Résumé Raja Shaker Garlapati

Raja Shaker Garlapati

Email: Phone: 7329399389

Experience Summary

I am an associate with Tata Consultancy Services Limited for the last 10 years and having around 15 years of IT work experience. Having around 5 years of onshore experience. I have worked primarily in the domain of Oracle application server fusion middle ware, SOA, Printing, insurance, Pega rules engine. I am proficient in Java and J2EE. I am the technical lead for the development team & project leader for the production support team. As part of my role, would need to interact with architects, project managers and team members. Interact with architects on design of the modules related to the development. Interact with the project manager for managing the production support team, contract related work etc. Interacting with the development team for enriching the knowledge to the development team and work on the deliveries to meet the dead lines.

Career Profile

Dates / Organization / Role/Designation
Since April 2005 / Tata Consultancy Services Limited / Associate Consultant
June 2003 - March 2005 / Virtusa Corporation / Senior Software Engineer
Oct 2001 - May 2003 / Electrobug Technologies / Software Engineer
Dec 2000 - Sep 2001 / Organon Management Services / Programmer


Below is a list of important hardware, software products and tools that I have worked with.

Hardware / Software / Tools/Methodologies
Sun Microsystems Sun Blade 1500
Sun Microsystems Sun Fire v240
XEROX Production Printers / Weblogic Server 11g Oracle Application Server 10g, Oracle Internet Directory, JNDI, Tomcat.
SOA – BPEL, Webservices.
Java, J2EE, J2ME, jsp, servlets, XSLT, XML, Ajax, SOAP, Apache FTP, Derby, Hibernate, SNMP, Toplink, Spring, JSON, and JQuery.
Android mobile development, Cold fusion 8.
BPM Tools : Pega – PRPC / Agile, Waterfall, Scrum, Iterative, Cloud.
Eclipse, JDeveloper
JProbe: Memory Debugger & Profiler
Apache JMeter, SOAP UI
SVN, Squirrel, Wireshark, Beyond Compare, Jira, JTrac

Education Background

Degree and Date / Institute / Major and Specialization
Master of Computer Applications
September 2000 / Nishita P.G. College / Computer Science
Bachelor of Computer Science
April 1997 / Pragati Maha Vidyalaya Degree College / Computer Science

Professional Memberships / Certifications

Professional Society / Certification / Member Since / Date Certified
Sun Certified Java 2 Programmer 1.4 ( SCJP 1.4) / 2005
Pega Systems Process Commander System Architect / 2004


The details of the various assignments that I have handled are listed here, in chronological order.

