Christian Scriptures Worksheet for Apocalypse! The Frontline Movie:

Tuesday, 15 May, in the Computer Lab 009 O’Donnell

Principles of Apocalypticism:

1.  Apocalypticism is about God reclaiming the earth for Himself.

2.  The battle is inspired by God/”higher force”/”something beyond the present” and is so important that the future of the world is at stake.

3.  Representatives of Good/God will guide us against the forces of evil- the difficulty is in discerning who the good guys are.

4.  Evil must be defeated and will be defeated-one will be forced to take sides.

5.  The forces of God (US) are pitted against the THEM-- an ENEMY of such magnitude that “goodness” itself is on the line.

6.  Courage and heroic behavior are going to be the standard by which we fight the enemy—to disagree about the battle is to be uncourageous and to be Evil.

7.  Sometimes destruction and death of good people and good things will have to be accepted in order for the victory over “evil” to take place.

8.  Heroes will be expected to give their lives so that others might live out theirs.

1.  This is the link to the Apocalypse! Script from the PBS Film.

a.  Click on it if you still need to fill in some spaces on the Vocabulary worksheet.

2.  This is the link to the NEW AMERICAN BIBLE site in case you need to look up some of the Scripture texts on the worksheet.

a.  Remember that you are responsible for everything on the worksheet for the final exam.

b.  Make sure you actually read the texts from the Scripture when you jot down what they are about.

3.  Choose one of the following questions/topics for the final exam and begin to formulate an answer which will be written during the final exam time:

a.  Use the principles of Apocalypticism to analyze a book you have read in the past two years here at Bellarmine. Make sure you put which principles are present in the book—underline the principles in your short essay.

b.  Use the principles of Apocalypticism to analyze a movie you have seen in the past two years. Make sure you put which principles are present in the movie—underline the principles in your short essay

c.  Use the principles of Apocalypticism to analyze a world situation of the past two years. Make sure you put which principles you are discussing—underline the principles in your short essay

d.  Use the principles of Apocalypticism to analyze your own understanding of the Kingdom of God/Olam ha-ba/Eschaton/End of time: how has your opinion changed?, been strengthened?, been damaged?