to the nutrition of our next generation. As such, it is imperative that nutrition programs target Millennials with communications that most effectively motivate this demographic towards behavior change. This session will discuss the most recent IFIC research exploring Millennials' food and nutrition behaviors, their sources of nutrition information, and audience-specific strategies for communicating health promotion messages to this age group.

From Print to Pinterest and Beyond: How 3 RDNs are Taking Nutrition Media to the Next Level

Level 2

Neva Cochran, MS, RDN, LD

Angela Lemond, MS, RD, CSP, LD

Robin Plotkin, RDN, LD

Sponsored by Dairy MAX

From newspaper and television to Twitter and Pinterest, three media-savvy RDNs with 60 years of combined media experience will share their successes and challenges working with the media. There will also be time for you to share your media experiences and ask questions. Whether you are a media veteran or just want to get started, this session

is for you.

Bringing Affordable, Healthier Food to Communities from a Retail Perspective

Level 2

Lori A. Kaley, MS, RD, LD, MSB

Sponsored by Walmart

This session will help members understand how a nutrition commitment by the retail and food industry involving reformulation of food and beverage products, affordability, information at point of purchase, improved physical access to supermarkets, and culturally appropriate nutrition education can impact communities. There will be a focus on how nutrition professionals can engage with elements of the nutrition commitment to reach consumers with useful tools.


Shuttle service will be provided but it is only a short 5 minute walk to the American Bank Center

11:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Exhibits, Texas Academy PAC Silent Auction, Texas Academy Posters

Culinary Stage co-sponsored by Ben E. Keith

Sports Nutrition for the Weekend Warrior and Everyday Athlete

Level 2

Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD

Should everyday athletes be consuming sports drinks, salt tablets and post-workout shakes? Many clients that exercise heavily are confused about if, when and how much is appropriate for them individually. Sports Nutrition for the Weekend Warrior and Everyday Athlete will take specific sports nutrition principles for collegiate and professional athletes and apply them to the everyday athlete that does not workout for a living. Carbohydrate, protein, fat and fluid requirements differ with different levels of training and knowing what to recommend to your clients will help them fuel their training and hopefully improve their performance and energy levels.

Medicare & Medicaid Nutrition Rx for Smarties: Cause Dummies Can't Get This!

Level 2

Karen Martin, MA,RD,LD

This session will detail per CMS & TX Medicaid guidelines: qualifiers and non-qualifiers for home enteral (HEN) and parenteral nutrition (HPN) support; documentation do's and don'ts, and documentationneeded for disease-specific or specialty formula.

Integrating Latest Nutritional and Medical Concepts in Pediatric Diabetes Care

Level 2

Erica L. Gonzales, RD, LD, CDE

Moinuddin H. Mokhashi, MD, FAAP

Discussion of ADA Guidelines for Type 1, Type 2 and MODY, with brief historical overview of pediatric diabetes management. Impact of landmark diabetes trials on modern diabetes management (Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT); United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS); profiles of insulin analogs, basal bolus therapy and common types of oral medications; interplay of medications, insulin, carbohydrate counting, and physical activity on glycemic control; current MNT recommendations. Pediatric Gestational Diabetes will not be addressed.

Craving Data & Information? Advancing Nutrition Practice through Informatics

Level 2

Margaret Dittloff, MS, RD

Nutrition is a data-rich profession and practitioners in all areas and levels of practice need access to reliable data and information for problem solving and decision making. Technology and informatics are driving changes in health promotion and care delivery that will require new competencies. Learn how standards, processes and technology can help you turn data into knowledge that can improve patient care and help you become more effective.

Eating the Dialectical Way: Using Dialectical Behavioral Therapy to Find the Balance Between Food and Life

Level 2

Michelle Cross, LCSW, RD, LD

Kara Fowler, LPC,RD, LD

Sponsored by Hill Country Recovery Center

This presentation teaches the principles of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). Review of DBT skills modules and how dietitians can use these skills to help clients change their relationship with food.

Making Change through Innovative Initiatives withinFood Banks’ Nutrition, Health and Wellness Program

Level 2

Luz Myriam Neira, PhD

Sponsored by San Antonio Food Bank

This session will give an overview of the various innovative initiatives food banks are implementing through theirNutrition, Health and Wellness Programsin its fight against chronic diseases. Pregnant women to seniors, the NHW program is leading the way in how food banks play a key role in the prevention of chronic diseases through nutrition education.

