Iota Chapter, Phi Beta Chi National Sorority
Section 1The name of this organization shall be Iota Chapter of Phi Beta
Section 2Iota Chapter of Phi Beta Chi shall be incorporated.
Section 3For the purpose of this constitution and the accompanying by-laws,
Iota Chapter of Phi Beta Chi is here-in-after designated as “this
Section 1The purpose of this sorority shall be to uphold the integrity of the
Creed of Phi Beta Chi.
Section 2The Creed of Phi Beta Chi shall be used as the standard of this
Section 1All female undergraduate students currently enrolled at IowaState
University are eligible for membership in this sorority.
Section 2The membership in this sorority shall be limited to: Associate
membership, Active membership, Inactive membership,
Alumnae membership, and Honorary membership.
Section 3An Associate member is an individual who has pledged her
commitment to the ideals of this sorority through the associate
membership pledging ritual.
Section 4An Active member is an individual who has completed her
associate membership and has been elected and activated through
this sorority’s activation ceremony.
Section 5An Inactive member is an individual who has an internship, co-op,
counselorship, or other special circumstance that prevents her from
participating as an active member.
Section 6An alumnae member is an individual who has received an
undergraduate degree or has terminated her undergraduate
education. She will be granted this status by applying for a
membership status change with the National Executive Council.
Section 7An Honorary member is an individual who has reached the age of
21, who has distinguished oneself in one’s chosen field or who has
extraordinarily aided this sorority, and has been honored through
this sorority’s activation ritual.
Section 8The National Executive Council of Phi Beta Chi shall have the
right to review all membership of this sorority. All membership
shall be subject to approval of the National Executive Council.
Section 9 All members of this sorority shall abide by Iowa State University rules and regulations (policies), State and Federal Law.
Section 1The elected officers shall be the following: President, Executive
Vice President, Education Director, Membership Director,
Alumnae Director, Financial Director, Communications
Director, Scholarship Director, Outreach Director, Chaplain,
Internal Social Chair and External Social Chair. The
following officers should sit on the Executive Board: President,
Executive Vice President, Education Director, Membership
Director, Alumnae Director, Financial Director,
Communications Director and Scholarship Director.
Section 2The following appointed positions shall be filled to assist in the
governing of this sorority: Campus Relations Chair, Historian,
Financial Secretary, Fundraising Chair, Public Relations
Chair, Website Coordinator, and Athletics Coordinator. These
officers must be present at a minimum of one Executive Board
meeting per month.
Section 3If at any time an officer of office holder is not considered an
“Active in Good Standing,” she must relinquish the office or
Section 4All officers are subject to approval by the National Executive
Section 5Officer GPA: The officers of this sorority must meet the following requirements:
a)Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) as stated below and meet that minimum GPA in the semester immediately prior to the election/appointment, the semester of election/appointment and semesters during the term of office. For undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, the minimum GPA is 2.00. In order for this provision to be met, at least six hours (half-time credits) must have been taken for the semester under consideration.
b)Be in good standing with the university and enrolled: at least half time (six or more credit hours), if an undergraduate student (unless fewer credits are required to graduate in the spring and fall semesters during) during the term of office, and at least half time (four or more credits), if a graduate level student (unless fewer credits are required in the final stages of their degrees as defined by the Continuous Registration Requirement) during their term of office.
c)Be ineligible to hold an office should the student fail to maintain the requirements as prescribed in (a) and (b).
Section 1Nominations for officers are established by personal petitioning.
Additional nominations may be made from the floor. Only those
members considered “Actives in Good Standing” may run for an
office or position.
Section 2Petitions for offices shall be due by 5:00pm on the first Monday
of November to the current president.
Section 3A three-fourths vote of all actives in good standing is required for
Section 4Any active member unable to attend elections may vote by
absentee ballot.
Section 5In the event of a vacancy, the office will be filled for the remainder
of the term by a simple majority vote of all active members in
good standing.
Section 6Any officer may be subject to recall and shall resign by a majority
vote of the active membership.
Section 7New officers will be installed at the last meeting of the fall
semester and serve a one year term running January 1 to December
Section 8Any member petitioning to run for President, Executive Vice
President, or Education Director must have been an active member
of the chapter for at least one semester.
Advisors guide the chapter/colony with day-to-day maintenance and overall functions. Advisors are suggested by chapter/colony members or other advisors and are appointed by the chapter or colony at the approval of the National Executive Council. These positions are volunteer positions and subject to annual review if necessary. There shall be a Faculty and a Pastoral Advisor for this sorority.
This constitution may be amended by the proposal of such
amendments by a three-fourths vote of all active members in good
standing. All amendments are subject to the approval of the
National Executive Council. All amendments shall be entered into
the minutes of that meeting.
