Departmental Honors in the MillerCollege of Business

In an effort to further recruit, retain, and recognize our highest-achieving students, we are working to revitalize Departmental Honors within Miller College. Here are a few reminders with regard to Departmental Honors:

  • A student does not need to be in the Honors College to receive Departmental Honors.
  • The Honors College, however, does track the students and submits the necessary form that allows the honors designation to appear on their transcripts.
  • Honors College will need to review and possibly make suggestions to the departmental requirements you determine (below). They also maintain a copy of the requirements.
  • The Honors College follows each program’s requirements (below) for Departmental Honors designation: i.e., three courses plus a project, four courses plus a project, four courses plus a project with grades of B+ or higher, etc.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.5 required to earn the designation

Student Process

  1. Students need to meet with the departmental representative for Departmental Honors, typically the major advisor, to determine their eligibility.
  2. Students pursuing Departmental Honors need to “register” with Honors College.
  3. Upon completion of each course/requirement set by the department, the student needs to update their record with Honors College.
  4. If a thesis is part of the requirement, the student needs to meet with Dr. Ruebel, Dr. Emert, or Dr. Stedman in Honors College. One of these individuals will review the thesis proposal and provide permission to register for HONRS 499. If the student is not in the Honors College, the final thesis is kept in the department. If the student is in the Honors College, one copy of the thesis is submitted to Honors College if it is also their senior Honors thesis.Note:It is possible for a thesis to be approved by the department but not by Honors College, and vice versa. If the student is not in the Honors College, some departments care whether Honors College provides approval, while others do not.
  5. When all the requirements are complete, Honors College sends a list of those students who have completed departmental honors to the Commencement Office and the names are then entered into the commencement program.

Department of Accounting

Departmental Honors in Accounting


Students who satisfy Departmental Honors requirements will earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Accounting.” The achievement will be noted on the student’s transcript, departmental records, and in the commencement program.


To enter the Honors in Accounting program, a student must:

  1. Have a declared major in accounting.
  2. Have achieved (at least) junior standing and completed ACC 301 and ACC 305.
  3. Achieve an overall GPA of 3.7 or better.


  1. Earn a grade of B or better in an Accounting Honors research/creative project prepared under the guidance of an Accounting Department faculty member. The student may use Honors 499 or ACC 497.
  2. Earn a grade of B or better in 9 credit hours of work in accounting honors courses beyond ACC 301 and ACC 305. Three of the nine hours may be satisfied with ACC 369 (internship).
  3. Satisfy the requirements for graduation with a major in accounting.
  4. Achieve and overall GPA of 3.5 or better.


To obtain department honors credit, during the first week of class, or prior to beginning the internship, the student must inform the faculty member teaching the course (or supervising the internship) that the student wishes to take the course (internship) for Departmental Honors credit. The student must obtain a Departmental Honors form from the HonorsCollege and have it signed by the faculty member who will forward the signed form to the HonorsCollege.

The accounting honors course requirement (number 2 above) may be satisfied in one of two ways, or a combination of the two:

  1. Complete honors work in one, two, or three designated courses. If an honors project is to be done, the faculty member for each course and the student will decide what type of work the student will do to earn honors credit. The work may be additional academic work such as research and writing, creative projects, tutorials, essay reviews, additional readings, etc. The department faculty member will determine the specific range of work that will be acceptable for Department Honors credit. In any case, Department Honors course work will be in addition to regular course requirements.
  2. Satisfy Beta Alpha Psi membership requirements for one, two or three semesters. To obtain department honors credit under the Beta Alpha Psi option, the student will request that the Beta Alpha Psi faculty advisor inform the honors college that membership was satisfied during that semester.

Department of Economics

Departmental Honors in Economics


In order to earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Economics,” a student must complete the following program in addition to an independent study project or HONRS 499 (Senior Honors Project).


Any student whose GPA in Economics is 3.5 or above and who, based on departmental regulations, may take upper division courses.


The student must earn honors credit in a minimum of 3 upper division (300-400 level) economics courses (9 hours).


The procedure to earn honors credit is as follows: During the first week of class, the student must inform the faculty member teaching the course that he/she wishes to take the course for Departmental Honors credit. If the faculty member agrees, the student and the faculty member must agree on the type of academic work required for honors credit. This honors work might take the form of additional research and writing, creative projects, review essays, additional reading, etc. The project must be specified in writing, signed by both the faculty member and the student, and filed in the Economics Department office. The faculty member determines if honors credit will be granted subject to the following two restrictions: (1) Departmental Honors course work must be in addition to regular course requirements and (2) no course grade below “B” will be accepted for honors credit.

