2011 HR Florida

Chapter Excellence Awards

The HR Florida ATP/STP awards are now honoring the work you do as a chapter with the introduction of The Chapter Excellence awards. The Chapter Excellence awards will focus on the demonstrated achievements and execution of one or more of the following core leadership areas:

-  Diversity

-  Workforce Readiness

-  College Relations

-  Membership

-  Certification

-  Global Affairs

-  Legislative Affairs

A total of five awards will be presented at the August Council meeting. At this time we will award one chapter with the top honor or Chapter Excellence: Ruby Class. This chapter will demonstrate wisdom, knowledge, transition and change through the execution and accomplishments of one or more of the core leadership areas listed above. The remaining four awards will be for Chapter Excellence: Garnet Class. The chapters awarded in this category will demonstrate achievement, success, inspiration and a goal driven ambition within one or more of the core leadership areas listed above.
Like the ATP/STP awards, the Chapter Excellence Awards will be judged by a panel of HR Florida State Council Members.
At this time, nominations are being accepted for the Chapter Excellence Awards of 2011. Nominations can be submitted now through June 28, 2011, to: .

Benefits of Winning:

-  Recognition at the August Council Meeting and Annual State Conference attended by 1500 professionals from around the world!

-  Detailed coverage in the HR Florida Review magazine with a readership of over 12,000!

-  An honorarium of $1500 for the chapter awarded as the Chapter Excellence: Ruby Award and an honorarium of $500 to each chapter of the Garnet Award.


Any SHRM chapter within the state of Florida.


-  Entries must be received by June 28, 2011 via email to: .

-  A chapter may submit an application for one or more of the core leadership areas identified above.

-  Incomplete entries may be disqualified at the discretion of the selection committee.

-  The selection committee may elect not to award a winner at their discretion.

-  All back-up documentation must be submitted in a Word document.

-  One award will be given at the Chapter Excellence: Ruby Class and four awards will be given at the Chapter Excellence: Garnet Class level.

Chapter nominations are evaluated on the results they achieve. Results are evaluated on both a qualitative and quantitative basis. In addition to metrics, winners will clearly identify how their program demonstrated our drive to “Serve the Profession/Advance the Professional.”

Chapter Excellence Nomination Form

SHRM Chapter Number #459

SHRM Chapter Name: SHRM – Emerald Coast Chapter

Chapter President’s Name: Michele Burns

Chapter President’s Email :

Chapter President’s Telephone: 850-664-7649

Place an X next to the area(s) you are submitting this nomination for:

College Relations
Legislative Affairs
Workforce Readiness
x / Membership
Global Affairs

Please provide the following information regarding your submission:

Supporting documentation such as program curriculum, toolkits, testimonials, letters, photos, newsletters, articles and/or SHRM award submissions.

I.  Quantitative Results:

In this section, please indicate the measurable results the program achieved through outstanding approaches, innovative ideas or strategic partnerships (i.e. results, partnerships formed, monies raised, number in attendance, etc.)

Like so many other SHRM chapters, the Emerald Coast Chapter has struggled to find creative ways to maintain our membership numbers in this tough economy. While we continued to work through a variety of initiatives such as membership drives and contests to bring in new members we found our numbers weren’t quite where we wanted them to be. The Emerald Coast Board chalked up some of the declining numbers as a direct reflection of the economy. It was safe to assume employers were no longer paying for membership dues. Also, many of our peers in the community were hit by lay-offs and unemployment. As a result, SHRM-ECC offered a no cost membership renewal to those former/existing HR professionals that were unemployed. Albeit these efforts were well received, we still were not content with the membership numbers. In taking a deeper look at who was missing from our monthly meetings and what demographic of our members that were not renewing memberships, a common denominator surfaced. The Walton County members of our group of HR professionals were fairly inactive and not attending meetings. We realized that an initiative was needed to reengage with our members physically distanced from the central chapter.

Twenty-Five years ago this year SHRM-ECC was created. The Emerald Coast included both Walton County and Okaloosa County. Okaloosa County has always been the greater part of the participating population. The SHRM-ECC members in Walton County began seeking opportunities to meet on their own in their own location. With over an hour commute to an ECC meeting, Walton County members felt they needed an opportunity to meet monthly in their county. Their round table meetings started as an affiliation of the Walton County Chamber of Commerce. The Walton County members realized the benefit of this monthly meeting but wished to remain committed to the SHRM affiliation. Thus, they began the process of starting a Walton County chapter. In this effort to start a new chapter, Walton County SHRM-ECC members began to achieve growth by recruiting non SHRM-ECC members. However, they were not quite successful in fulfilling the national requirement of 25 members that were also national SHRM members.

Walton county members had a previous affiliation with SHRM-ECC and formed strong alliances with their Okaloosa County HR colleagues. Due to this HR bond and the desire to remain attached to the SHRM-ECC group the membership voted to form a satellite chapter after consultation with Dorothy Knapp. This was a win-win solution for the neighboring small counties. Walton County could remain affiliated with SHRM and the Emerald Coast chapter and both counties would benefit from the synergy of the two groups.

Our goals for our group and our Walton County Satellite were:

1)  Increase our membership numbers in the Walton County area

2)  Make sure that 50% of the members from Walton County are National Members

3)  Secure a place and regular time for them to meet

4)  Roll all monies up to the Emerald Coast Chapter – only one account

5)  Revise By-laws to include this group

6)  Place a Walton County liaison on the Emerald Coast Board

7)  Emerald Coast Chapter Board approves membership

8)  They have a leadership team - but report to the SHRM-ECC board

II.  Qualitative Results:

In this section, please provide examples of how the program exemplifies the SHRM initiative to “Serve the Profession/Advance the Professional.”

While most of the research and development started in 2010, it is now apparent in 2011 how well this has worked. It is becoming more and more important to reach out to the Human Resource Professionals that live in areas that do not have SHRM chapters. The population in Walton County is around 56,000.

What we have accomplished:

1)  Walton County group meets each month. Walton County secured a sponsor for one half of the year to pay the room fee.

2)  Walton County has a speaker once a quarter and does round table discussions at the other meetings. Michele Burns- President of Emerald Coast and Michelle Anderson - District Director – Region 1, presented the Benefits of SHRM in March.

3)  Continued to seek sponsors for the remainder of the year.

4)  Awarded a Take Stock in Children Scholarship for $500.00.

5)  The Walton County group has 23 members and 14 belong to National.

6)  Meeting notices were developed and are managed through an electronic invitation system.

7)  All meeting notices are sent out from the main chapter Communications chair so all members can choose what they want to attend or if they want to attend both the Walton County and Emerald Coast meetings.

8)  Walton County will hold a membership drive in 2011.

9)  Walton County information is available on the main Emerald Coast Chapter Website.

10) Treasurer keeps a running balance of monies earned by the Walton Group.