A three-fourths vote of all active members in good standing in
required to ratify this constitution and the following by-laws.
Voted and Ratified: April 12, 2010
Iota Chapter, Phi Beta Chi Sorority
Section 1An associate member in good standing shall be one who has been
elected to associate membership by a three-fourths vote of all
active membership in good standing. She attends associate
member meetings on a regular basis, pays those fees set by this
sorority, and is considered a full-time student. She must have a
cumulative grade point average of 2.0. She must be a current
student at IowaStateUniversity and not a member of any other
National Panhellenic Sorority.
Section 2An active member in good standing is an initiated member of this
sorority who has been elected to active membership by a three-
fourths vote of all active members in good standing. She regularly
attends chapter meetings, votes, is considered a full-time student at
IowaStateUniversity, and fulfills financial obligations. She is
eligible to hold an office and must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade
point average. Those active members on probation will attend
chapter meetings but have no vote and will not be permitted to
continue to hold an office.
Section 3An alumnae member is an initiated member who has received an
undergraduate degree or who has terminated her education, or is
now attending an education institution where a Phi Beta Chi
Chapter is not located. She is not required to attend chapter
meetings, does not vote, and is not eligible to hold an office.
Section 4An eligible person for honorary membership is one who has
distinguished oneself in one’s chosen field or who has
extraordinarily aided this sorority. Once elected by the chapter,
this person is subject to the approval of the National Executive
Section 5Any member may be disassociated or suspended and requested to
no longer wear any sorority clothing items with the sorority name
on it by three-fourths vote of the active membership in good
standing with approval of the National Executive Council.
Section 6A member may be granted an “Inactive” status by the National
Executive Council if there is due cause. The “Inactive” member
may not hold office, have a vote or voice, or attend any social
events or functions of this sorority. This member will not be
responsible for any sorority dues or fees.
Section 1A quorum shall consist of three quarters of the active membership
in good standing.
Section 2All meetings of this sorority shall be conducted by the latest
edition of Robert’s Rulers of Order.
Section 3This sorority shall hold regularly scheduled business meetings
during the academic school year.
Section 4Special meetings of the chapter may be called by the president or
the petition of at least five members.
Section 5A member may vote by proxy or absentee ballot if she cannot
attend a meeting. All ballots must be acknowledged by the
Communications Director prior to the meeting.
Section 6Minutes shall be taken, signed by the Communications Director,
approved by the chapter at the following meeting, and forwarded
to the National Office by the 5th of the following month along with
the Monthly Status Report Sheet.
Section 7Each meeting shall be opened and closed by the rituals prescribed
by the National Executive Council.
Section 1The President shall preside over all meetings of the chapter, call executive board meetings, make reports to the executive board and members as she deems necessary, call special chapter meetings, and perform such other duties as are required of her office.
Section 2The Executive Vice President shall be the parliamentarian and head of the executive board. She shall succeed the president in case of disability or resignation. She shall be the chairperson of the Standards Board.
Section 3The Education Director shall act as the associate member educator. She shall succeed the president in case of the disability of the vice president.
Section 4The Membership Director shall coordinate the recruitment of new members and shall be responsible for programming activities.
Section 5The Alumnae Director shall serve as a liaison between the chapter and alumnae chapter. She shall correspond on a regular basis with all alumnae of this sorority. She shall have planned activities for alumnae to participate in and ask for alumnae assistance when needed.
Section 6The Financial Director shall be responsible for all out-going funds of this sorority. She shall keep an accurate system of financial records and send reports to the National Executive Office on a regular basis.All monies belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for this organization at the Campus Organizations Accounting Office and/or approved institution/office (must receive authorization via Campus Organizations Accounting Office). All funds must be deposited within 48 hours after collection. The Adviser to this organization must approve and sign each expenditure before payment.
Section 7The Communications Director shall keep minutes at all chapter and executive board meetings. These minutes shall be sent to the National Office by the 5th of the following month and copies to the local board of advisors and local alumnae association. She shall be responsible for maintaining and distributing the chapter phone and address list each semester and summer. She shall also be responsible for all official correspondence of the chapter.
Section 8 The Outreach Director shall plan all philanthropy activities of this sorority.
Section 9The Scholarship Director shall maintain scholastic records for the chapter and shall institute programs to assist all members in maintaining high scholastic standings.
Section 10The Chaplain shall promote the spiritual activities of this sorority. She shall remain in contact with the Pastoral Advisor at all times.
Section 11The Internal Social Chair shall promote sisterhood activities among members of this sorority.