It is the responsibility of the student to obtain a Departmental Honors form from the Honors College, to have it signed by the faculty member responsible granting such credit and to return the completed form to the Honors College.


Students who complete Departmental Honors requirements will earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Economics” on their official university transcripts. The achievement will be noted in the commencement program and in departmental records.

Department of Economics - Interdepartmental

Departmental Honors in Mathematical Economics


In order to earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Economics,” a student must complete the following program in addition to an independent study project or HONRS 499 (Senior Honors Project).


Any student whose GPA in catalog specified major courses is 3.5 or above and who, based on departmental regulations, may take upper division courses.


The student must earn honors credit in a minimum of 3 upper division (300-400 level) economics or mathematics courses (9 hours). One of these courses must be in economics and one in mathematics. The third course may be in either discipline.


The procedure to earn honors credit is as follows: During the first week of class, the student must inform the faculty member teaching the course that he/she wishes to take the course for Departmental Honors credit. If the faculty member agrees, the student and the faculty member must agree on the type of academic work required for honors credit. This honors work might take the form of additional research and writing, creative projects, review essays, additional reading, etc. The project must be specified in writing, signed by both the faculty member and the student, and filed in the Economics Department office. The faculty member determines if honors credit will be granted subject to the following two restrictions: (1) Departmental Honors course work must be in addition to regular course requirements and (2) no course grade below “B” will be accepted for honors credit.

It is the responsibility of the student to obtain a Departmental Honors form from the Honors College, to have it signed by the faculty member responsible granting such credit and to return the completed form to the Honors College.


Students who complete Departmental Honors requirements will earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Economics” on their official university transcripts. The achievement will be noted in the commencement program and in departmental records.

Department of Finance & Insurance

Departmental Honors in Finance


Students who complete Departmental Honors requirements will earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Finance.” The achievement will be noted on the student’s transcript, departmental records, and in the commencement program.


A student wishing to be in the Departmental Honors program must:

  1. Have declared a major in Finance.
  2. Maintain a GPA of at least 3.5.


  1. Earn a grade of at least a B in the independent study project (Fin 497) or HONORS 499 (Senior Honors Thesis or Project, a mandatory course for all honors students) under the guidance of a faculty member in the department.
  2. Complete requirements to graduate with a major in Finance.
  3. The student must enroll in a minimum of nine credit hours of work in Finance 300-400 courses excluding FIN 300 and FIN 369.
  4. Enroll in FIN 367.


A student initiates enrollment in Departmental Honors by obtaining and completing an enrollment card to be kept on file in the Honors College office (BA 104).

The procedure to earn honors credit is as follows: During the first week of the class, the student must inform the professor teaching a course that he/she wishes to take the course for Departmental Honors credit. If the professor agrees, the student and the professor draw up an agreement identifying the type of academic assignment the student will do to earn honors credit. This can include research studies, reports, creative projects, and readings. Departmental Honors assignments must be in addition to regular course requirements. At the completion of each course taken for Departmental Honors, the student obtains a form from the department office or the HonorsCollege to be signed by the course instructor and returned to the HonorsCollege office.


Only a course grade of “B” or above will be accepted for honors credit.

Faculty:Dr. Ratin Ratinasamy, Professor. Office - W B 353. Phone - 285.1660.

Department of Finance & Insurance

Departmental Honors in Risk Management and Insurance


Students who complete Departmental Honors requirements will earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Risk Management and Insurance.” The achievement will be noted on the student’s transcript, departmental records, and in the commencement program.


To earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Risk Management and Insurance” a student must complete the following requirements in addition to an independent study project or HONORS 499 (Senior Honors Thesis or Project, which is mandatory for all students in the Honors College Program). Any student who has junior standing, a 3.5 GPA or more, and a major in Risk Management and Insurance is eligible for the departmental honors program.

The student must enroll in a minimum of nine credit hours of work in RMI 300-400 level courses designated as honors courses.


A student initiates enrollment in Departmental Honors by obtaining and completing an enrollment card to be kept on file in the Honors College office (BA 104).

The procedure to earn honors credit is as follows: During the first week of the class, the student must inform the professor teaching a RMI course that he/she wishes to take the course for Departmental Honors credit. If the professor agrees, the student and the professor draw up an agreement identifying the type of academic assignment the student will do to earn honors credit. This can include research studies, reports, creative projects, and readings. Departmental Honors assignments must be in addition to regular course requirements. At the completion of each course taken for Departmental Honors, the student obtains a form from the department office or the HonorsCollege to be signed by the course instructor and returned to the HonorsCollege office.


