Booking a stall on Campus

Step 1: Think about what you want to do in Library square.

Step 2: See our template Risk Assessment (Appendix 1) and Food Safety Guidelines (Appendix 2), if your activity falls outside of these then you must add elements to the Risk Assessment and send to at least 5 working days before the event.

Step 3: Are you bringing external people onto campus? That’s fine – but make sure you fill in the Stall Request form correctly. If they are going to be talking on the stall about subjects of a political or religious nature then you will need to fill in an External Speaker Request form (Appendix 3), and we will need at least 22 days to process this with the college.

Step 4: Does your event need a table?

Step 5: Once you have accurately filled in the below forms, then you can email this document to: and your request will processed. Remember: it will take 5 working days to process a normal request, and 22 days to process a request which includes a religious/political external speaker.

Step 6: You must come and collect the booking form which will have been printed stamped from the Students’ Union Blomeley Centre, and keep it on the stall at all times.

Please note: By submitting a form it does not guarantee your stall.

When you are returned the Stall Request Form this is confirmation of your stall in Library Square.

Stall Request Form: Library Square

Name of Volunteering Group:
Requested Date:
Do you need a table? Y/N
Description of your event:

Does this fall inside of the Risk Assessment (Appendix 1)? YES/NO
(If not, please add and highlight changes in red).By submitting this form you are agreeing to all the measures in the Risk Assessment. Please remove any which you cannot commit to.
Please give details of the organisation you are promoting, fundraising or campaigning for:
Will there be non QM Students on your stall? If so, please provide names here:

Will externals be discussingissues Religious or Political in nature? If so, then you must fill in the External Speaker Request form: (Appendix 3).This needs to be returned to us 22 days before the event.
This letter, when stamped, means you have obtained permission from QMSU to have a stall on campuson the date above from 9.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.

In having this stall you are agreeing to the following:

  • You will have this letter on someone’s person at your stall.
  • You have made the relevant enquiries and signatures for borrowing your table and have agreed times of return.
  • You will not serve food or drink without having made QMSU aware and are in accordance with the Food Safety guidelines also obtained from QMSU. (Appendix 2)
  • You will not be discriminatory or create an excessive disturbance, or noise.
  • Anyone manning your stall will be identifiable by having college ID on their person.
  • You will make known to QMSU anyone promoting with you who is not a member of the university.
  • ALL money raised on your stall will be deposited in the Blomeley Centre (before 4pm) following your event.

Member’s Name (Printed):

QMSU authorisation:


Appendix 1
Delete/add as appropriate: TEAM Provide/SIFE/YELP/READ/ASPIRE



Location: Library Square

Environment/Activity/Equipment: 1 table, 1 Gazebo, 1 laptop, leaflets/posters etc,

Hazard Reference

(a) Confined Spaces / (b) Falls from Height / (c) Striking by Mobile Plant / (d) Trip or Slip / (e) Collapse / (f) Manual Handling / (g) Electrical / (h) Hazardous Substances / (i) Radiation / (j) Noise & Vibration / (k) Fire / (l) Explosion / (m) Others
Severity (S) / Likelihood (L) / Risk Factor (R) (S x L= R)
1 Negligible - all in a day's work / 1 Improbable / <4 Risk may need to be controlled LOW
2 Minor - minor injury with short term effect / 2 Remote – unlikely / 4-6 Risk must be controlled MEDIUM
3 Severe - major injury/disability (reportable) / 3 Possible - may or could well occur / 7-9 Hazard must be controlled HIGH
4 Extreme – fatal / 4 Probable - expected to occur, several times / >9 Hazard must be avoided VERY HIGH
Hazard Ref. / Hazard Description / People at risk / Initial Assessment / Control Measures / Residual
Risk / Action/Comments
S / L / R / S / L / R
d / Tripping over equipment; cables, tables, rubbish. / Volunteers behind table. Students/staff etc / 2 / 2 / 4 / laptops with no leads, minimize other trip hazards. / 1 / 1 / 1
e / Gazebo Collapse, trips, falls etc / Volunteers, passing students/staff / 2 / 2 / 4 / Use weights on gazebo legs and ensure gazebo is correctly erected. / 1 / 1 / 1
f / Lifting table/ Gazebo/ leg weights/ large amounts of literature/promo leaflets/books etc / Volunteers / 2 / 3 / 6 / Use appropriate lifting techniques. Use enough people to carry heavy equipment. Break heavy loads into smaller, lighter loads where possible. / 2 / 2 / 4
g / Laptops, other electrical equipment / Volunteers / 3 / 2 / 6 / Use either PAT tested laptops, or refrain from plugging them into mains electricity / 1 / 1 / 1
m / Exposure to elements: cold and wet / Volunteers / 2 / 1 / 2 / Advise suitably warm clothes for outdoor activities. Reduce shifts of volunteers if excessively cold. Provide hot drinks and respite if possible. Cancel event if weather conditions are severe. / 1 / 1 / 1
m / Selling/giving food away which is home cooked which could potentially cause illness. / General public / 2 / 2 / 4 / Agree to measures outlined in Food Safety Guidelines to mitigate risks to consumers. / 2 / 1 / 2

Please add to this form as you see fit.

Name (by placing your name here you are agreeing to the above measures and will ensure they are put in place):

Email Address:

Role on day:


Appendix 2:Food Safety Requirements for Clubs & Societies serving food and drink on campus

If you are serving food or drink on campus make sure all the following legal requirements are met:

  • All food surfaces are smooth and easily cleanable. Wood must be covered.
  • Food on display for sale should be protected from contamination, ie covered.
  • All equipment, including utensils (knives, spoons) must be clean and suitable for use.
  • Food must not be stored on the floor.
  • Ready to eat food and drink products must be stored suitably.
  • All waste should be bagged properly and disposed of in an appropriate manner.
  • All parts of person and clothing should be clean.
  • Sores, cuts or abrasions should be properly treated and covered. Any wounds likely to cause High risk food predominately refers to dairy but also any food or drink that must be kept at a constant temperature.
  • All high risk chilled foods must be stored at 8 degrees centigrade or below.
  • If any hot items, food, or drink is to be used it must be the subject of an individual risk assessment.

QMSU is currently unable to provide refrigeration or heating equipment.

Appendix 3: QMSU: External Speaker Request Form

Name of Organiser
Society/Volunteering Group organising event
Contact E-mail
Contact Telephone Number
About the event
Please provide a short description of the event / Please add comments here…
About the speakers(s)
1)This should include name, and organisation they’re related to, the subject they will be speaking about and any other information you think we need to be aware of.
2)Confirm any external speakers’ affiliates (specifically where they are religious or political). Declaration of any knowledge of controversy attracted by the speaker or topic in the past.
3)Confirmation of website details (where relevant) providing further information on the speaker.
Is the event and speaker likely to attract media interest – if so why?