Project / OpenUPTIME Web tools
Customer / Xerox
Location / Wilsonville, Oregon
Period / May 2011 to till date
Description / OpenUPTIME and its associated Web Tools are a set of COTS and in house developed applications that serves as a CRM system for NARS and its' sales and service delivery partners. Customer Support Group develops and supports the applications and interfaces required to provide service and support to the end customers, resellers, partners & technicians of Xerox. Sales group to sell contracts uses these applications; call center personnel to provide on call support & IM team to improve routine productivity.
Applications are mostly Web Tools, database interfaces or Business-to-Business services developed using SQL, PL/SQL, ColdFusion, Java, J2ee SOA technologies
Role / Project Leader & Technical Lead.
Responsibilities / ·  Requirements Reviews, Design Reviews, Code Reviews, Unit Testing, Defects/Defect tracking, Functional Specifications Documents, Technical Design Documents and Documentation.
·  Part of Project planning and management, people management, task management, communication management, release handling, causal analysis, status reporting, handling quality activities, client management, tracking and mitigating the risks.
·  Propose, plan and implement solutions to the customers.
·  J2EE application Suite – Provides web services, web interfaces using toplink, JAXB, JMS, jsp, jstl, jquery, j2ee technologies. Designed the caching module, proposed the architecture of integrating the Cold Fusion, J2ee Application using single sign on. Designed & developed the migration project for J2ee applications.
·  SOA Suite - Provides the enterprise web services using the BPEL, Webservices, Toplink technologies. Worked on the Learning @ Xerox, Triage BPEL services.
·  Cold Fusion Suite – Enhance the applications using Cold Fusion technology.
·  Project Management
a.  Project Resource management
b.  Task Management.
Solution Environment / Solaris 9.
Windows XP client, Oracle Application Server 10g environment, Weblogic server 11g.
Tools/Software / ·  Eclipse 3.0, JDeveloper 10, JDeveloper 11.
·  SVN, Webservices, Struts, Toplink.
·  Java, J2ee, jsp, servlets, jstl, jquery, cfml.
·  SOAP UI for Webservices testing.
Highlights / ·  Achieved the reorganization of TCS teams to the Xerox organization. Teams have been split and merged to handle the product support and development work.
·  Reverse Engineer and write the missing code, setup the SVN code repository for applications. Earlier it was PVCS. SVN merging of trees to merge different branches.
·  Resolved infinite looping issues in the JMS Outbound in ESR application.
·  Performance Improvements to the ESR application by introducing cache. Reduced the response time by 50%. Extended the caching to store the most used properties/values in application. Code to refresh the cache dynamically.
·  Initiated the development of BPEL processes. Now we have around 30 – 40 services developed over a period of time. Services keep growing every year.
·  Achieved the migration of BPEL 10g to 11g services. Resolved the major issue of importing WSDLs and caching rather than referring online.
·  Migrated the Java applications from Oracle 10g to Weblogic 11g as part of migration project.
·  Resolved date issues related to migration of Jaxb 1.0 to Jaxb 2.1. Used the global bindings to make the code compatible with legacy code.
·  Achieved the resolution of timeouts issue in BPEL services using checkpoint() functionality.
·  JQuery coding is introduced in applications. Replaced the browser based synchronous calls with JQuery calls.
Project / DMO PartnerNet Portal
Customer / Xerox.
Location / Hyderabad, India
Period / Apr-2009 to May-2011
Description / DMO successfully launched PartnerNet Portal in 2005 to provide Business Partners, Distributors and Resellers with direct and timely access to marketing materials and sales support. The number of registered users has grown from 900 in 2005 to ~ 25000 in 2010, with significant growth projected.
DMO has expanded the functionality of the offering primarily through external applications supported in an Application Server Portal and only loosely integrated with the portal itself. (e.g. Marketing Library, PR Pipeline and Rewards) This has resulted in a significant increase in user activity. It also supports internationalization with current support to 11 languages.
DMO PartnerNet portal servers as a single point of entry for Distributers, Authorized Service Providers and Resellers to all required Xerox applications in DMO.
Role / Project Lead & Developer.
Responsibilities / ·  Propose, plan and implement solutions to the customers.
·  Designed the Tier Management using JSON and Ajax implementation.
·  EBlaster – Mass emailing module (more 20k users).
·  Webservice for retrieving User Information
·  PRPipeline for reporting.
·  Helped the offshore CPBPProject team in development of the BPEL application.
·  Project Management
a.  Task/ Bug tracking, assignment and delivery.
b.  Service Packs and patch schedule management.
c.  Project resource management, Knowledge Transfer management.
Solution Environment / Solaris 9.
Windows XP client, Oracle Application Server 10g environment, Oracle Internet Directory, Android.
Tools/Software / ·  Eclipse 3.0, JDeveloper
·  SVN, Ant
·  Webservices, spring, Hibernate, toplink, Javamail, JNDI
Highlights / ·  Resolved multithreaded issues in the eBlaster module.
·  Performance Improvements
·  Helped the offshore CPBPProject team in development of the BPEL application.
·  Developed the PoC for the status of the printers on the Android Mobile.
Project / FFOM Development and Sustenance
Customer / Xerox
Location / Los Angeles, CA, Hyderabad, India.
Period / Apr-2005 to Mar-2009
Description / Mars is an output management software product targeted for production printers that primarily work with publication style documents (e.g. books, pamphlets, specifications).
Its primary purpose is to sit in front of a fleet of production printers and manage the flow of print jobs submitted to them. It is implemented as five Java applications (CLI, Server, Directory Polling and Port Monitor). All Mars applications are installed on a single Windows 2003 Server or Solaris 9 platform. Although the Mars applications are installed on a single host, its primary graphical user interface is accessed through a Web browser and can therefore be run on any connected host. Communication between the services of the FFOM is done through SOA.
The Extensible Interface Platform (EIP) is a set of extensibility interfaces that are supported on certain Xerox office device platforms. EIP enables third parties to provide applications to end users at the MFD. Generally, end user access to EIP applications is mediated through the touch-screen device interface.
Role / Performance and Development Lead.
Responsibilities / ·  Propose, plan and implement solutions to the customers.
·  Designed the accounting module using struts framework and apache derby database.
