ASDVI Reading List

Adams, A. (n.d.) "Vision Therapy and the Autistic Child." United States: VisionHelp. Online at: [Accessed 4th November, 2011]
Andrews, R and Wyver, S. (2005) Autistic tendencies: Are there different pathways for blindness and Autism Spectrum Disorder? The British Journal of Visual Impairment, 23, (2): pp. 52-57.
Baron-Cohen, S. (1995) Mindblindness: An Essay on Autism and Theory of Mind. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press
Bell, I., Bell, J., Bernie, C., Headland, J., Keil, S., Ravenhill, J. and Whitehurst, T. (2011a) Children who have visual impairment and autism: identifying and sharing practice (CD-ROM). London: RNIB.
Bell, I., Bell, J., Bernie, C., Headland, J., Keil, S., Ravenhill, J. and Whitehurst, T. (2011b) "VI and Autism Project Background." London: RNIB. Online at: [Accessed 4th November 2011].
Blake, S. (2010) "Beating Blindisms." Austin, TX: Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI). Online at: [Accessed 4th November 2011]
Boyce, F. and Hammond, F. (1996) "Autism and Visual Impairment - Making Sense." Edinburgh: Scottish Sensory Service. Online at: [Accessed 5th November 2011]
Brambring (2011) Response to Hobson’s Letter: Congenital Blindness and Autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41, (11): pp. 1595-1597.
Brown, R., Hobson, R., Lee, A. and Stevenson, J. (1997) "Are there 'autistic-like' features in congenitally-blind children?" Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38, (6): pp. 693-703
Cass, H. (1996) "Visual Impairment and Autism - What we know about causation and early identification." Edinburgh: Scottish Sensory Service. Online at: [Accessed 5th November 2011]
Charman, T., Pellicano, L., Peacey, L., Peacey, N., Forward, K. and Dockrell, J. (2011) What is Good Practice in Autism Education? London: Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE), University of London.
Cox, R. and Mesibov, G. (1995) Autism and Learning Difficulties, in: Schopler E. and Mesibov, G (eds.) Learning and Cognition in Autism. New York: Plenum Press.
Dale, N. and Salt, A. (2008) Social identity, autism and visual impairment (VI) in the early years. The British Journal of Visual Impairment, 26, (2): pp. 135-146.
Ek, U., Fernell, E., Jacobson, L. and Gillberg, C. (1998) Relation between
blindness due to retinopathy of prematurity and autistic spectrum disorders:
a population-based study. Developmental Medicine& Child Neurology, 40, (5): pp. 297-301.
Gense, M. and Gense, D. (1994) Identifying Autism in Children With Blindness and Visual Impairment. RE:view, 26, (2): pp. 55-62.
Gense, M. and Gense, D. (2002) "Autism Spectrum Disorder in Learners with Blindness/Vision Impairments: Comparison of characteristics." US: Focus Families. Online at: [Accessed 4th November 2011]
Gense, M. and Gense, D. (2005) Autism Spectrum Disorders and Visual Impairments: Meeting Students' Learning Needs. New York: AFB Press.


Abbott, C. and Cribb, A. (2001). Special schools, inclusion and the world wide web: the emerging research agenda, British Journal of educational Technology, 32, (3): pp.331-342.
Abbott, C. (2007). Defining assistive technologies - a discussion, Journal of Assistive Technologies, 1(1): pp.6-9
Ability Net (2005). "Practical implementation issues around recommending technology in schools." Available online at: [Accessed 30th January 2012].
Bean, I. (2001). "Assistive Technology Skills Progression." Gateshead: Northern Grid. Online at: [Accessed 9th February 2012].
BECTA (2003). "What the Research Says About ICT Supporting Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Inclusion." Online at: [Accessed 30th Jan 2011].
Bell, I., Bell, J., Bernie, C., Headland, J., Keil, S., Ravenhill, J. and Whitehurst, T. (2011). Children who have visual impairment and autism: identifying and sharing practice (CD-ROM). London: RNIB.
Bishop, J. (2003). The internet for educating individuals with social impairments, Journal of computer assisted Learning, 19: pp. 546-556.