This event is a combination of the presentation of Texas Academy Award Winners and Texas AcademyFoundation/Academy Foundation Scholarship recipients. You must have a ticket for dinner butall are welcome for the Casino Night. The dinner ticket price is $40 for dinner only and $60 with $25 of casino chips included. Casino chips will also be available for purchase at the event

Start the Day - Protein Leads the Way

Level 2

Anna Shlachter, MS, RDN,LDN

Sponsored by Egg Nutrition Center

Protein remains a HOT topic related to recent advances in nutrition research. This session will help participants translate the science behind the studies into practical tips for optimizing dietary protein intake - starting with breakfast and progressing through the rest of the day. Breakfast skipping, convenience and other “perceived barriers” to habit changes and motivation will be addressed to help you talk with clients in a way that promotes self-motivation.

Nutrition in Acute Kidney Injury

Level 2

Linda Moore, MS, RDN, LD

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a syndrome where impairment is a spectrum ranging from mild functional impairment to severe injury to the kidneys and has been associated with hospital mortality and prolonged hospital length of stay. This presentation will review current knowledge of AKI and malnutrition, demonstrate methods used to screen for both AKI and malnutrition, and discuss possible therapeutic approaches.

But I Don't Want to Eat it! The Impact of Sensory Issues on the Diet of Individuals with Autism and Other Sensory Disorders

Level 3

Sharon Lemons, MS, RDN, CSP, LD

Sponsored by Simply Thick

The way a food smells and feels in your mouth is a large part of why we like a food. The sensory experience of new foods can be a struggle for individuals with autism and other disorders with sensory disorders. In this session we will explore some new ways to introduce new foods and expand the food repertoire of those who eat a limited diet.

Using an Evidence Based Screening Tool to Prioritize Needs and Allocate Resources in a Rapidly Growing Older Adult Population

Level 2

Seanna Marceaux, MS, RD, LD

Sponsored by Dietetics in Texas Health Care Communities

As Texas faces an exponential increase in the older adult population, it is paramount for Dietitians to: 1) recognize the special nutritional considerations of all older adults, ambulatory and homebound, for menu planning, nutrition counseling, and nutrition intervention, and 2) effectively prioritize and allocate resources by identifying those most in need of nutrition intervention using an evidence based screening tool that is quick and easy to administer in any setting whether an in-patient clinic, long-term care facility or community setting.

Agroterroism: The Real Food Fight

Level 3

Teresa Wagner, MS, RD/LD

Jeff Witte, Secretary of Agriculturefor the State of New Mexico

This session will educate Registered Dietitians about the increasing risk of an attack on the U.S. food supply. Human health could be at risk if tainted or contaminated food reaches the table of consumers or if the animal pathogen is transmissible to humans. In the past five years, "food defense" increasing attention in the counterterrorism and bioterrorism communities and is now incorporated into the national response plan. As the experts in food and nutrition, Registered Dietitians need to be at the table to help plan the response to the consumer in terms of what to eat and disseminating the message into maintaining an adequate diet and how to protect themselves and their families in the event of an act of bioterrorism.


RegistrationEarly Bird Registration Registration

(on/prior to March 30,2014) (After March 30, 2014)


Being a member of Academy automatically makes you a member of your State affiliate and qualifies you for the member discounts.Registration prices do not include optional events.

Academy Member$205$305

50-Year Academy Member$50$70

One-DayThursday, Friday ORSaturday$135$165



One-Day Thursday, Friday ORSaturday$195$255


Fulltime Student/Intern status must be verified. Upload a copy of student ID or letter from professor or internship director with registration form. Your registration cannot be completed without uploading a copy of a student ID or letter. A student, intern or retiree registration must match your membership type with the Academy.

Academy Members

Student/Retiree/Intern (fulltime) $ 105$135

One-Day Student/Retiree/Intern $ 75$75

(Thursday, Friday OR Saturday)

Non Members

Student (fulltime) $ 135$165

One-Day Student$ 90$90

(Thursday, Friday OR Saturday)


Guest is defined as an individual outside the dietetic profession. Children under 16 are not permitted to attend any FNCE official activity. Guest registration covers admission to the Exhibition, Silent Auction
