Introductory Sociology SOC 151-1 RobRosenthal

Fall 2009 PAC 204

MWF 10:00-10:50 685-2943

PAC 422 Office Hours: Thursday 9:30-11:30 and by appointment


Macionis & Benokraitis, Seeing Ourselves, 7th edition (M&B)

Kurt Finsterbusch, Annual Editions: Sociology 09/10 (KF)

assorted articles on reserve

I. Introduction

1. Why Study Sociology?

9/11: M&B 1: Mills, "The sociological imagination"

M&B 2: Berger, "Invitation to sociology"

Lazersfeld, "What is obvious?"

9/14:Wrong, "The oversocialized concept of man in modern sociology"

Wright, "Double mystery"

Ridley, “What makes you who you are?”

Bazelon, “A question of resilience”

M&B 10: Merton, “Manifest and latent functions”

2. How Do We Know What's True?

9/16: Collins and Makowsky, "Society and illusion"

Charon, "Why do we believe what we do?"

9/18:Gould, "The finagle factor"

9/21:Wright, "Sociology's pomposity and utility”

Orenstein, "Sociology without theory is a house without a foundation"

Lemert, “Social theory: Its uses and pleasures”

M&B 7: Babbie, “The importance of social research”

9/23:Liazos, "Practicing sociology"

M&B 6: Weber, “The case for value-free sociology”

KF 6: Balch, “The dubious value of value-neutrality”

Rosenthal, "Researching homelessness"

II. The Small Picture: Microsociology

3. Tools We Use: Language, Concepts, and Socialization

9/25: Davis, "Final note on a case of extreme isolation”

M&B 17: Mead, “The self"

Charon, "Are human beings free?"

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Introductory Sociology page 2

9/28: Horror Movie

No reading

9/30:Kluckhohn, "The meaning of culture"

M&B 9: White, “Symbol: The basic element of culture”

M&B 20: Heath, “Parents’ socialization of children in global perspective”

Gladwell, “Annals of behavior: Do parents matter?”

Journal Packet 1 (entries 1-3) due

4. More Tools: Norms, Roles, and Institutions

10/2:M&B 5: Miner, "Body ritual among the Nacirema"

M&B 12: Harris, “India’s sacred cow”

Goffman, "Territories of the self"

M&B 22: Goffman, "The presentation of self"

Adler & Adler, “Role conflict and identity salience”

10/5:Milgram, "Some conditions of obedience and disobedience to authority"

Meyer, "If Hitler asked you..."

10/7: M&B 27: Weber, "The characteristics of bureaucracy"

Eitzen, "Bureaucracy as a rational tool; bureaucracy as an irrational tool"

5. Normative and Interpretive Paradigms

10/9:Caplow, "The American way of celebrating Christmas"

Bittner, "Police discretion in emergency apprehension of mentally ill persons"

Homans, "Social relations in a bureaucracy"

6. "Deviance" and "Deviants"

10/12:M&B 30: Durkheim, "The functions of crime"

M&B 32: Anderson, “The code of the streets”

Erickson, "Notes on the sociology of deviance"

10/14:Sutherland & Cressey, "Learning to be deviant"

M&B 31: Rosenhan, "On being sane in insane places"

Miller and Jacques, "Identifying madness"

Solomon, "Defiantly deaf"

KF 5: Etzioni et al, “Diversity within unity”

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Introductory Sociology page 3

III. The Big Picture: Macrosociology

7. Classical Theories of Power and the State

10/16:M&B 4: Lengermann & Niebrugge-Brantley, “Women and the birth of sociology”

M&B 13: Marx & Engels, "Manifesto of the Communist Party"

Midterm given out

10/19: M&B 51: Marx, “Alienated labor”

M&B 60: Weber, “The Protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism”

Weber, "Authority and legitimacy"

10/21: No reading

No journal due today

Midterm due in Sociology office by 4PM

10/23:M&B 79: Durkheim, “Anomy and modern life”

10/26: Fall Break

8. Modern Theories of Power and the State

10/28:Berry, “Citizen groups and the changing nature of interest group politics”

Friedman, "The role of government in a free society"

10/30:Clawson et al, "Money changes everything"

KF 30: Javers, “Inside the hidden world of earmarks”

Hamburg, “In the money”

11/2:M&B 54: Mills, "The power elite”

KF 29: Domhoff, “Who rules America?”

M&B 55: Dye, “Who’s running America?”

11/4:No reading. Midterms returned and discussed

Journal Packet 2 (entries 4-7) due

11/6:Magdoff and Sweezy, "What is Marxism?"

Sweezy, "Radical theory of the state"

11/9:Rosenthal, "Skidding/coping/escaping"

Collins & Makowsky, “Michel Foucault: History as discourse”

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Introductory Sociology page 4

9. Education

11/11:Gracey, "Learning the student role"

Henry, "Golden rule days"

Karp & Yoels, "Why don't college students participate?"

