Summertime Illness and Injury Prevention

Pre-Test / Pause and Reflect Activities / Final Test

Due June 30th, 2018

*A passing score is 80 points. All questions must be answered.

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Name: First and Last
Child Care Name and City:
STARS Number:
(required for STARS credit)
Email: print clearly
Phone number:

What type of child care: Are you a:

Family/Home Child Care
Center Child Care
School Age Care
Preschool Program
Other: / New Provider
Experienced Provider
Number of years in profession:

*** Please return completed test by email to or by mail to:

Snohomish Health District

Attn: Child Care Health Outreach Program

3020 Rucker Avenue, Suite104

Everett, WA 98201

After you send in the test, we will reply to you and tell you that we received your test. If you do not get a reply from us within 4 days, please let us know. Your STARs credits will be entered into MERIT before you receive your certificate. Certificates may take up to 4 weeks for you to receive. Thank you for your patience.

If you have questions about content of this class or test please contact:

Micha Horn, CCHOP Environmental Health Specialist: 425-339-8712,

Please do tests individually. Tests that appear to be copied or altered will NOT be accepted.

DO NOT leave any questions unanswered. Follow directions carefully. Unless otherwise noted, each answer is worth 2 points.

I have read and understand the above statements and instructions.


Take a few minutes BEFORE you read the course materials and answer these 5 true or false questions. This section of this answer sheet will not be graded. Do not go back and change your answers after reading the text.

1. T F Rabbits are the type of animal most commonly infected with hantavirus.

2. T F The sun helps our body make vitamin A.

3. T F Wading pools are a great idea for all child care facilities.

4. T F It is a good idea to use a tablecloth or blanket when going on a picnic.

5. T F Chlorine kills all the germs in swimming pool water.

Pause and Reflect #1—

(8 pts total)

Most child cares engage children in their care in some forms of water play over the course of the summer. Answer the following questions regarding water play at your child care.

Are you a home provider - or - center – or - school-age care program (1 pt)

What age(s) of children do you care for (check all that apply)? (1 pt)

infants (12 mo) toddler (1-2 yrs) preschool (3-5 yrs) school-age (6+ yrs)

What types of water play do you participate in? (check all that apply) (1 pt)

natural bodies of water

small portable wading pool

on-site swimming pool

public swimming pool

public spray park


water play tables

other types of water play

What is one creative way that you incorporate water play into your child care program? (3 pts)

What is one thing you already do, or one thing you could be doing, to make that type of water play safe for the children? (2 pts)

Pause and Reflect #2—

(2 points each; 16 pts total)

Match the insect pest with the helpful hint associated with it. Use the chart provided in the class materials. You may use a letter more than once.

1. / Empty all containers of standing water to keep these pests from breeding / A. Mosquitoes
2. / If these pests are inside your child care, follow them to find their point of entry / B. Bees and wasps
3. / Keep grass mowed and bushes trimmed in child care space / C. Flies
4. / Avoid being outside between dusk and dawn when these insects are most
active / D. Ants
5. / Child care pets should be on a control program for these pests / E. Fleas and/or Ticks
6. / Make sure to bring epi pens for these pests’ stings with you onto the playground or on field trips
7. / Wear long pants and long sleeved shirts when entering woody, brushy, or grassy places
8. / Keep all garbage cans covered

Pause and Reflect #3—

(14 pts total)

Being safe in the summer sun means making sure that children are protected from the sun’s heat and harmful rays.

List three different things that you can do at your child care to protect the children from harm from the sun. (2 pts each)

1. ______


2. ______


3. ______


Next, answer the following questions about your child care’s sunscreen policies.

Who provides the sunscreen for the child care?(1 pt)

Parents for their own children Child care for all children

Describe how you apply sunscreen to the children. Include information on what you do between different children and/or how you make sure you are not contaminating bulk containers. (3 pts)

After reading the information in the course text about sunscreen, what are two things that you think parents need to know before providing a sunscreen for their child? (2 pts each)

1. ______


2. ______


Final Test Section

Part A: True/False Questions(2 points each)

1. T F Rabbits are the type of animal most commonly infected with hantavirus.

2. T F Because colds are caused by viruses and not the weather, they can happen anytime of the year.

3. T F The number of bites from animals increases in the summer months.

4. T F Swimmer’s itch is caused by a virus and can be prevented by not drinking the water.

5. T FIt is a good idea to use a tablecloth or blanket when going on a picnic.

6. T F The sun helps our body make vitamin A.

7. T F Chlorine kills all the germs in swimming pool water immediately on contact.

8. T F Illnesses that are spread through water play are called “recreational water illnesses” (RWIs).

9. T F Having children play in wading pools is a great idea for all child care facilities.

10. T F A medication/sunscreen authorization form must be filled out by the parent or guardian before the child care can apply sunscreen to a child.

11. T F It is wise to keep toddlers in their strollers when taking them into an animal enclosure to keep them safe.

12. T F Most often dog bites are caused by a dog known to the person who is bitten.

Part B: Multiple Choice (2points each)

Choose ALLthat apply

11.All the following are true about summer colds …

summer colds are more often associated with enteroviruses

they spread easily where a large number of people gather such as in child care settings

they can show severe symptoms

are caused by cold weather

12.The following types of food are considered to be “TCS foods” or “potentially hazardous foods”:

cooked potato salad

sunflower seed butter and jelly sandwiches

sliced watermelon

chocolate milk

13. An ideal sunscreen should:

protect against both UVA and UVB rays

say “Broad Spectrum”

be a spray-on type

have an SPF of at least 15

14. Germs causing RWIs are spread by:

swallowing water

breathing in mists

contact with contaminated water

showering with soap

15.To protect children from insects:

use an insect repellent every time they go outside during child care hours

wear shoes when walking outside to avoid bee stings

make sure all windows and doors have screens

spray the child with water whenever you see an insect near them

Part C: Short Answer

16. List three ways that children cansafely play with water in your child care facility:(8 points)

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

17. What is one reason why some exposure to sunshine is important for the human body? 2 pts

18. are the only animals known to carry the rabies virus in Washington State. 2 pts

19. If you take perishable foods on a picnic, make sure to keep them in a cooler with ice at a temperature of °F or below at all times. 2 pts

20. List two precautionsthat you should take when visiting petting zoos to protect children from getting diseases from animals.(4pts)

1. ______

2. ______

21. is the second most common cause of death from unintentional injuries in children ages 1-14 years old. 2 pts

22. List 2 food safety principles that you can use to make sure that your picnic food will not make anyone sick.(4pts)

1. ______


2. ______


23. (type of germ) is the number one cause of swimming pool related diarrheal illnesses. 2 pts

24. What is one fun thing that you plan to do with your child care this summer?


25. I understand that after I send in my test, the Child Care Health Outreach program staff will reply by email and tell me that they have received my test and evaluation. If I do not get a reply from them within 4 days for electronically submitted and 1 week for mail deliveries, I should call and make sure they got my test. My STARs credits might be entered into MERIT before I receive my certificate. It may take up to 4 weeks to receive my certificate. (This checkbox is worth 2 pts.)