RMI 474, Seminar in Risk Management and Insurance, is a required honors course. All other 300-400 level RMI courses can be designated as honors courses.


Only a course grade of “B” or above will be accepted for honors credit.

Faculty:Professor S. Avila. Office - W B 343. Phone – 285.5220.

Department of Information Systems and Operations Management

Departmental Honors in Business Education


To earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Business Education” student must complete the following requirements in addition to an independent study project or HONORS 499 (Senior Honors Thesis or Project, which is mandatory for all students in the Honors College Program). Any student who has junior standing, a 3.5 GPA or more, and a major in Business Education is eligible for the departmental honors program.

The student must enroll in a minimum of six credit hours of work in specified Business Education courses.


A student initiates enrollment in Departmental Honors by obtaining and completing an enrollment card to be kept on file in the Honors College office (BA 104).

The procedure to earn honors credit is as follows: During the first week of the class, the student must inform the professor teaching a course that he/she wishes to take the course for Departmental Honors credit. If the professor agrees, the student and the professor draw up an agreement identifying the type of academic assignment the student will do to earn honors credit. This can include research studies, reports, creative projects, and readings. Departmental Honors assignments must be in addition to regular course requirements. At the completion of each course taken for Departmental Honors, the student obtains a form from the department office or the HonorsCollege to be signed by the course instructor and returned to the HonorsCollege office.


BED 387, Teaching Business and Marketing in Middle and Secondary School,is designated as an honors course.


Only a course grade of “B” or above will be accepted for honors credit.


Students who complete Departmental Honors requirements will earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Business Education.” The achievement will be noted on the student’s transcript, departmental records, and in the commencement program.

Department of Information Systems and Operations Management

Departmental Honors in Information Systems


To earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Information Systems” a student must complete the following requirements in addition to an independent study project or HONORS 499 (Senior Honors Thesis or Project, which is mandatory for all students in the Honors College Program). Any student who has junior standing, a 3.5 GPA or more, and a major in Information Systems is eligible for the departmental honors program.

The student must enroll in a minimum of eight credit hours of work in ISOM 300-400 level courses designated as honors courses.


A student initiates enrollment in Departmental Honors by obtaining and completing an enrollment card to be kept on file in the Honors College office (BA 104).

The procedure to earn honors credit is as follows: During the first week of the class, the student must inform the professor teaching an ISOM course that he/she wishes to take the course for Departmental Honors credit. If the professor agrees, the student and the professor draw up an agreement identifying the type of academic assignment the student will do to earn honors credit. This can include research studies, reports, creative projects, and readings. Departmental Honors assignments must be in addition to regular course requirements. At the completion of each ISOM course taken for Departmental Honors, the student obtains a form from the department office or the HonorsCollege to be signed by the course instructor and returned to the HonorsCollege office.


ISOM 490 is designated as the senior honors course for Information Systems. Additional courses may be selected from: ISOM 350, 410, 412, 413, 415, 417, 421, 430, or 450.


Only a course grade of “B” or above will be accepted for honors credit.


Students who complete Departmental Honors requirements will earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Information Systems.” The achievement will be noted on the student’s transcript, departmental records, and in the commencement program.

Department of Information Systems and Operations Management

Departmental Honors in Operations Management


To earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Operations Management” student must complete the following requirements in addition to an independent study project or HONORS 499 (Senior Honors Thesis or Project, which is mandatory for all students in the Honors College Program). Any student who has junior standing, a 3.5 GPA or more, and a major in Operations Management is eligible for the departmental honors program.

The student must enroll in a minimum of eight credit hours of work in ISOM 300-400 level courses designated as honors courses.


A student initiates enrollment in Departmental Honors by obtaining and completing an enrollment card to be kept on file in the Honors College office (BA 104).

The procedure to earn honors credit is as follows: During the first week of the class, the student must inform the professor teaching an ISOM course that he/she wishes to take the course for Departmental Honors credit. If the professor agrees, the student and the professor draw up an agreement identifying the type of academic assignment the student will do to earn honors credit. This can include research studies, reports, creative projects, and readings. Departmental Honors assignments must be in addition to regular course requirements. At the completion of each ISOM course taken for Departmental Honors, the student obtains a form from the department office or the HonorsCollege to be signed by the course instructor and returned to the HonorsCollege office.


ISOM 480 is designated as the senior honors course for Operations Management. Additional courses may be selected from: ISOM 455, 452, or 453


Only a course grade of “B” or above will be accepted for honors credit.


Students who complete Departmental Honors requirements will earn the designation “Departmental Honors in Operations Management.” The achievement will be noted on the student’s transcript, departmental records, and in the commencement program.