Stir-Fried Rice Noodle with Shrimp Ingredients
1. 12 fresh Shrimp
2. 90 gram Dry Rice Noodle (3 - 5 m.m.)
3. 50 gram Fresh Bean Sprouts
4. 2 tablespoons Chopped (1") Green Onion
5. 6 tablespoons Fish Sauce
6. 6 tablespoons Oyster Sauce
7. 3 teaspoons Vinegar
8. 2 tablespoons Sugar
9. 2 Tablespoons Preserved Turnip
10. 2 Tablespoons Crushed Peanuts
11. 1 Tablespoon Paprika
12. 2 Eggs
13. 1 Teaspoon Red Chili (for Spicy lover)
14. 1/2 Lemon
Stir-Fried Rice Noodle with Shrimp Preparations
1. Soak the noodles about 30 minutes in room temperature water.
2. Heat and season the wok. Add the Shrimp and grill for 90 seconds. Add the Eggs. When the eggs are not quite finished, add the Noodles, Sugar, Peanuts, Turnips and Paprika. Stir Fry until all ingredients are mixed well and the noodles are wilted.
3. Season with the Fish Sauce, Oyster Sauce and vinegar. Then add Bean Sprouts, Green Onions and Red Chili. Stir fry quickly ensuring everything is well combined. If you like wet noodle dishes de glaze with 5 oz. water stock. If you like firmer dry noddles de glaze with only 2 oz. water stock. Place on Serving plate and garnish with more Bean Sprouts and a Lemon wedge.
Coco Punch
Coconut juice2J
Pineapple ¾ J
Milk 1 J
Cream ¾ J
Coconut Syrup ¼ J
Usingthefiltershakerand mix them up.
Words and Definitions
Shrimp( n) : a small crustacean
Noodle (n) a food paste made usually with egg and shaped typically in ribbon form
sprouts (n) : edible sprouts especially from recently germinated seeds
Green Onion(n): a young onion pulled before the bulb has enlarged and used especially in salads
Sauce (n) a condiment or relish for food; especially
Vinegarn : a sour liquid obtained by fermentation of dilute alcoholic liquids and used as a condiment or preservative
Sugar (n) a sweet crystallizable material that consists wholly or essentially of sucrose, is colorless or white when pure tending to brown when less refined
Turnip (n) either of two biennial herbs of the mustard family with thick edible roots
Peanuts(n)low-branching widely cultivated annual herb (Arachis hypogaea) of the legume family with showy yellow flowers having a peduncle which elongates and bends into the soil where the ovary ripens into a pod containing one to three oily edible seeds; also: its seed or seed-containing pod
Eggs(n)the hard-shelled reproductive body produced by a bird and especially by the common domestic chicken; also: its contents used as food
Lemon(n) an acid fruit that is botanically a many-seeded pale yellow oblong berry produced by a small thorny citrus tree (Citrus limon) and that has a rind from which an aromatic oil is extracted
garnish(V) to add decorative or savory touches to (food or drink)
Coconut(n) the drupaceous fruit of the coconut palm whose outer fibrous husk yields coir and whose nut contains thick edible meat and coconut milk
Pineapple(n) a tropical monocotyledonous plant (Ananas comosus of the family Bromeliaceae, the pineapple family) that has rigid spiny-margined recurved leaves and a short stalk with a dense oblong head of small abortive flowers