CSU, Chico Financial Services Forum

Meeting Date: 08/19/2014, 2:00 pm -3:30 pm

Meeting Location: KNDL 207-209

X / Adrian, Lori / X / McNairn, Michael
X / Boyes, Debbie / X / Mendoza, Jessie
Brogden, Beth / X / Methvin-Terry, Jeanette
Carrillo, Gale / X / Miller, Teresa
X / Chappell, Kristen / Moroney, Kathleen
X / Coorough, Amanda / O’Connor, Melanie
X / Corona, Stacie / Paquin, Barbara
Corral, Angela / Randolph, Teri
X / Cox, Theresa / X / Ratterree, Laurie
Davis, Nicole / Raye, Anita
X / DeBon, Cindy / Ringel, LeRita
X / DeWitt, Rebecca / Rose, Stephanie
X / Donner, Mlenya / Rumiano, Andrea
X / Emanuel, Jill / X / Rumiano, Sara
Fuentes, Lori / X / Salas, Deanna
X / Funk, Susan / Salomon, Patti
Garnett, Julie / X / Saulan, Cassundra
X / Gauthier, Donna / Sharman, Jane
Gentry, Kathleen / X / Simons, Kelly
X / Henry, Lauri / Simpson, Regina
Hensley, Jeff / Smock, Jason
X / Hillman, Kathleen / Snyder, Langley
Hoffman, Flynn / X / Sowers, Darleen
X / Hollis, Pam / Tarabini, Erin
Holmes, Michelle / X / Taylor, Melissa
X / Kelly, Cindy / X / Tigri, Gina
Killingsworth, Donna / X / Townzen, Lisa
Kinch, Kathy / X / Trombley, Jeanette
X / Kitchell, Jeni / Turner, Kathy
Korte, Michelle / X / Vargas, Kathy
X / Langston, Beverly / Vong, Barbara
X / LaRue, Barbara / X / Warnock, Donna
Long, Heather / Washburn, Lisa
X / Maas, Kara / X / White, Victoria
Magana, Anna / X / Wiggins, Catherine
X / Mays, Jennifer / X / Wilson, Erin
McCrea, Robin / X / Wright, Jenna
X / McMurry, Jeanette / Yant, Robin
1. / Disencumbering Purchase Orders – Sara Rumiano:
  • Review the Open Encumbrance Report in Insight to check for open encumbrances that have been received before the end of the fiscal year.
  • Contact the buyer in Procurement

2. / Hospitality Procedures – Sara Rumiano:
  • Effective July 1, 2014 new hospitality procedures and form are located at Requisitions are not required for hospitality reimbursements but are still required for hospitality services (e.g. catering).
  • We welcome feedback to any suggestions to this new form.

3. / Campus Marketplace Progress – Sara Rumiano:
  • E-Procurement System is a procurement card based system and does not interface directly with PeopleSoft. User will need to have a procurement card to purchase on the Campus Marketplace.
  • This system utilizes many different suppliers which have competitively bid contracts with the CSU. Pricing and delivery terms are very attractive.
  • OfficeMax will continue to have its own website.
  • Users will have their own unique login and shopping lists.
  • Chartfields for purchases utilizing the Campus Marketplace will be added to the Procurement Card Statement once the statement has been received and reconciled.
  • New system should be available in mid to late fall.
  • Contact Procurement & Contract Services if you have a need for a P-card.
  • Trainingguides and guidelines will be available soon.

4. / Financial Services Forms – Sara Rumiano:
  • We are in the process of updating all Financial Services forms, policies and procedures, and How Do I procedures. These new documents are located at

5. / Professional Development Purchases – Sara Rumiano:
  • Items purchased for professional development become the property of the CSU.
  • Must be purchased in the same fiscal year using General Fund monies; lottery funds cannot be used.
  • New guidelines will be posted soon.

6. / Budget Rollover – Jeni Kitchell:
  • G1006 rolls to each VP – questions to your divisional budget contact
  • Encumbrance & Prepaid budgets have been rolled over.
  • IRA – was rolled over at the College Level

7. / Fund Balance Rollover – Jeni Kitchell:
  • The following accounts/funds do not have a budget and the balances rollover at June 30 in a 580F19 entry. Please verify balances.
  • Health
  • USAC – University Studies Abroad Consortium
  • T96xx Funds
  • Y Funds

8. / Student Fees – Jeni Kitchell:
  • Consolidated Course Fee (CCF) – College Level
  • 2013/14 Rollover has been posted (20% carryover limit)
  • 2014/15 Allocation has been posted to each college
  • Spend these restricted funds first
  • Student Learning Fee (SLF)
  • 2014/15 Awards have been posted
  • Allocated to account codes based on proposal budget
  • Clarification regarding deviation from original proposal budget
  • Program codes start with “640” – see corrected listing located on the SLF website at
  • ***Reminders from 2013/14***
  • Payroll corrections must be submitted by 5/31
  • No June student payroll should post to SLF; June payroll paid in July of new year.
  • Expenditures vs. Encumbrance at 6/30.

9. / Budget Transfers – Jeni Kitchell:
  • The 14/15 template is online at
  • The naming convention should be your first name initial, last name, and numbered sequentially; i.e., JKITCHEL01, JKITCHEL02, etc.
  • Scenarios
  • The only scenarios to be used by the departments are OPERATING and CRRYOVRRTN
  • The following scenarios are used only by the Budget Office or VP – AOXPOST (receive new funds from the CO), BASE, CRRYOVER, INITIAL, ONETIME, ROLLENCPP (Roll Encumbrance Prepaid), ROLLFORWARD
  • Review the Insight budget detail report for the analysis of budget dollars.

10. / Campus Partners: C4401– Jeni Kitchell:
  • CERF – Continuing Education Revenue Fund
  • Spending remains on hold until Campus Partnership Agreements are finalized.

11. / FIN:
12. /
  • None

# / Task / Responsible Party / Due Date / Status
1. / Hospitality Procedures - Is there a dollar limit for gifts? / Sara Rumiano / 10/24/2014 / See below
2. / Professional Development Purchases –Are licenses covered? / Sara Rumiano / 10/24/2014 / See below
Date: October 24, 2014 / Time:10:30 am – 12:00 pm / Place: KNDL 207-209
  1. Hospitality Procedures
  2. Is there a dollar limit for gifts?As part of being good custodians of the University’s monies, gifts must be consistent with the hospitality procedure and only purchased using the funds allowed in the Hospitality Matrix. There is no published limit on gifts but they should be consistent with the mission and fiduciary responsibilities of the University as well as appropriate and administratively wise. Since this is a new procedure for CSU Chico, it is recommended that you contact Procurement & Contract Services prior to purchasing any gifts using University funds.
  1. Professional Development Purchases
  2. Are licenses covered? We are waiting for Academic Affairs to release updated Professional Development Guidelines that address licensing.