Section 12The External Social Chair shall plan all social functions of the chapter. She shall also act as a Panhellenic representative for the chapter.
Section 13The Campus Relations Chair shall act as a liaison between the Panhellenic organization and the chapter.
Section 14The Historian shall record all chapter events for posterity.
Section 15The Financial Secretary shall keep track of all incoming funds of this sorority. She shall deposit these funds into the Phi Beta Chi Iota Chapter account in a timely manner after receiving them. She will also keep track of what each individual member has paid the sorority and what each individual member owes the sorority.
Section 16The Fundraising Chair shall direct all fundraising efforts of the chapter.
Section 17The Public Relations Chair shall serve as the director of chapter public relations. She shall write and submit chapter articles and photographs for "The Ellipse" quarterly.
Section 18The Website Coordinator shall oversee chapter public relations via the World Wide Web.
Section 19The Athletics Coordinator shall encourage healthy living among members of the chapter and represent the chapter in campus athletic meetings as needed.
Section 1All members in good standing will be required to pay dues set by the chapter according to the current budget and shall not exceed $200 for active members and $350 for associate membership. The amount of dues will be assessed each year to determine whether or not it should be increased, decreased, or kept the same to meet the needs of the chapter and our National Sorority.
Section 2All bank accounts shall be kept in the name of Phi Beta Chi Iota Chapter.
Section 3Each potential associate member shall pay the associate member fee to the National Office and accompanying registration before being recognized as an associate member.
Section 4Each associate member shall pay the activation fee to the National Office and accompanying registration before being recognized as an active member.
Section 5No feel shall be required of honorary members.
Section 1The official colors of this sorority shall be azure blue and white.
Section 2The official badge and insignia of this sorority shall be kept by the National Executive Council and shall only be available through the National Office.
Section 3The official crest of this sorority shall be kept by the National Executive Council.
Section 4The official flower of this sorority shall be the White Rose of Sharon.
Section 5The official mascot of this sorority shall be the white lamb.
Section 6The official nickname of this sorority shall be "Beta Chi".
Section 1This sorority shall have a faculty advisor at all times. This person must be recognized as faculty by the university. The advisor shall be asked to attend as many of the executive board and chapter meetings as possible.
Section 2This sorority shall have a pastoral advisor at all times. The advisor shall be asked to attend as many chapter meetings as possible. He or she will be responsible for teaching the spiritual section of the associate member education program, and will be consulted on the planning of all Bible Studies and matters pertaining to Spiritual Growth.
Section 3This sorority shall have a local board of advisors. This group shall meet on a regular basis and discuss the well-being of the chapter. They shall be asked to assist the chapter in as many ways as possible.
Section 4All advisors shall be nominated to serve by any active member and shall serve a two year term as elected by a three-fourths vote of all active members in good standing. There is no limit to the number of terms an advisor may serve.
Section 5All advisors' names must be sent to the National Office along with addresses and any other information needed.
Section 1All associate members shall be required to successfully complete the associate member education program according to the standards set by the National Executive Council. An associate member shall not have any outstanding financial obligations to the chapter to be eligible for election to Active status and before participating in the activation ceremony. No one shall remain an associate member status for more than one calendar year.
Section 2Each associate member shall be randomly assigned an active member to be her pledge mom. The pledge mom's duty is to support the associate member during her education program by being a resource for information, encouraging participation in this sorority's events, assisting the associate to prepare for quizzes, and monitoring the associate member's progress in completing the Ten Petal Program and participating in the Three C's.
Section 3The associate member education period shall be conducted in an atmosphere of support, respect, and dignity for all associates. No associates or active members shall promote an action or situation created intentionally to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule of an associate member.
Section 4Any associate member or any active member found guilty of any of the above mentioned activities shall be disassociated or suspended upon a three-fourths vote of all active members in good standing. It is the right and the responsibility of each associate and active member to bring information concerning the above mentioned activities to the chapter and the National Executive Council. The National Office shall be notified before any member is to be considered for disassociation. This act shall be subject to the approval of the National Executive Council.
Section 5Any active or associate member who believes another member may be participating in unacceptable activities may bring charges against them according to the following procedure:
- The member will present the charges in writing to the president, who will call a special meeting of the executive board. The member in question must be present at this meeting and will be permitted to defend herself.
- The Executive Board will review the charges and gather additional information. If the charges are then determined to be valid and reasonable by a majority of the Executive Board, the member will be placed on probation. The Executive Board will then present the charges to the chapter.
- The chapter must compose a letter to the National Executive Council and the Iowa State University Greek Affairs Office requesting that action be taken. This letter must be sent to these offices within one week of the chapter's decision.