Band Boosters of Lake Zurich


Band Boosters of Lake Zurich Board of Directors Meeting

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Rick Mercer at 7:05 pm.

2. Attendees:

Rick Mercer, Sheri Conover, Lynne Recktenwald, Dennis Byrd,

Jenni Witt, Josh Thompson, Tom Ketchum, Marline Barrett,

Catherine Halinski, Charlotte Furton Walker, Amy Stone, John Leo,

Lynne Recktenwald

3. New Business

·  Spirit buttons, Jenni Witt was going to get estimates. We are still waiting to hear.

4. Approval of Minutes:

·  Minutes were approved from last month

5. Band Director’s Report

·  120 responses so far on the parent survey about Paris

o  Small percentage of parents would like to reconsider this trip

o  Survey is open until this Friday

o  Looking into a local firm for a more comprehensive travel insurance program

§  This would cover basically any reason the trip would be cancelled

·  Concerts went well

·  Jazz band is working towards Jazz by the Lake

·  Solo and Ensemble information was handed out

o  Harvard is where it is going to be held

o  We are participating in this instead of teaming up with other local schools

·  Josh and Sheri to attend Music conference this week

o  They are asking if BBLZ can cover the $150 per person registration fee

o  Vote was issued and passed, BBLZ will cover the $300 total

·  Lots of positive feedback about the pep band that attended the Northwestern game

6. Financial Officer's Report:

·  Friends of BBLZ –

o  50 Printed flyers to be given to the business’s that ordered poinsettias

o  Sent out 115 letters to LZHS band alumni

o  $1250 donation received

·  One scholarship still outstanding

·  Poinsettia sales really came through for the band

o  More plants sold than last year for an increase in profits

·  The restaurants fundraisers are helping the budget as well

·  Still 63 buzz books left for sale…come get yours!

·  The budget is now back on target

7. Fundraising

·  Poinsettias

o  Sales were up this year

o  Final total 3,552 plants were ordered for all three schools

o  Next month we will have the breakdown of all three schools

o  A lot of volunteers which was wonderful and very helpful!

·  Jazz By the Lake

o  Sold 120 tickets to date

o  A total of 150 tickets are available total….so BUY soon!!!!!!

§  Only 30 Tickets LEFT…….

o  Starting to work on raffle items

·  Manna Gift Cards

o  Lots of new people tried the service this month

o  No other updates available

·  Uniforms

o  Hangers will be purchased for guys jackets and will be covered by BBLZ

·  Newsletter

o  No update

o  Printer has been selected for future use

§  UPS who has BBLZ as a tax free entity

·  Website

o  When the site is first brought up, users are receiving a memory error

§  If you reload the site it will come up

§  Need to add additional memory to the server, Rick to assist

§  Need to update the About Us section of the site with the officers

·  Dennis to provide updated Friends of BBLZ form and list of officers

·  Ornaments

o  $120 dollars to the band from the sale

·  California Pizza Kitchen

o  Completed last month

·  Chik-fil-A

o  We are on for Chik-fil-A fund raiser for Tuesday, December 22 – one week from tonight – from 5-8 pm – you doNOT need to have the flyer, but will need to say you are with BBLZ for us to get credit for sales.

o  There fund raiser is based on what you sell for the night – the more you bring in for their business, the more we get – we have to have $500 in sales to get anything … starting at 10% up to 20% if we have over $1500 in sales.

o  For Dec 22 only, we can have dining in / carry out from 5-8 PLUS any catering (platters) for the entire day …

o  The MONTH OF DECEMBER we can earn the same percentages for CATERING ONLY. So, if you buy a platter of chicken fingers any time for the month, we can earn money as well.

o  Chik-fil-A also will give us another fundraiser for the kids individual accounts, if you think we can make any sales … they have a calendar – I sent one with Matthew to give to Josh / Sheri today – there is a disc or number for you to key in to get you $40 worth of coupons throughout the year. They will sell it to us at $5, we can sell for $10 … but would need to do this in Feb at latest, since coupons start in January of 2016.

§  Discussed at meeting and the idea has been turned down

·  Band o Rama

o  Troy Smith, still an outstanding check for reserved seats

·  DVDs

o  Rick is going to begin looking at the footage and begin to create the DVDs

o  We have volunteers who are willing to sell

o  Last concert is in early May

o  DVDs will be set except for this last concert

o  A couple of snip-its will be added before they are distributed

o  Sold 36 at the Winter concert

Meeting Adjourned @ 8:00 pm

Next Meeting: January 19, 2015 @ 7:41 pm small auditorium