·  Designed and developed the EIP module:
a.  Development of secure web services client. Used Axis 1.4 to develop the classes for SOAP communication.
b.  Designed Web UI interface for the different MFD families (76xx, 73xx, 2xx, 56xx)
c.  Customization of FTP server using Apache FTP library.
d.  Generation of PDF file through Apache iText library for the confirmation sheet.
e.  Scan job status is tracked through the iReasoning library using the SNMP protocol.
f.  Exchange of information between MFD and FFOM server is done through AJAX using JSON format.
·  Developed a PoC for migration of file system based to database using Hibernate.
·  Used Install Anywhere for packing FFOM software.
·  Fixed Cross Scripting vulnerabilities.
·  Performance & Reliability
a.  Designed the automated EIP job submission client
b.  Developed the LPR job submission client
c.  Developed the IPP job submission client
d.  24Hrs runs, 50k, 250k run.
e.  Web QCD Metrics.
·  Project Management
a.  Task tracking, progress and delivery.
b.  Bug tracking, assignment and delivery.
c.  SPAR/TE handling.
d.  Service Packs and patch schedule management.
e.  Project resource management, Knowledge Transfer management.
Solution Environment / Solaris 9.
Windows 2003, Windows 2008.
Tools/Software / ·  Eclipse 3.0
·  JProbe Memory Debugger & Profiler, JConsole
·  Apache JMeter, Install Anywhere, SVN, Ant, Squirrel
·  Wireshark, Derby, Struts, SOA, Webservices
Highlights / ·  Resolving Deadlocks
·  Performance Improvements
Project / Omega
Customer / American International Group
Location / Colombo, Sri Lanka, New Jersey, USA, Hyderabad, India.
Period / Jan-2004 to Mar-2005
Description / The Omega Project is the web application solution that will manage the Program and Underlyers life cycle. This application will enable the AIG to automate the complex process of reinsurance binding, Revisions and Endorsements. The External Web Services for creating the programs and underlyers, and for getting information using these services.
Role / Team Member
Responsibilities / ·  Designed and developed the Request Life Cycle.
·  Designed and developed the Revisions
·  Designed and developed the Endorsements.
Solution Environment / Windows, SQL Server, Tomcat, PRPC
Tools/Software / Pega Rules Process Commander (PRPC)
Highlights / ·  Developed a POC for the Webservice.
Project / Designer Desktop
Customer / Pega Systems
Period / Jun-2003 to Dec-2003
Description / Pega is a pioneer in rules technology. Pega provides "Simply Smart" Business Process Management (BPM) solutions. Blue-chip companies in financial services, healthcare and insurance turn to Pega's rules-driven BPM technology to streamline business processes.
The projects performed under this account are using versatile technologies from JSP/J2EE to core java, XML, expression parsing. Projects aim at improving flow of functionalities, Improving utility, change in UI and improvement in performance of the PRPC product. Various new features are added in PRPC product.
Role / Team Member
Responsibilities / ·  Designed and developed the conversion of the Activex Component into IE compatible javascript component.
·  Data Transfer between the components was achieved using Object-Oriented Javascript.
·  Implemented MVC architecture in javascript technology.
·  Improve Performance using SAX over DOM.
Solution Environment / Windows, SQL Server, Tomcat, PRPC
Tools/Software / Pega Rules Process Commander
Highlights / ·  Designed and developed the Javascript tree in Internet Explorer.
Project / Intelli Web Miner & XML Migration
Period / Jan-2003 to May-2003
Description / This is an application to crawls the web sites and compiles profiles of employer information. This is a tool for crawling a list of defined websites, sorting all employer information found in those web sites, converting to XML and inserting them into the database. This is a convenient crawler that is simple to use and is extendable. This is a powerful employer information extractor that can crawl from CGI, PHP, ASP pages and other dynamically generated pages.
This application is a user-friendly GUI tool targeted for the B2B, B2C and e-Business Applications where there is vast Data Exchange. It deals with exchange of data between different applications and different databases on any platform using XML. This tool can be used for migrating data from mdb, xls, and csv files to xml and from xml to oracle database.
Role / Technical Lead.
Responsibilities / ·  Design and developed the template classes for crawling.
·  Design and developed the library for crawling.
·  Design and developed the classes to convert xml to database.
Solution Environment / Windows
Project / J2ME Mobile Networking
Customer / Motorola
Period / Apr-2002 to Dec-2002
Description / The mobile phones provided to the technicians enabled them to view and store the daily job listing, add a new job, edit an existing job etc.
Role / Team Member.
Responsibilities / ·  Developed the job listings
·  Developed the Order Module.
Solution Environment / Windows.
SQL Server.
Highlights / ·  Usage of Ajax for communication.
Project / Net Banking
Customer / Internal
Period / Oct-2001 to Mar-2002
Description / Bill Pay Service is a facility with which the customers of the Bank who are registered for this usage can pay their telephone bill, Electricity bill, LIC premiums, water bill, municipal bill etc online. There are totally five sub modules namely Customer, Bank Staff, Bank Branch officer, Payment Service, Credit card center modules.
Role / Team Member.
Responsibilities / ·  Developed the Bill Payment Module.
Solution Environment / Windows.
Project / BizComm4u
Customer / Internal
Period / Dec-2000 to Sep-2001
Description / It provided enhanced functionalities such as Conference, Broadcasting, Chat Rooms, Reminders, Organizers, and Forums grouped into four service groups namely BizComm Services, Directory Services, Communication Services and Business Services for medium enterprises by developing a unified interface for existing communication services and advanced technologies in business communication.
Web based application Skill Quill enables recruiting agencies, organizations and Education Institutions to conduct talent scouting on a mass scale for efficient, quick and genuine candidate recruitment process.
Role / Team Member.
Responsibilities / ·  Developed the communications module.
·  Developed the question module
·  Developed reports module
·  Developed the online examination module
Solution Environment / Windows.
Java Web Server.
Apache Tomcat.
SQL Server.
Project / Library Management Information System.
Customer / Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University.
Period / Dec-2000 to Sep-2001
Description / This package provided up-to-date and on-line information regarding availability of material in the library
Role / Team Member.
Responsibilities / ·  Developed the Acquisition
·  Developed the cataloguing.
Solution Environment / Windows.

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