Boyce, F. and Hammond, F. (1996). "Autism and Visual Impairment - Making Sense." Edinburgh: Scottish Sensory Service. Online at: [Accessed 5th November 2011]
Brodin, J. and Lindstrand, P. (2003). What about ICT in special Education? Special educators evaluate information and communication technology as a learning tool, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 18, (1): pp.71-87.
Cafiero, J. (2001). The effect of an augmentative communication intervention on the communication, behaviour, and academic program of an adolescent with autism, Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 16 (3): pp. 179-189.
Cafiero, J. (2010). "Increasing Communication skills in students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: the AAC technology solutions." Online at: [Accessed 4th Feb. 2012].
Carpenter, B. (2010). A vision for the 21st century special school. London: Specialist Schools and Academies Trust.
Chinner, S., Hazell, G., Skinner, P., Thomas, P. and Williams, G. (eds.) (2001). Developing augmentative and alternative communication policies in schools: information and guidelines. Oxford: ACE.
Clark, C., Aitken, S., Bultjens, M., Eyre, J. and Pease, L. (2000). Teaching Children Who Are Deafblind: Contact, Communication and Learning. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.
Dale, N. and Salt, A. (2008). Social identity, autism and visual impairment (VI) in the early years, British Journal of Visual Impairment, 26, (2): pp. 135-146.
Day, J (ed.) (1995). Access Technology: making the right choice. Coventry: National Council for Educational Technology.
Detheridge, T. and Stevens, C. (2001). "Information and Communication Technology", in: Carpenter, B., Ashdown, R. and Bovair, K. (eds) Enabling Access: Effective Teaching and Learning for Pupils with Learning Difficulties. London: David Fulton.
Detheridge, T. (1997). Bridging the communication gap (for pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties) British Journal of Special Education, 24, (1): pp. 21-25.
Gense, M. and Gense, D. (2005). Autism Spectrum Disorders and Visual Impairments: Meeting Students' Learning Needs. New York: AFB Press.
Hamm, B. and Mirenda, P. (2006). Post-school quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities who use AAC, Augmentative and Alternative Education, 22 (2): 134-147.
Hartman, L. (2007). "Human Activity Assistive Technology Model (HAAT)." Chicago: Assistive Technology 4 All Learners. Online at:
[Accessed 9th February 2012].
Haven, S. (2010). "Assistive Technology - Finding the right tools." Palo Alto, CA: Children's Health Council. Online at: [Accessed 9th February 2012].
Hetzeroni, O. and Tannous, J. (2004). Effects of a Computer-Based Program on the Communicative Functions of Children with Autism, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34 (2): pp. 95-113.
Hobson, R. (2005). "Why connect? On the relation between autism and blindness," in: Pring, L. (ed.) Autism and Blindness: Research and Reflections. London: Whurr.
Iovannone, R., Dunlap, G., Huber, H. and Kincaid, D. (2003). Effective Educational Practices for Students With Spectrum Disorders, Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 18 (3): pp. 150-165.
Jeffs, T., Behrmann, M. and Bannan-Ritland, B. (2006). Assistive technology and literacy learning: Reflections of parents and children. Journal of Special Education Technology, 21(1): pp.37-44.
Jendron, J. (2010). "AT Assessessments: best practices maintaining a user-centred focus." Columbia: South Carolina Assistive Technology Program (SCAPT). Online at: [Accessed 9th February 2011].
Jordan, R. (2005). "Educational implications of autism and visual impairment," in: Pring, L. (ed.) Autism and Blindness: Research and Reflections. London: Whurr.
Knight, C. (1998). "Communication technology for children with multiple disabilities and a visual impairment," in: Visual Impairment Touches All Learning (VITAL) Approaches to working with children with multiple disabilities and a visual impairment. London: RNIB.
Knight, C. (2009). Alternative and augmentative communication (AAC). London: RNIB. Online at: [Accessed 30th Jan 2012].
Koegel, K. (2000). Interventions to Facilitate Communication in Autism, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 30 (5): pp. 383-391.
Lancioni, G., O'Reilly, M. and Basili, G. (2001). Use of microswitches and speech output with people with severe/profound intellectual or multiple disabilities: a literature review, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 22, (1): pp.21-40.
