First Nine Weeks Course Schedule, Weeks 4-6

Questions for consideration

  • What’s more egregious: violating a spiritual ethical code or a working/professional ethical code?
  • What kind of authority should the government have, especially when it intervenes with the rights of citizens?
  • Thoreau argued “that government is best which governs not at all.” However, why and how are we, as a nation, not prepared for a government that “governs not at all”?
  • MLK in “Letter from Birmingham Jail” argued against unjust laws and urged individuals to willing break unjust laws because unjust laws contradicted higher moral values. And yet Machiavelli argues against moral values, saying “men are so simple of mind and so much dominated by their immediate needs, that a deceitful man will always find who are ready to be deceived.” In today’s society, whose philosophy seems to predominate?
  • Do the needs of the many really outweigh the needs of the few?

Week 4

8/28College essay rough draft due/peer review

Standards: RL.KID.1-3; RL.CS.4-6; RL.IKJ.8; W.PDW.5;

W.RBPK.9; L.CSE.1-2; L.KL.3

8/29Résumé final draft due; Canterbury Tales (CT) introduction

Standards: RL.KID 1-3; RL.CS-4-6, RL.RRTC.10; L.VAU.4-6

8/30-31Library; Senior Thesis Workday: Refer to your discipline’s specific assignment that is due


Standards: SL.CC.1; SL.CC.3; W.PDW.4-6; W.RBPK.7-9

9/1CT: Knight to the Friar; Final essay due

Standards: RL.KID 1-3; RL.CS-4-6, RL.RRTC.10; L.VAU.4-6

Week 5

9/5CT: Doctor – Lady of Bath; CDC (300 words minimum) – Reflect about the ethical code of any three pilgrims studied so far (due Friday). Offer specific evidence from the text. Progress reports

Standards: RL.KID 1-3; RL.CS-4-6, RL.RRTC.10;L.VAU.4-6; W.RW.10

9/6-7CT: Finish prologue; Work on CT questions

Standards: RL.KID 1-3; RL.CS-4-6, RL.RRTC.10; L.VAU.4-6

9/8Machiavelli; Assign Ethics essay; CDC due

Standards: RL.KID 1-3; RL.CS-4-6; RL.RI.IKJ.8; RL.RRTC.10; L.VAU.4-6

Week 6

9/11John Locke

Standards: RL.KID 1-3; RL.CS-4-6; RL.RI.IKJ.8; RL.RRTC.10;L.VAU.4-6

9/12Le Guin “The Ones Who Walk Away”

Standards: RL.KID 1-3; RL.CS-4-6; RL.RRTC.10; L.VAU.4-6

9/13Thesis workshop; Work on questions from Machiavelli, Locke, and Le Guin (homework if not completed in class)

Standards: SL.CC.1; SL.CC.3; W.PDW.4-6; W.RBPK.7-9

9/14Ethics essay workshop; Early dismissal for students

Standards: L.CSE.1-2; L.KL.3; W.TTP.1; W.PDW.4-6; W.RW.10

9/15Orwell “Shooting an Elephant”; Ethics rough draft due Monday, 9/18; Orwell question due on Monday

Standards: RL.KID 1-3; RL.CS-4-6; RL.RI.IKJ.8; RL.RRTC.10;L.VAU.4-6

** The test over CT, Machiavelli, Locke, Le Guin and Orwell will be during Week 7**

Graded assignments for this three weeks150 total points possible

Rough draft peer review5 points

Résumé final draft30 points

College essay final draft50 points

Thesis assignment10 points

CT CDC20 points

CT questions10 points

Machiavelli, Locke, and Le Guin questions15 points

Professional 10 points