Hurn, "Theories of schooling and society"

Edmundson, “On the uses of a liberal education”

M&B 64: Kozol, “Savage inequalities”

11/13:M&B 63: Bowles and Gintis, “Education and inequality”

Rosenthal and Jacobson, "Pygmalion in the Classroom excerpt"

Schafer et al, "Programmed for social class"

Anderson, "Cognitive styles and multicultural populations"

KF 34: Finn, “Can the center find a solution that will hold?”

10. Economics, Stratification, and the Occupational Structure

11/16:Scott & Leonhardt, “Class in America”

M&B 37: Davis & Moore (response Tumin), "Some principles of stratification"

Herrnstein & Murray (response Fischer et al), “The Bell Curve thesis”

KF 20: Madrick, “Goodbye, Horatio Alger”

Krugman, “For richer”

11/18:Funiciello, "The poverty industry"

M&B 39: Eglitis, “The uses of global poverty”

KF 22: Pomeroy, “A work in progress”

Barlett & Steele, “Corporate welfare”

11. Problems and "Problem Populations"

A. Constructing Social Problems

11/20:Gusfield, “The construction of alcohol problems”

Gliedman, "The wheelchair rebellion"

Henry, "Pride and prejudice"

M&B 36: Carrier, “Homosexual behavior in cross-cultural perspective”

KF 12: Anderson, “The aggregate burden of crime”

B. Poverty

11/23:Tour of Poverty, at:

Eberstadt & Gordon, “Are the poor largely responsible for their poverty?”

Banfield, “Several kinds of poverty”

KF 4: Gorski, “The myth of the ‘Culture of Poverty’”

Nelson, “The high cost of being poor”

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Introductory Sociology page 5

11/30:Liebow, "Men and jobs on Tally's corner"

M&B 52: Wilson, “When work disappears”

KF 21: Shipler, “Connecting the dots”

Gans, "The uses of poverty"

C. Questions of Race

12/2:M&B 44: Du Bois, “The souls of Black folk”

Brandt, "Racism and research”

Moore & Pinderhughes, “The Latino population”

Woo, “The gap between striving and achieving"

M&B 46: Sacks, “How did Jews become white folks?”

KF 23: The Economist, “Nearer to overcoming”

12/4:Steele, "Thinking beyond race"

KF 24: Wise, “Whites swim in racial preference”

Wilson, “The black underclass”

Gladwell, "Black like them"

KF 25: Monteith & Winters, “Why we hate”

11/26-11/28: Thanksgiving Break

D. Questions of Gender

12/7: M&B 40: Mead, “Sex and temperament in three primitive societies”

Griffin, "Rape: The allAmerican crime”

Sánchez-Ayéndez, “Puerto Rican elderly women”

KF 27: Musil, “Scaling the ivory towers”

M&B 57: Bernard, “‘His’ and ‘her’ marriages”

M&B 45: Collins, “Controlling images and Black women’s oppression”

12/9:M&B 41: Lorber, “’Night to his day’: The social construction of gender”

KF 8: Marano, “The new sex scoreboard”

KF 26: Havemann, “Great expectations”

M&B 18: Messner, “Boyhood, organized sports, and the construction of masculinities”

M&B 42: Benokraitis, “How subtle sex discrimination works”

Faludi, "Blame it on feminism"

Journal Packet 3 (entries 8-11) due

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Introductory Sociology page 6

IV. Social Change

12. Social Movements

12/11: M&B 76: Freeman, "On the origins of social movements"

M&B 77: Jasper & Nelkin, “The animal rights movement as a moral crusade”

KF 19: Katz, “Why aren’t U.S. cities burning?

M&B 19: Kilbourne, “Socialization and the power of advertising”

Gans, "Values in the news"

Gitlin, “Television’s anti-politics”

13. The Media and the Future: Predictions and Actions

12/14:KF 40: Brown, “Plan B 3.0”

KF 48: Glenn & Gordon, “Update on the state of the future”

KF 49: Sachs, “A user’s guide to the century”

KF 50: Wishard, “Understanding our moment in history”

Appelbaum, "The future is made, not predicted"

Clarke, "Hazards of prophecy"

Olson, “The execution class”

Final given out




One entry per week, due every Wednesday (except 10/21 and 11/25). You may hand them in during class or in my mailbox inside the Sociology office before 4 PM. Please do not email them to me. Entries will be returned the following week; these must be handed back to me when the Journal as a whole is graded:

Journal 1 (entries 9/16, 9/23, 9/30) is worth 10% of your final grade;

Journal 2 (entries 10/7, 10/14, 10/28, 11/4) is worth 20%;

Journal 3 (entries 11/11, 11/18, 12/2, 12/9) is worth 20%.

Late entries are graded down; missing entries lower the journala full grade.

You may hand in a “Free Pass” once during the semester instead of an entry.


A takehome, openbook midterm (distributed 10/16, due 10/21) and a take-home, openbook final (distributed 12/14, due 12/18), each worth 25% of your final grade.