Light, J., Roberts, B., Dimarco, R. and Greiner, N. (1998). Augmentative and Alternative Communication to support receptive and expressive communication for people with autism, Journal of Communication Disorders, 31: pp. 153-180.
Merzenich, M., Jenkins, W., Johnston, P., Schreiner, C., Miller, S. and Tallal, P. (1996). Temporal processing deficits of language-learning impaired children ameliorated by training, SCIENCE Journal, 271: pp.77-81.
Middleton, A. (2008). Access to technology for pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties. London: CENMAC.
Mirenda, P. (2001). Autism, augmentative communication, and assistive technology: What do we really know? Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 16, (3): pp. 141-151.
Moore, M. and Calvert, S. (2000). Brief report; Vocabulary acquisition for children with autism: Teacher of computer instruction, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 30, (4): pp. 359-362
Moran, A. (2012). An analysis of current provision for young people with autism and visual impairment. [Unpublished M.Ed. assignment, School of Education, University of Birmingham].
Morgan, A. and Kennewell,S. (2005). the role of play in the pedagogy of ICT, Education and Information Technologies, 1, (3): pp. 177-188.
Murray, D. and Aspinall, A. (2006). Getting IT. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Newton, C., Wright, J., Clarke, M., Donlan, C. and Cherguit, J. (2006). Supporting children with communication aids in transition: the perspective of children and adults involved with the Communication Aids Project (CAP), Support for Learning, 21, (3): pp.141-148.
O'Connor, G. (2008). "What is assistive technology?" Australia and New Zealand Assistive Technology Research. Online at: [Accessed 7th March 2012].
Peltokorpi, S. and Huttunen, K. (2008). Communication in the Early Stage of Language Development in Children with CHARGE Syndrome. The British Journal of Visual Impairment, 26, (1): pp. 24-49.
Sigafoos, J. (1993). Selecting augmentative communication devices for persons with severe disabilities: some factors for educational teams to consider, Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 18 (3): pp. 133-146.
Sigafoos, J. and Drasgow, E. (2001). Conditional use of aided and unaided AAC: A review and clinical case demonstration, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 16, (3): pp. 152-161.
Sigafoos, J., Drasgow, E., Halle, J., O'Reilly, M., Seely-York, S., Edrisinha, C. and Andrews, A. (2004). teaching VOCA use as a communicative repair strategy, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34, (4): pp. 411-422.
Tallal, P., Miller, S., Bedi, G., Byma, G., Wang, X., Nagarajan, S., Schreiner, C., Jenkins, W. and Merzenich, M. (1996). Language comprehension in language-learning impaired children improved with acoustically modified speech, SCIENCE Journal, 271: pp. 81-84.
Todman, J. and Alm, N. (2003). Modelling conversational pragmatics in communicational aids, Journal of Pragmatics, 35: pp. 523-538
Waller, T. (2010). Think Piece Number 5: Technology supporting the transformation of learning for learners with CLDD. Coventry: BECTA. Online at: [Accessed 7th March 2012].
Williams, P., Jamali, H. and Nicholas, D. (2006). Using ICT with people with special education needs: what the literature tells us, Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, 58, (4): pp.330-345.
Williams, P. (2006). Developing methods to evaluate web usability with people with learning difficulties, British Journal of Special Education, 33, (4): pp.173-179.
van Berckelaer-Onnes, I. (2011). Sense-making in communication and play. Presentation handouts from NAS Conference Manchester, 2nd March 2011. Online at: [Accessed 28th Feb. 2012]
Wing, L. and Gould, J. (1979). Severe impairments of social interaction and associated abnormalities in children: Epidemiology and classification. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 9 (1): pp. 11-29.
Wrench, K. (1998). "Using computers with MDVI children," in: Visual Impairment Touches All Learning (VITAL) Approaches to working with children with multiple disabilities and a visual impairment. London: RNIB.
Wright, J., Newton, C., Clarke, M., Donlan, C., Lister, C. and Cherguit, J. (2006). Communication aids in the classroom: the views of education staff and speech and language therapists involved with the Communication Aids Project, British Journal of Special Education, 33, (1): pp.25-32.
Zabala, J. (2005). "SETT Framework". Materials available online at: [Accessed 9th February 2012].